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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Tane’s proposal almost excites me as his idea and John’s reaction is in keeping with the origins of the show, but I won’t get my hopes up and the Tane aspect of it doesn’t excite me.

I hate that Mali is now getting involved in the criminal aspect of the show (other than his girlfriend being a cop). He is bland at times, but I like that he’s a good guy normally.

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That was a quick u-turn for Irene.  Just as she and Leah were able to breath a sigh of relief as Joseph decided not to sue and she made the decision to tell Bronte, her deciding she had to leave as Irene couldn't help changed it again.   It is good she is going to keep Leah out of it, will that mean she'll mortgage the Beach house to be able to pay her however much it could be?   On the same subject Bronte has to have someone she is collaborating  who is very tech savvy setting up that 'site' that Dana couldn't find before - now all of a sudden it's there!  That did wreck any chance of Xander believing her.   We, sadly, didn't get a good look at it, but hopefully Dana does check it out more carefully and see if there any flaws in it. It could have been cut and pasted  from somewhere else with  a few tweaks added. 

Flick has now met 'poor' Bronte' who thanked her for making such  a generous donation.   Bronte did seem fine when she was dancing along to Remi's  busking, which was good to see, him back busking I mean.   Where did that note - dollar/five/ten dollar bill - come from that she tossed into Remi's guitar case, she's not earning.

Had to 🤣 when Remi told Theo he'd have enough money to pay the lecci bill by December.   He's now bit the bullet and decided to go for session work.  

Going to be totally shallow but I loved Elandra's earrings. 

 At first it didn't look like Iluka had  suffered that badly,  then it was discovered he'd been knifed so of course he had to go to ND and be treated by - tra-laa Bree!  What is it with men who claim, it's nothing serious, I'll be OK, just bruising🙄.   Dare I say how coincidental it was Theo finding him? 

 I do hope we don't see  a bad side to Mali, I know some people find him 'boring' just because, he's  a nice guy - nothing wrong with that is there - John and Alf are good guys.  From what Elandra said the Allen's do have quite the rep back in Manatary Point and that Iluka was an idiot to get mixed up with Nat. Who is Mali going to recruit to help him do the old tit-for-tat revenge?  Of course him setting out on his 'crusade' will mean his business will suffer which he worked so hard to get going. 


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The show really does seem to have lost their handle on Mali's character.The idea was supposed to be that he was a muscly tattooed guy who was honest and hardworking.He's held onto his anti-police attitude a bit too firmly at times and his whining about Tane being treated like a criminal when he was one didn't make him particularly sympathetic, but he really crossed the line here, becoming just another thug picking fights and using Dean's dodgy contacts as back-up, and coming across as very unlikable.What exactly was his plan to "make it right"? Put at least one of the Allens in hospital as payback? How old is he? No wonder Elandra was disgusted at him. He's only not in a cell right now because of yet another act of favouritism from Rose.

I guess Dana's given up on trying to play it clever then and gone back to openly accusing Bronte, including right in front of Xander who's made it clear he's firmly Team Bronte, while Marilyn prefers to just stick her head in the sand and hope the whole thing goes away.Still, it seems to have got Bronte rattled...

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I wasn't happy Leah decided to put up half the money for an investigation given that Irene was the one in the wrong but at least they cleared the air and established the root cause of the issue.  Still agree with Leah putting her foot down.

I'm not keen on Kirby but at least she's making an effort.  Props to Eden as well for agreeing to work at Salt, even saying it's not Mackenzie's fault for falling in love with Levi (wow)  The stabbing looking more like an excuse for Levi/Mackenzie to be fully accepted.  Remi comes across as a bit of a bludger.

Feel a bit sorry for Harper but part of me thinks she should have known better.  She's going to stay away from Tane, where have I heard that before?  Ah yeah, when he first stuck his tongue down her throat.


I have to give credit where it's due.  Bronte is doing a really good job convincing everybody.  Admittedly she's getting help as far as Irene is concerned but Felicity has been fully sold.  Bronte is presumably going to be found out but I am continuing to enjoy how it's making Dana look bad to other people and she continues to be frustrated that nobody will listen to her.

I thought there was progress with Irene and Leah but she's gone back to being stupid again, deceiving Leah so I think Irene deserves everything she gets now.

I find Mali very frustrating as a character and I'm not keen on this storyline at all.  He's now got Theo involved in trying to cover things up and hasn't factored in how it would affect Theo if his brother's condition worsens.  He's actually shown himself to be quite selfish and again, I really hope Mackenzie asks him to leave after all of this is over.

Can't quite figure out that Nat getting Iluka done over like that was because of the money, the fact he had the gall to even do it or because she can't handle the fact he rejected her.


Continuing to enjoy Bronte's handiwork.  I loved that she caused an argument with Dana and Xander and even Dana's efforts to convince Marilyn have fallen on deaf ears.  Best part is whenever it's just her and Dana and she still continues the act.  Almost like she's preempting Dana recording her.  Dana's not going to back down now because she sees this effectively as a contest and doesn't want Bronte to win, so it will be interesting to see how Bronte handles Dana going forwards.

I was willing for Bree to bump into Rose in that episode so she could tell her about Iluka but luckily Mali's sister went one better and the cops were able to apprehend Mali and the Allens.  Now that Rose has seen what Mali is involved in hopefully she will wake up.  Have to say Nat was coming across as pretty messed up.  When Mali was fighting one of the Allens, she was quite prepared to have him stabbed as well when she went to pass the knife across.

