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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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On 29/07/2024 at 20:11, c120701 said:
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Rewinding again - sorry guys!  When the Diner first reopened Irene was worried about lack of customers, but in the background there was a young blonde woman in a stripey top  at  a table by the window.  Later on once Theo had 'dragged' more customers in -  OK I know he didn't do that - there she was still sitting at the same table, hadn't she moved at all? 🤔

While we know know Dana has got Bronte spot on as you said  Foelfan she was far too quick to jump in and accuse her, she does need more proof. Why do you hate Xander?  He's usually a good to go to guy, he steered Flick into making the right decision by making up with Eden. But he should have been more supportive with Dana.  Have we seen Harper and Dana have a talk about Bronte since Dana's 💡 moment. 

Lovely gesture from John giving Dana those flowers showing his appreciation for her standing by him. Not being nasty to John but those flowers must have cost  a pretty penny and we know he can be a tad on the tight side.  He did  drop in he had an averse affect from the benzine because of his heart.  But NO WAY would John even consider claiming  compo.  John could be right about Dana that she feels jealous that she's being pushed out by Bronte.   It had been briefly talked about by Dana and Harper about how rubbish their parents were and she skirted around John's questions about her parents.  He didn't say much but I think he could be in Dana's corner, he'd certainly want to stop Irene being conned. 

Very valid point made by Irene when Dana challenged her about Bronte - Irene took her and  Harper in, but Harper was supposed to be  a short term guest, then of course Dana crept in and Irene kept quiet about her.  Would Irene ask Dana to leave or will Dana suggest she leave for a while. Bronte did  say she had been crying while 'waiting' at the hospital and Irene was the only one to ask what was wrong. 

Oh the mystery of the containers has been revealed - apparently there had been a bad storm and this ship had lost it's load. I'm guessing who ever it should be has taken it all away. 

It was good that Flick and Eden made up - they have been friends for  far too long.  Just needed a nudge from Xander and Cash respectively to get them talking.  Laughed when Remi and Cash saw them strolling along hugging each other and Cash and Remi's  comments  to each other about how they were still in one piece.   They can breathe again. 

Slightly awkward chat between Remi and Bree, her asking how it went at Stevie's funeral and him saying he was glad Cash was there, then Dana barging in wanting to ask about Bronte. 

Tane is back and ignoring Harper - deliberately or not.  If it was a one off - he should tell her that. 


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Cash annoyed me when he was talking to Eden as given Eden's over the top reaction, I don't think Felicity made that much of a mistake to end a friendship over, given that she runs a business with Mackenzie.  The cynic in me was of the believe Eden threatening to leave the Bay was just attention seeking and it worked.  Remi, Cash, Felicity all running after her.  Felicity brought up the point about Mackenzie and Levi being good together.  I did say before that it didn't ring true but now it's happened a second time and thinking about it again, it's more consistent.  Felicity obviously didn't care about the affair.  Her beef was that she didn't like Mackenzie's supposed hypocrisy, so now that they've made up she's happy to support her as a friend again.

I've got mixed feelings about the storyline with Bronte.  I don't want Irene to get ripped off but I'm kind of enjoying the way it's making Dana look bad with most of the main people doubting her Xander, Irene and John.  They're basically making points about her character that I tend to agree with anyway.  It's just that Dana is correct about Bronte.  I will say with Xander, I did raise an eyebrow when he said he liked Bronte.  I'm assuming he wouldn't be so sympathetic if she was physically unattractive.  With Dana's confrontation with Irene, I thought she handled the whole thing really badly.  It wasn't so much what she said but the delivery.  And her remark about taking Bronte in, ignoring the fact that she would likely be dead if Irene hadn't done the same thing to her, from Irene's perspective makes Dana come across as ungrateful, irrespective whether she is in the right.  I was a little surprised at John, but I'm not complaining.  The downside is that Dana is presumably going to be vindicated and there's going to be some serious groveling towards her.

I'm guessing RR, you're not looking forward to the return of the 'Demigod'.

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H&Alover, I just find Xander a bit pointless to be honest he gives nothing and his continuing patronising of Dana today is even more annoying. Kind of hoping Dana's just telling him what he wants to hear and she'll turn detective again soon. Did like her boyfriend exchange with Harper, typical sister comedy, hehe!

