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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I think we saw some scenes on the beach where people were distancing but nothing mentioned in any storyline. 

If Dana had been infected by John then she would have shown symptoms long before now.  She spent the night with him don't forget.  That was an oversight no-one picking up on the fact John had gone to the Diner, got himself a coffee and a muffin  and come back.  As an offshoot of this I'm loving John and Dana's  friendship.  She's been given the all clear and is willing  to come back to work as of course they will be busy.  It appears, if what Bree thinks is true, it did come from the Diner so it was Maz who infected John.🤔  They do have the same symptoms.  We don't know if they showed symptoms at the same time do we?   Different symptoms too, the customer being sick, the other guy looking queasy, Theo  and Remi seemingly unaffected.  Big ask of Bree asking Irene for names of who was there - she'd only know the staff and any regulars - others would be just drop-ins.   OK the containers weren't the cause of whatever it is, but have the authorities discovered what was in it that smelt so foul and why it was in sealed containers?  Not as suggested on another site the muffins then.  Guy at table hadn't been eating them.    Xander who was in the Diner when that woman vomited quite close to him wasn't affected nor was Roo so very random.    Seeing as Xander didn't show any symptoms I'm guessing Salt is still open? 

Cash, in my eyes, didn't mess up.   The threat, a very real threat, namely Wickham, was under key.  Stevie would have had other zealous fans who love to be close to their idol, wanting to touch them, have selfies, but posing no danger and certainly wouldn't want to hurt them. Wickham was totally out there.   Cash, being Cash  however does think he failed, he does have  a conscience.  It could have  happened in the middle of the night, Cash could have  been asleep or is he supposed to stay awake just in case?  Which is why I guess he won't be going to Stevie's funeral. Remi bullied -  as if.🙄     Little mention of Remi and Bree giving each other space so he can decide if when/if they get back together, though of course at the moment she has other things on her mind.

Looking like Iluka is going to be stirring up trouble - of all the cars he could nick it was Justin's. 

:offtopic:I liked Flick's dress. 

Edited by H&Alover
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Well, as it turns out, Iluka didn't steal Justin's car: Never a good idea to take a promo at face value! Still, his suddenly producing a bag full of thousands of dollars hasn't exactly convinced Mali that he's on the straight and narrow.And apparently he doesn't know Rose is a cop? So, apparently Victoria and Elandra haven't been talking about her that much then? He does finally get to ask Kirby out though. I'd have thought Leah would have been able to hear Justin shouting after her, but maybe she thought it'd be quicker to ring him rather than to stop and explain. His mournful "I loved that car" was simultaneously funny and endearing.

So, turns out all the illnesses are down to simple wear and tear in the Diner's pipes.Although it was kind of glossed over since most of the characters involved have used up their episodes for the week, at least that means John, Marilyn and anyone else who's ill can be treated. The Diner might have a bit of trouble rebuilding their customer base though...

I had to roll my eyes at Remi saying this is Cash's last chance to prove Stevie was right to trust him and feel safe with him. Her being alive might be better proof!

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On 17/07/2024 at 21:59, Red Ranger 1 said:

It's been like that for quite a while, although I'm struggling to remember the last time there were four people living there. Was there a point when Irene, Willow, Jasmine and Bella were all there?

Ah, I lose track. 

I was half expecting this Diner story to be a way to work the Pier reopening back in.

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Mali was quick to jump to the conclusion we did though of course he knows him better than we do.   That did seem odd Victoria and Elandra hadn't mentioned the fact Rose was a cop, if he's sticking around he'll find out soon enough so better that Mali fills him now.    Are we going to see the equivalent of Mantaray Point's RB's pretty soon?   Now he's got all that dosh he can chip in for his keep as it appears he's staying longer a few days.  Iluka does think a lot of himself doesn't he?  

Boys and their toys eh.  It does have darkened windows so of course he wouldn't have seen the driver.   Mali panicked seeing Rose at the Surf Club in case Iluka came in.  Has Iluka 'borrowed' this money to help him in these comps he's taking part in?   Had to 😁 when Theo told Iluka he 'worked' in a family garage - well when he and Justin aren't  strolling around the bay/surfing that is.   

It was the repairs to the water pipes wasn't  it that caused the problem?  It is only in the last few days that people have been falling ill.  At least it is something that can be fixed but not cheap and that's not just the cost, it'll be getting customers back.   Water would be used a  lot in somewhere like the Diner, sinks for washing fruit and veg, a separate one for hand washing, I'm guessing they have a dishwasher - an electric one  not a human. Coffee and tea machines.  Great that Theo and Justin pitched in to help do the big clean. 

Remi was very good at persuading Cash it wasn't it his fault, though I know  you don't agree Red.  As said before Wickham was determined to get Stevie however long it took  and if Cash had had prior warning he wouldn't have left Stevie on her own, but he couldn't stand over her all day or night. She was doing her filming on a beach with crowds of people around which Wickham took advantage of.  I can't see the production company would let filming be put on hold until Wickham was caught.  I thought it maybe Remi would feel out of place going alone so that could be another reason he asked Cash to go with him.  I know we probably won't see it, but I'm guessing Nelson will be there. 