I actually thought Iluka came across far better than Mali.  I don't think he's necessarily a bad person but made a huge mistake and at least he was genuinely concerned and remorseful about what happened to Levi.

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I have to give full thumbs up to the stunt coordinators for the fight scenes, brilliantly done and did keep the adrenaline pumping; did enjoy the comments from RB boys about 'watching the show'. 🤣 I think with Mali he isn't naturally like that but because everyone's tried to shield him, now he's realised what true threat is and sometimes that threat to a loved one can make you do things you'd never thought you were capable of. The end of it with Rose I found actually kind of sad, her disbelief even though she knew what she was walking into. I'm glad Elandra was on her side.

Bronte may look like Jennifer Grey but this Baby definitely needs putting in the corner; I know Dana is still being wayyy too unsubtle about it but we all know she's onto something and Xander is being a naive, patronising oik. I expected both him and Flick to be suckered in but the latter usually offers resistance and also, in his former job Xander would've often dealt with people who were economical with the truth, admittedly not for money but usually paramedics, a bit like police, can develop a 'nose' for that sort of thing.


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OK Iluka  wasn't stabbed, my bad, but obviously internal injuries occurred when he was kicked, hit  by fist or weapon but of course being male🙄 he dismissed it.  The old yeh.yeh I'll come back if it gets worse attitude very typical.   

That is why the RB's were there to see it was  a fair fight - one on one - which it was until Nat pulled the knife out of her pocket to protect her little bro getting hurt.  Dean does still have some contacts then.😉   OK YB Creek cops tuned up en masse but it was just a fight, nothing illegal going on, no-one else involved.   Is that why Rose told Mali just to go?  It did seem to go against the Hudson code for Elandra to call the cops.  I think Mali did see it as drawing a line under it but Nat doesn't seem to see it like that.  Some  people  on here couldn't believed Mali could be as good as he seemed when he first turned up as of course he had to be a bad 'un.  But he was a good guy. OK he's had some secrets he's not told Rose about but they  weren't criminal. 

I think the latter Slade, a woman scorned and all that.  

Theo got accidentally involved by just happening to be the one to come  across Ilkua - he did get asked to keep quite, but that went by the board when Iluka went into hospital.  Going off on a tandem a bit should Bree have told Iluka how Levi was, that is private info about another patient, not even a relative gets told about how they are without their consent.

Dana and I were thinking along the same lines - I said that article could have been cut and pasted onto the  Hospital's legitimate heading.  We did get more of  a proper look at it this time round. But sadly Dana had to go and do what she normally does and tells the wrong person - namely Bronte.  Bree had been right there so she could have quizzed her about this trial, is it real, feasible?  Dana still has no real proof. No spoilers but it does crank up another notch next week. 🤫🤐🙊    No dissing Xander but a paramedic wouldn't know anything about a complex condition like Bronte's so wouldn't know if she was or wasn't lying it's just Dana's 🕷️'y senses twitching. 

Irene isn't involving Leah about her next move, she's raising the money herself - where did A$50,000 suddenly come from, is that what she's being sued for? 

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2 hours ago, H&Alover said:

OK Iluka  wasn't stabbed, my bad, but obviously internal injuries occurred when he was kicked, hit  by fist or weapon but of course being male🙄 he dismissed it.  The old yeh.yeh I'll come back if it gets worse attitude very typical.   

That is why the RB's were there to see it was  a fair fight - one on one - which it was until Nat pulled the knife out of her pocket to protect her little bro getting hurt.  Dean does still have some contacts then.😉   OK YB Creek cops tuned up en masse but it was just a fight, nothing illegal going on, no-one else involved.   Is that why Rose told Mali just to go?  It did seem to go against the Hudson code for Elandra to call the cops.  I think Mali did see it as drawing a line under it but Nat doesn't seem to see it like that.  Some  people  on here couldn't believed Mali could be as good as he seemed when he first turned up as of course he had to be a bad 'un.  But he was a good guy. OK he's had some secrets he's not told Rose about but they  weren't criminal. 

I think the latter Slade, a woman scorned and all that.  

Theo got accidentally involved by just happening to be the one to come  across Ilkua - he did get asked to keep quite, but that went by the board when Iluka went into hospital.  Going off on a tandem a bit should Bree have told Iluka how Levi was, that is private info about another patient, not even a relative gets told about how they are without their consent.

Dana and I were thinking along the same lines - I said that article could have been cut and pasted onto the  Hospital's legitimate heading.  We did get more of  a proper look at it this time round. But sadly Dana had to go and do what she normally does and tells the wrong person - namely Bronte.  Bree had been right there so she could have quizzed her about this trial, is it real, feasible?  Dana still has no real proof. No spoilers but it does crank up another notch next week. 🤫🤐🙊    No dissing Xander but a paramedic wouldn't know anything about a complex condition like Bronte's so wouldn't know if she was or wasn't lying it's just Dana's 🕷️'y senses twitching. 

Irene isn't involving Leah about her next move, she's raising the money herself - where did A$50,000 suddenly come from, is that what she's being sued for? 

Just a fight... um, Lady Allen was about to Flex on Mali with a blade because little brother was getting the kicking he deserved! If the two RBs weren't there... Perforation City!

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19 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Just a fight... um, Lady Allen was about to Flex on Mali with a blade because little brother was getting the kicking he deserved! If the two RBs weren't there... Perforation City!

YEP, hands up, I forgot about the Allens' but really what looked like the whole of Yabbie Creek cop shop turned up but still no Sarge.

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