Glad Tane's back, I know Harper's changed her mind but him stepping back is a good thing, another relationship is a bit early and also maybe assessing feelings in cold mundanity of everyday is a better way to begin, to make the same mistake twice would be silly as he did with Flick i.e. thinking with rocket rather than brain.

Also his plan for the gym, if memory serves me though I may be wrong, I think Ari had similiar thoughts when they first started, giving second chances as he had had, it was nice to hear him mentioned actually.

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Dana backing off is probably a good idea, because everyone around her's clearly an idiot and frankly Irene deserves to get ripped off the way she's been acting.I get that we might feel differently if we weren't privy to details about Bronte that they aren't, but none of the arguments against her made much sense and basically amounted to "I know she's terminally ill because she told me" (heck, everyone seems to be accepting it as fact even if they've never met her and have only heard about it second or third hand!). We even have them seriously asking "Why would she pretend to be dying?" when Irene's handing her 50,000 reasons.I liked the way Justin managed to sound simultaneously supportive and bored at Leah's dramas.

I did groan a bit when Tane was in the last episode's promo, but it is what it is and I guess I've kind of become a bit blase about the show's criminal bad boys evading the consequences of their actions and being treated like returning heroes.Roo flinging her arms round him like he's the messiah felt a bit off, but at least he does seem to be trying to do something worthwhile with this second chance.And it did give us the delicious moment of Harper thinking this is a big romantic reunion only to be treated like a one night stand who won't go away.That said, I did get the feeling Tane only drew a line under it because he thought that's what she wanted.

Another case of one in one out, with Roo and Tane being ships that pass in the night! Mind you, now Justin's getting an ominous phone call...

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Who was that phone call from, he mentioned  a name but couldn't catch it. 

Foelfan - Just because Xander isn't dynamic doesn't make him pointless.  He's one  one of the quiet ones who people can turn to.   I know he and Dana are clashing over Bronte but they did make up. Maybe for now just avoid the subject of ykw when they are together. 

We did get  an answer as to how many bedrooms there are at the beach-house - four - three upstairs and one downstairs. 

 I hope Dana doesn't gloat too much when she is proved right. I still think out of all of them John is more on her side. John may have got the wrong angle that Dana was jealous of Bronte taking  up all of Irene's time because of her childhood. Irene did meet Bronte at the ward/department she goes to for her six monthly/annual check up for her cancer so it wouldn't be hard for Irene to think that is why she was there. 

One thing no-one had thought of Irene suggesting Bronte suing the Diner would be illegal.  Is she going to proceed with it? 

Tane did think his and Harper's 'sleep-over' for want of a better phrase was a one night stand but at least after that rather awkward silence between them he did tell her that.  He would have still thought she didn't see him as boyfriend material after that rather clumsy lunge he made at her on the beach, it was just after he had split with Flick.  Though I can see he may be rather busy with this new project he's wanting to set up. 

 Btw the bay has had it's fair share of bad girls who were redeemed. 

This course does seem to have given him a new direction  in life wanting to stop young men/women to stay on the right path.  Tane was more of  wild one than he is now, Ari took him under his wing, the other bay folk took a chance on him and mostly it paid off.  Alf's been appraised of it and it has his OK, all John now needs to do is to put it to the Board, hopefully Tane has got all the necessary paperwork, plans in place, covering all possibilities as much as he can.   Although not the same as Nico was in the lifeguards it gave him a purpose in life, even if he did drop out a couple of times.  It was nice to get  a mention of Ari.  

Right at the end we meet the Allen's who I have to say did a better job of letting themselves into Mac's than Iluka did, he just picked the lock rather than bashing the door in.  What if someone had been in?   It seemed from what was said Iluka hadn't got he money back to them.

I'm guessing Roo has gone on the trip to cover for Georgie Taylor taking time off for her surgery. 






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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I'm guessing Roo has gone on the trip to cover for Georgie Taylor taking time off for her surgery. 

Georgia Taylor's in Coronation Street. Georgie Parker did a play and then, as you say, had a hip replacement.

You know, I suspect that quite a few of the audience would have quite happily seen Mackenzie and Levi tied up and gagged for a while now, and I have to say I didn't feel as much sympathy for Mackenzie as I would have done last year.It was kind of amusing to see how little Mali actually cares about Levi, not lifting a finger to help while he was getting seven bells knocked out of him, and then looking as though he had to think about it when the Allen matriarch (or whatever the term for a big sister who's in charge is) refused to let Levi be helped until he got Iluka. It doesn't help that Mackenzie had firmly grabbed the idiot ball: For goodness sake, even Marilyn knows not to give out her address to random guest characters who are probably villains!

