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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Mali, though he had a point about if it had been Dean Mac would have stood by him was below the belt for him.  Dean wasn't exactly that keen on the cops when he first arrived being a RB and all and that didn't entirely go away. That is the downside of being a local cop, the people you sometimes have to question, especially  if something dodgy, are your neighbours/friends.  Now and this isn't anything I thought I'd be saying is where we need Sarge. He'd be one step back from it and be totally neutral.   Handy how although Mac and Levi weren't together all of the time they  managed to agree on who the Allen's were - never seen them before - which is the truth.    Normally though wouldn't they be interviewed separately even though they are witnesses?    Rose did find out Iluka was there.     Soap cliche no??? - patient seemingly going along nicely then they have a dip, pass out, gasp for breath/machines start beeping and flashing. 

We did see Cash inform Eden what has happened and she turns up at ND. 

Dana was so right and I've 'said' this many a time doctors and nurses are the worst patients.   Levi trying to diagnose his own symptoms and directing Bree on what she should be doing.  Was Bree just turning up for her shift or had she been called in? She swiftly jumped in there.   They are very accommodating at ND allowing next of kin/boyfriends/girlfriends/whoever  to sleep over.  I have probably asked this before but do they have proper wards there, we only ever see single bed rooms even when the patient has got over the worse.   

Odd isn't it everyone has a different view on a certain character(s) which we are entitled to. Be sooo boring if we all liked/disliked the same person all of the time.   Dana, though we know is so right about Bronte, has been in your face, opens mouth without engaging gear but not afraid to speak her mind.  Which  funnily enough is a trait of Irene which is why they are clashing.  But anyways, she, Bronte, should back off until she has proof about Bronte's supposed illness/treatment.   She is a good nurse though. 

Normally Irene would be classed  as a upstanding, level headed citizen of SB, another one known to speak her mind, but this time her judgement has been severely kicked into touch.   Could there be a little bit of her doubting Bronte which is why she is so determined to dig her heels in?  Tense enough scene with  her, Theo, Maz and Leah with Leah trying to explain the fact that the insurance wouldn't pay out on Joseph's lawsuit so no way would they pay out on Bronte's.   Irene's very irrational  reasoning we pay out from the Diner's account  and hope the insurance changes it's mind - 🙄  Just as we and they had thought it had calmed down - it was gunfight at dawn - Leah and Irene having  a blazing row at the coffee cart.  Both have volatile natures.  Theo  trying to warn them they were doing it in front of customers which would likely to cost them more than the recent contamination.  They and their friends won't be popping in the Diner  anytime soon unless they wear tin hats.  

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Irene really has got 'Mug' written on her forehead sadly and she has been incredibly selfish but Leah was the same with tinpot Valerie, she and Bronte are both wasters, but at least Leah didn't endanger their entire livelihoods.

I'm glad Mali did call Mac out though, if the shoe had been on the other foot and it'd been Rose or Iluka in their at Dean's hand, Mac would've been the first to wheedle around Mali all hair twirling and lip trembling begging for a lie. Hypocrisy shows up at the worst moments.  

Edited by Foellfan
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I think Dana's actually done a very good job of taking a step back and mollifying her arguments with Irene.She's realised that insisting Bronte's lying without concrete evidence isn't going to get her anywhere, so she's focused on trying to achieve the small victory of rationally pointing out the damage Irene's doing by pressing ahead with her lawsuit plan.(Ironically, I do wish Leah had made this effort to help Valerie rather than giving up as soon as they hit a problem.)

Anyway, today.Harper spends the episode hanging around Tane and trying not to let her tongue hang out.They might have given some thought to whether focusing on certain aspects of the proposal was a sensible idea but to be honest I'm a bit disappointed in John.I know he's rather conservative but he seemed to be fully behind Tane's idea: Did he really not know what it was about?

I was very surprised that Mackenzie and Levi told Rose the whole story about the Allens and Iluka, I was expecting the wall of silence to continue for a while as yet.Not sure what to make of Eden softening towards Mackenzie, although I guess it'll make dining out at Salt easier.Cash going back to the police feels like a bit of a reset button, have to see what they do with it.

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It does very much come across as though Tane used Harper and I do take onboard her point re them sleeping together meaning nothing to him, considering like he's acting as though it didn't happen.  I can kind of see where John is coming from being against Tane's proposal.