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Surprised Xander wasn't more suspicious of Bronte's autoimmune disease claim since the mortality rate for that is very low.  Being an ex-paramedic he would know that - of course the writers probably didn't bother to research before coming up with the idea.  Also she collapsed/fainted and he didn't find anything wrong with her to cause that?  Low blood pressure at a minimum I'd guess, but didn't raise any suspicions with him at all.  Didn't even bother to ask her which autoimmune disease she's supposedly suffering from.  No one has.  

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Mali might be wishing Iluka had just been stealing cars at this point.It does kind of raise the question about how much of what he's said about the Allens is true: Did they get arrested for stolen car parts or not? I felt Mali was a bit harsh in saying Iluka has no chance of turning pro, but he certainly shouldn't be betting anything on it. I thought Iluka walking out on Kirby spelt the end of their romance but she still seemed interested later. Maybe Rose will take her to the gig!

Xander asks some pointed questions about Bronte but still seems taken in by her.I guess "autoimmune disease" covers a whole range of things, which is what Bronte's counting on.

The episode did at least do a decent job of giving us updates on John and Marilyn when they can't appear!

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6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

It was the repairs to the water pipes wasn't  it that caused the problem? 

There hadn't been a repair, it was a leak found in one of the pipes, which allowed benzine from the insulation surrounding it to seep back into the water supply.

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Before I forget two unrelated things - No.1 Leah is still Patterson - she said so in that phone call to whoever it was.  No.2 Sarge has disappeared again🙄, you'd think he would have been around after Stevie's shooting but no it was left to Chief Constable Delaney. 

No offence to Xander but he was 'only'  a paramedic  so wouldn't know the complexities of autoimmune disease and Bronte did say what type she had but reckoned she couldn't pronounce it.  There are many types so sometimes even the doctors wouldn't know.   It was very convenient she collapsed while she was giving her GoFundMe speech, but of course she couldn't really put one up as someone out there would know her as ???.  She does like to introduce herself with the "I'm dying'  bombshell, but it did seem make her step back  when Irene introduced Xander as an ex paramedic.  She hasn't met Dana yet has she, as Dana has been isolating with John and I don't think has come back home since being 'released', that'll throw another spanner in her works.  She very likely didn't expect Irene to know three medical people. That's not counting Levi, but she doesn't really know him as such. 

Great news - the Diner has got the all clear so can now reopen👍 - let's hope their loyal customers show up.   Maybe Rose, Eden, Kirby, Mali could have  a meal there to show confidence.   I don't expect us to see Marilyn back just yet.  Has Alf been kept up to date? Did I hear Leah say the fridge/freezers had to be replaced, if so why? 🤔

I think, if I remember correctly the Allens thought he'd snitched to the cops as their place  been raided.   Iluka certainly didn't like Kirby taking Mali's side so stomped off leaving her in the lurch, but she still fancies him.  It hasn't been said how old Iluka is but him expecting to get in the NRL would be  a stretch and there is his knee injury to consider.    He did nick that money to pay to get into the NRL  He seems to have calmed down about the fact Rose is a cop, but now Mali has another secret to keep.   

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On 26/07/2024 at 13:49, H&Alover said:

Bronte did say what type she had but reckoned she couldn't pronounce it.

...How would that work? Anyway, she didn't say what type she had, just that it had a really long name.

Alf's episode count:Suspended.

Eden grouses about how inconvenient it was when Cash and Remi didn't get on but fails to realise it would be equally inconvenient for Felicity to go on hating Mackenzie.I know they double-teamed Xander but it does feel like Felicity and Mackenzie have snapped back to being friendly a bit abruptly: I don't really mind, because they've been through a lot together, but it was a bit much for Felicity to suddenly be acting like she cared about Mackenzie and Levi's relationship troubles.Still, at least the hug wasn't about that but about Mackenzie's lingering trauma over her heart troubles.To give Eden a bit of credit, she didn't rant and rave about it to either of them, she just decided to get out of there.A shame that it comes right as she's realising that they can't keep living off Kirby's royalties and whatever she's making from Mali forever!

While it was dumb of her to try and avoid the conversation, I wasn't too keen on the way Mackenzie was made out to be wholly in the wrong for being suspicious of Levi.He didn't offer any explanation for why he was being smarmy with someone who wasn't his patient at a hospital he doesn't work at yet, just got defensive and fired off platitudes.He might be sincere at the moment but I think Mackenzie's right to consider him another man making promises he can't keep.

I guess you were right, H&Alover, about Bronte not wanting to appear on the videos, as she's quick to jump at Harper's offer to be the face of the appeal! I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on the folks of Summer Bay for taking her at face value, I think most people would just accept a story like that and they're not privy to the secret phone calls.

I guess Theo must still be hot property to be able to refill the Diner like that!

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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Brontes plan couldn’t have gone any better she’s robbing from the the whole town I don’t know it seems very much like she’s faking cancer but she’s not actually said what it is 

Was that it with Malis brother seems abit pointless 

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