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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Levi getting stabbed continued to have a "It would be worse if it was someone other than Levi" feel to it: I guess the show came up with this to make us sympathise with him and Mac, but I don't think it quite hit the mark.The Allens came across as dangerous idiots, willing to risk a murder charge just to play mind games.So it appears Iluka was romantically involved with Nat, although given his lack of reaction to her here, I wonder if he always had his eye on the money.While I can understand Mackenzie's fury at him, to be fair to Mali, all he's really done is try and get his brother out of a tight spot in a way that seemed like a good idea at the time.

It looked for a moment like we could have got a return visit from Ava, which could have been fun especially if she remembers to bring her sanity, but I guess the show isn't exactly set up to cater for school-age characters these days! With the news that her HSC is imminent, maybe with that done she'll be available for more regular visits?

Irene continues to be so smug and self-righteous that there's a part of me that hopes Bronte rinses her for everything she's got, given her dogmatic insistence that everyone should hand over thousands of dollars to some woman who says she's ill but falls apart anytime she's asked for the most basic of details. At least we got to see her self-satisfied air punctured when Leah tells her that her stupid plan was stupid.

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On 30/07/2024 at 13:52, H&Alover said:

Oh rewind a bit - Eden & Kirby walked out of Lyrik's house the other day and just left the front door wide open!!  I know folk tend not to lock their doors but not even shutting it.🙄

It often happens, or they’ll close the front door behind them but leave the back door open.

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Ah, the Bay classic!

H&Alover, sadly for me he's always been a bit wooden and bland, I guess he's supposed to be that dramatic contrast to Rose who's a doer. I must admit when he first arrived he did give me closeted LGB vibes though I know that isn't H&A's bag per se but I wondered if that was going to be his 'mark', a bit like Marilyn is necasarily a dynamic character either and borders on irritating but is oftn saved by the 'lovable ditz' bit if you get my drift.

Did the love the drama of the Allens, great to see a female boss too but agree very much that it would've had more impact if the wounded parties, both literally and figuratively, hadn't been Mac and Levi.

I did feel sad for Mali in the sense of watching your loved one being dragged away knowing full well it's very likely the next you might see them is when no longer living, not easy. I know it's not good he's kept Rose in the dark on a relationship/moral level but maybe, in a roundabout way, he's done the right thing for her job-wise as it would soon be proved she wasn't in on it.

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Not so much as Iluka nicking - sorry borrowing  - $8000 from the Allens then, more personal than that, Iluka and Nat had a fling/thing - I did get that sense when they appeared not to be that eager in getting it back when it was offered by Mali.   Nat wanted  a confrontation with Iluka - to teach him a  lesson no-one dumps an Allen then rips them off.    Now he's been kidnapped.  

is there anyone you like RR?   I suppose in  a weird way him being  a doc he knew how what had happened and how to treat himself. Improvisation I guess they call it.  The Allens' wouldn't have done themselves any favours if he had died,  they maybe thugs but not murderers.  

Awkward little talk between Iluka and Rose, and her warning him not to hurt Kirby, emotionally that is.  He seemed fine that she is a cop until he got that call from Mali but played it very clever by saying nuffin.   Very wise move for Mali not to say anything either as Rose can't be implicated.  Mali does seem to like living on  a knife edge, just as he gets himself out of one complication, he's in another one.   Of course Mac would be angry at Mali, you have to lash out at someone,  but he isn't to blame, he didn't know when Iluku turned up he was in the mess he was in.  Is she also forgetting what he's done for her, kept her illicit secret secret, looked after her after her heart attack.   You know the outcome of 'it seemed a good idea at the time' is don't you?  Most of the time it wasn't. 

Not going right with the claim  on the Diner is it, insurance have refused it - should we be surprised?  Was that something not even included in the small print?  It was a perfectly valid claim, Leah & Irene would have had paperwork to back it up.  Now what happens with Bronte's 'claim'?

 Is  rinses a new phrase?  

I thought Ava and Theo had got over  the crush problem when they reunited  at Leah  & Justin's Wedding?   I can see it would be disrupting for Ava moving back to the bay just for a few weeks.   I don't know why he was fretting about Theo being busy at the garage. 😆





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I'm not sure how I feel about Mali. While I think he has a point that Mackenzie would be acting similar if it was Dean, I think his view is somewhat slanted: He still doesn't trust or particularly like the police, Rose included, and I'm not convinced the Allens would do anything to Iluka that they aren't going to do anyway if the police are involved.I can well understand Rose's frustration at being met with a wall of silence from people she thought were her friends.After appearing to be out of the woods, Levi is suddenly back in danger.

Talking of frustration, Irene is completely blinkered now. She's so fixated on her supposedly genius idea to help out her supposedly sick project, and she can't accept that it hasn't worked, and she's just made things worse and stabbed Leah in the back for nothing (in more ways than one). Is she really convinced the money will magically appear if she wishes hard enough?

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Well Harper's got it for Tane bad.  I suspect she's going to have to tell him how she feels at some point as she won't be able to contain it forever.

I did actually quite like Nat although I'm not keen on the two Allen guys.  I thought they were all pretty stupid though.  If Levi wasn't a doctor, they would be on murder charges and they still might be!
Wouldn't go as far as saying I feel sorry for Levi and Mackenzie but I did get her frustration towards Mali.  I'm actually pretty fed up with him and feel he had no right to ask Mackenzie to play down the role of the Allens.  This storyline reminded me a bit of when Tane got stabbed and Dean didn't want to go to the police to save Mackenzie.  Given Mali's tendency to not want to cooperate with the cops, hopefully Mackenzie will give him his marching orders after this.

I'm finding Dana pretty unbearable.  She's kind of ruining most of the episodes she's in for me.  Almost everything about her annoys me.  Her mannerisms, the way she talks, the intensity in her eyes when she often engages with people and wants them to do as she says.  Even today when she was trying warn Irene again, she came across as quite intimidating.  So, there was no way she's was going to talk Irene around with that approach, although Irene's so far gone, I don't think she will listen to anybody at this point.

I actually found Irene just as annoying as Dana in that episode.  I'm almost never on Leah's side when she's arguing with people, but I was fully behind her and agreed with everything she's said.  Irene's been so dumb and the general way she's disregarded people who are close to her all in favour of a women she's known for less than three weeks speaks volumes.  I actually don't care if she gets ripped off now.

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I really like Dana and she is one of my favourite new additions to the show. She is quite over the top and dizzy, but also really clever. I like how she completely sees through Bronte's act and found it entertaining how she really has gone in on trying to expose her as a liar. The scene where she was sat outside calling Bronte out when she was pretending to be sick was hilarious. I know they need to keep the story going, but for Xander, John and Harper to just disregard her suspicions is pushing it. They should know by now that these suspicions are usually true in Summer Bay. 

Another stand out scene recently for me was Eden and Felicity's argument. They are the show's two strong headed women, usually friends but then argue and it was epic. They really said what they thought and it was a dramatic scene without the need of stunts, violence or a hostage scenario. So that outdid the whole Mac being tied up and Levi stabbed drama for me.

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