I'm glad Mackenzie told Rose the whole truth.  I have to admit, I not entirely convinced that the writers are trying to get the viewers to feel sympathetic towards Mackenzie and Levi but it does seem as though the storyline is winning Eden round (I raised an eyebrow when she said she could see Mac loved Levi) which given she's the main reason why some of the other people weren't fully accepting of them previously (Cash, Felicity, Remi etc) does seem as though they will be fully accepted.

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Valerie wasn't dying or claiming she was dying though was she?  

It was funny the way Harper was taking her frustrations over Tane just wanting her as a friend by pummelling away at him at her 'boxing' class.😆  He had to call a halt to get her to calm down.  Wonder she didn't trip over her tongue - 🤤.    He really does think everything is OK by just chuntering on about his proposal expecting her to be up there with him, using her experiences as a SW to help guide him through it.   john is running the whole shebang on his own at the moment, though Alf has to email, ring him to make sure he he's doing what he should be doing.    Maybe Tane should have thought it through better, a proposal for 'bad kids' to  descend en masse on the bay in the hope  Tane can sort them out with life lessons would be daunting.   Even with Tane having a fairly supportive family it didn't stop him getting into bother. John  was finding hard to get his head around, Alf would not be in favour nor would The Committee.   Harper did finally snap and effectively tell Tane where to go and she couldn't be his 'friend'.   If he, Tane, does get how she really feels about him and he does feel the same way, it would still cause complications, he is still married and Harper and Flick have only just become friends. 

Levi had to have an emergency op which he came through.   Daft thought re sets, is  there more one floor at ND's or do they just swap the props around when the lift doors open on ground/first/second floor? 😜  Okie, dokie, everyone is worried about Levi as he was the one stabbed -  but no-one seems particularly worried about Mac, she has only recently had a  heart attack and all that stress, being tied up, seeing her fella stabbed wouldn't have been good for her.   

Good call by Bree that Mac should let Eden know, natch of course she ignored her calls until finally Mac called Cash and he did answer. Despite everything Eden has been saying about Levi something like this does change things, not enough for her to actually go and talk to him, but baby steps.  I guess seeing the way Mac was with Levi did make her realise Mac does love Levi and vice versa.   Not going to be bb with Mac  for while yet but again baby steps at least they are 'talking'.  Would the hospital have let Imogen know what had happened - she is his next of kin  being his wife unless like a lot of folk in soaps  that is one of the last things you think of changing when admitted to hospital and have broken up with your wife/husband.   

I guess Mac & Levi have nothing to gain/lose by not telling Rose who the Allen's were. 

Cash was definitely in cop mode asking Rose what was happening and of course she couldn't tell him.   He'd have been in the same position, but without the complication of having your boyfriend caught up in it of course, having to question people you think of as friends.   What are Cash & Eden living off at the moment, he hasn't got a job, Eden, that goes without saying she's never had  a job, is Flick subbing them?  Wasn't Cash offered his job back after the corruption case and he turned it down as it would be at a lower rank.  if he decides to go back, it could mean Rose  would be his boss. 

Going off on a tandem, but Flick doesn't seem to be around, didn't see her when Tane & Harper were in Salt, Mac as we know is at the hospital - is Xander  running it single handed again?   They definitely   owe him a rise a BIG one. 

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Valerie was a selfish hard-bitten liar though, as Bronte seems to be shaping up to be, that was my point rather, both women excel in deceit and managed to con. 😉

Oh Harper, instead of acting like an adult you screech and stamp like a teenager, I'm glad she did speak to Tane maturely at the end though; I think he is partly caught on a sticky wicket as she had said no feelings, only friends; yes, they did sleep together but, given when/how it happened it had the air of a bit like her predessessor it's more like a tonic for frustration or something to pass the time. In a sense I can understand him being a tad taken aback by the sudden 'romance novel teenager' about face. It's a shame she couldn't put him in touch with another SW for the project as having someone with the knowledge of the red tape/emotional pitfalls would be handy in project refinement.

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I don't think Valerie was really trying to con anyone: Sure, she wasn't entirely honest, but ultimately she just wanted a home and a surrogate family, nothing like the cold way Bronte's trying to extort everyone.

I think Tane was just clinging onto the nearest warm body for comfort and Harper was deluding herself if she thought the sex was that good that he was going to declare his undying love for her.I notice he was being civil to Felicity, although it's perhaps fortunate she was out of earshot when Cash clocked Tane being awkward around Harper.

Irene does seem to have found her missing sanity and realised the consequences of her actions.So, yes, a big outlay for no gain with the health inspector and it seems Leah's straight-talking has hit the mark with regards the need for a change of plans with Bronte.