Justin gives us an update on Ava, who seems to have regressed a bit since we last saw her: She seemed old enough to be able to live independently for at least a short while, but apparently no-one taught her how to budget!

Iluka did manage to get lucky with Kirby (and vice versa), I wondered if they would after him being a terrible date last week.

Harper really is coming across as a bit pathetic, especially when she was practically drooling at "the demigod" while he was looking at the laptop.

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2 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Georgia Taylor's in Coronation Street. Georgie Parker did a play and then, as you say, had a hip replacement.

You know, I suspect that quite a few of the audience would have quite happily seen Mackenzie and Levi tied up and gagged for a while now, and I have to say I didn't feel as much sympathy for Mackenzie as I would have done last year.It was kind of amusing to see how little Mali actually cares about Levi, not lifting a finger to help while he was getting seven bells knocked out of him, and then looking as though he had to think about it when the Allen matriarch (or whatever the term for a big sister who's in charge is) refused to let Levi be helped until he got Iluka. It doesn't help that Mackenzie had firmly grabbed the idiot ball: For goodness sake, even Marilyn knows not to give out her address to random guest characters who are probably villains!

It'd probably would have been her had she been in the ep!

I'd recommend keeping guns to fend from intruders but that's gone wrong on this show a fair bit (Ailsa/Alf, Martha Jr/Ric, Bruce/Geoff on this very farm, no less!)

Mac and Levi (bugger-all sympathy from me) were Wrong Place, Wrong Time.

Ava, why am I not surprised she totally spaffed her budget?



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I just can’t bring myself to care that much about Mac and Levi IIuka  looks like he could handle himself his pretty bulked out so I think with the help of Mali they can sort the Allan’s out 

I do find Kirby’s coming across very easy with IIuka it’s like come on girl play hard to get for awhile at least I do roll my eyes when she talks about being in a band who’s on a break Kirby could be smashing it as a solo star I still think that is very silly she give up on that chance 


How on earth is the show going to manage without Justin his like in nearly every episode bring Ava back 

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You spotted my deliberate error RR - well done.👏 I wondered who'd be the first to see it. 

My thoughts exactly - you hussy Harper undressing Tane with your eyes - 🤤 while he was concentrating on setting up this incentive.   Hope it doesn't run out of steam and he gets fed up with The Board putting restrictions on what he can or can't do. 

Yep definitely matriarch - Nat - I don't know if black leather has to be  go to wear for bad guy/girls, but the wardrobe department could be a bit more original.  Maybe Mac & Levi didn't have their more aware heads on giving Mali's address away so easily, did Mac say that is where she lived, Nat seemed surprised to see her?  Anyways  as already mentioned Campbell or Gordie did a much better job of getting into the Farmhouse, picking the lock which proved one thing they do know how to properly secure their property rather than smashing it open.   But Mac & Levi were that loved up they didn't  notice the door was open - 🙄.     Mali did try to hold of the Allen's   to get the money back to the them.   Seems they want to 'speak' to Iluka face to face.   Didn't look good for Levi, despite what we think of him. No-one deserves to get stabbed. 

Iluka did have the good grace to apologise to Kirby for his behaviour the previous week.  It was nice to hear them share their dreams, but unlike Kirby Iluka is a little old and damaged injury wise to pursue his.  Kirby is a fully grown adult so can choose if she wants to  go to bed with someone or not.    He does have the gift of the gab. I may be wrong  but was that the first time Iluka has ran into Rose since Mali told him she is a cop? 

It turned out one of the claimants had  a previous medical condition which ruled him out of getting compo which Maz mentioned at the coffee cart and was told to stop talking about it.  They don't everyone claiming do they? 

The mystery phone call was from Ava then - maybe and giving her the benefit  of the doubt she hasn't actually budgeted herself before.  Maybe just given money by mum to go and get whatever is on the list.   Just thought I've got this money I'll go and get all the groceries in one go.  I'm guessing Justin is better at budgeting than she is.   😆  Theo is there to keep watch over Leah not that she needs a  nursemaid/guardian. 

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