Kirby's pointing out they need money seemed to be falling on deaf ears until that well-timed power cut.It's at least got Eden to get off the sofa and go back to work at Salt, which she did do when Lyrik first came to town, albeit without the added problem of tension with Mackenzie.Remi though is still convinced he can pay the bills by busking.See how long that lasts.

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But Valerie wasn't trying to con anyone, only emotionally and it was Theo she 'targeted'. 

Anyways it does seem Irene has seen the light.   Getting that independent  inspector didn't have the desired effect, but both she and Leah found out they had missed a required recommendation   to get the pipework reviewed/checked so they are liable, but shouldn't their insurance company told them that?  There have been suggestions on another site that Bronte is behind it all, but I don't see, unless I'm being thick, is how? This problem did seem to have happened on only one day, the amount of traffic they get in the Diner more people would have fallen ill over more days wouldn't they?   Now Irene has to tell   Bronte she can't sue them - good luck girly.  🤞ily there was nothing in writing about Irene's suggestion. Wonder how it will go with Leah asking Joseph to drop his claim?

It must have been embarrassing for Harper to admit to Tane how her feelings for him had changed, she is supposed to be  a level headed SW and emotionally stable.    I know it must have seemed to some he was backing off getting more involved, but he has just come out of a pretty heavy relationship-  aka Felicity -  and he had got this big proposal going on which he  is going to be very involved with. 

Irene seemed surprised by john's reaction to Tane's proposal, he did just seem to flick through the paperwork and likely saw those particular words  that we saw - in flashing lights.  He and Tane need to go through it together, though he has a lot on his plate at the moment with Alf & Roo  being away. 

👏 Kirbs really kicked arse there.   She's doing all the surf lessons on her own and having to fend off customers wanting to know where their boards are. Both Remi and Eden were very blase about costs - no milk in the fridge again - eating out and getting take always all the time can't be cheap.   The power going out did answer one of my questions - the utilities aren't included in the rent.   It seemed each of them were responsible for one part of the outgoings but Remi, either deliberately or really did forget it was his 'job' to pay the lecci.   I know it didn't bring in  wads of cash but at least Remi went out there and did his bit and was popular enough to earn enough dosh to pay some of the bills.  Cash was willing to help them out but maybe stubborn or not Kirby refused his kind offer, same with Remi for not wanting to ask his parents to lend him the money, but could be pride with him.  Flick nearly passed out with shock when Eden asked if there were any shifts going at Salt.😮   Eden didn't last very long at Salt, she found it too hard.  It was funny, though it shouldn't be, all them trooping over to Cash & Flick's for a shower.  Then Eden telling Remi "No, you can't come over to have one". 

Cash has bitten the bullet and decided to apply to re-join the police- he's missed the deadline that he was given after his suspension so will have to start again.  In one way, it'll be easier for him as he has had the experience but on t'other hand he'll be treated like any other rookie so can't come across as too cocky and "I know it all".   For all of her faults and there are many Eden does stand by him  and is supportive.  

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I think had Valerie stated longer, her financial desperation as is an addict's nature on occasion could've been noted as an S/L but I think it's a fine line between education and condoneing addiction as a good lifestyle, wich of course, is not the case, for anyone at all.

Off topic I know but with the way they've kind of blown Eden's hair out in the big waves (love the style) and the t-shirt/dress style thing it reminds me of Julia Roberts when she was in Steel Magnolias.

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Well, whatever sense Irene saw yesterday seems to have escaped her attention again.She did the hard bit and told Bronte they couldn't afford the lawsuit, then just decided to go ahead and promise her the money anyway.She does at least seem to be trying to leave Leah out of it, but she's putting her at risk if she can't find the money herself.(And not quite sure why Bronte even needs to go ahead with the lawsuit, if Irene's just going to give her the money? Oh well, I suppose thinking straight isn't Irene's strong point at the moment.)After managing to keep her suspicions on the downlow, Dana is back to voicing them to a spectacularly unreceptive Xander, which isn't really the smartest move.

Despite Mali's catastrophising, Iluka turns up alive and reasonably well.That's about where the good news ends though, as Mali continues to threaten to cross some real lines.He's already in a dark place here, which Elandra didn't seem to be entirely successful at dragging him out of.

I guess it makes sense for Remi to decide to do session work but I was kind of looking forward to him getting out of his comfort zone.I'm not sure how much money he'd make and how regular it'd be, but maybe with him, Kirby and Eden all bringing in money it'll be enough.

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