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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I agree with the comment a short while back that Iluka's coming across better than Mali.While Iluka seems to acknowledge he's done wrong and be trying to make up for it, Mali continues to stomp around in an entitled manner acting like he thinks he's the true victim here, and his main gripe seems to be that he didn't get to beat someone up enough.He says they're not kids anymore but he won't start acting his age. To be fair, his idea to give Iluka a job wasn't too bad.Elandra has a point that Mali hasn't done a good job keeping Iluka on the straight and narrow, but if she really has been telling them to never go to the police, then she's arguably part of the problem.Iluka has a point about Rose letting Mali go instead of demanding answers from him there and then, and she kind of realised that: I don't blame her for breaking up with him if he's going to carry on covering stuff up, one of the refreshing things about her character is that she has a very low tolerance for dodgy boyfriends.

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Iluka had supposedly been  under Elandra's and mum's 'care'  so she and Victoria didn't do such  a great job they?  He did skip Manataray Point with all that dosh and keeping stchum  so all Mali was doing was covering up for him, he did tell him to go and sort it  taking the money with him. Iluka does flit from one new idea to another.  His footie future has nose dived now he wants to take up Mali's suggestion to help at the board shop and doing surfing lessons, thinking "Oh I'll be a whiz at that" without really thinking it through.   It did seem the Hudson women are the ones in control  - very matriarchal.  Elandra insisting Iluka go home and face Mum before coming back, is she going to send him to his room  without any supper. 

She did a 360 degree turn from never involving the police to grassing them up no wonder Mali was angry/perplexed.  Same thing as the Dingle code. According to her they had never had any problems with the Allen's before until Iluka messed with Nat's feelings and stole money off them. Of course the Allen's aren't going to be saying anything - I guess they have a handy brief they can call on. 

To be fair to Mali, his other secrets haven't been criminal or illegal.  He 'hid' the truth about Levi's affair with Mac as he saw Mac as a sister.  The last one was not telling Rose that Tane had called him but instead went to see him - taking Harper with him - hoping he could talk him round which he did. It had only been that day so not a secret really.   Think about it though suppose  Rose had  a secret that she didn't want Xander to know about for whatever reason would she confide in Mali if she thought he'd tell Xander.  No you'd want to tell someone you could trust not to say anything. But when it does involve crims like the Allen's it could risk her career.  They were   a good couple so it is sad. 

Not sure if Iluka was brave or foolhardy or maybe both approaching Levi and apologising for getting him involved - he accepted it OK but Mac so didn't,  telling him not to be there when they got home, I'm guessing  that includes Mali. 

OK Iluka was an idiot skipping the hospital, but it just that a hospital not a prison, they don't chain you to the bed. OK not  a baby👶 found on the beach this time round but a big brother. 😴

Even more proof that doctors are the worst patients - Levi wanting to be home last week and nagging Bree every time he saw her.  Bree broke patient confidentially again - told Levi how Iluka was doing. 






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I feel like Mali got off a bit lightly here. He’s avoided any legal repercusions, Mackenzie’s quickly forgiven him and the only consequence is Rose ending things, and we’ll have to see whether that’s permanent. I am glad that Iluka got to talk to Kirby and they got to part on good terms: Again, I found myself empathising more with him for basically being an irresponsible loser than with Mali stomping around acting like the victim. I think it’s a bit soon to be turning Saint Tane into a wise old sage as well: Blind loyalty is the only reason he’s not the town outcast at best and in jail at worst, and he’s dragged Mali into just as much trouble as Iluka has.

It was suggested a while back that John was scared to go against Alf but it turns out that’s not the case, at least to start with. Alf is firmly in “Be understanding and supportive to everyone except John” mode, although, as it turns out, his blind loyalty to Tane is based on the assumption that Harper’s keeping an eye on things, and Tane’s inability to keep it in his pants may have scuppered that one.

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Harper isn't blameless and he did not force her, sorry to burst your bubble there but she is being unprofessional; she could've given him another SW to work with.

John was wrong to influence everyone really, it's a commitee decsion; I did like Tane's chat with Mali because Mali does need to stand on his own two feet and fly from the family and it's no bad thing, it doesn't mean you're gone forever. Unfortunately, Tane learned that through loss and grief but thankfully Mali doesn't have to.

Tane made a good point that he got into trouble but had support to turn things around, young people don't always have that and, I think they'll more likely to relate to someone like him who's been there than a pious person with only academic experience there. Equally John is being hypocritical right now, he was an angery viscious louse when he arrived, it's only in recently years he's become a cuddle comedian with a moral compass.

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3 hours ago, Foellfan said:

Harper isn't blameless and he did not force her, sorry to burst your bubble there but she is being unprofessional; she could've given him another SW to work with.

I'm not a huge fan of Harper, but at the end of the day, she was helping him out as a friend, not in an official capacity. If Tane needed another social worker, he should have said something.

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Brontë I was enjoying you but your plan is falling to pieces making phone calls on the beach where half the town hangs out isn’t very smart I’m surprised Xander isn’t on to her also 

I don’t have much to say about Mali some reason I didn’t really feel that bothered about his latest story shame his sister doesn’t hang around longer

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True Harper was  very willing to be  a comfort to Tane when they both thought he would be going to prison,😉 but that was before Tane asked her to help him, but she was finding it too awkward though she could have given him another name, was it official or him just bouncing ideas off her? She can't be the only SW at ND's. 

FF - But that was exactly why Mali left his home town for the bay so he could stand on his own two feet, which he has done very successfully until now.  No-one knew he'd done that as he didn't tell anyone.  They were still treating him like the  baby of the family and he was still running about for them.   Elandra tracked him down and made him tell Victoria. 

I suppose if no-one is saying anything there isn't much the police can do.  How long are Yabbie Creek able to hold the Allen's?

Pembi - funny how though when people make calls on the beach NO-ONE is around.  Same as clandestine meetings - place is deserted. 

Had to smile when John was spouting off about how Alf would react about Tane and his ideas only to find out he was standing right next to him.   I think, and I'm probably wrong, but John was just focusing on those 'highlighted' passages we saw.   Where are people turning him in to a saint?   He has been there, done that with brothers you look up to and he's lost both of his so trying, I think, to make Mali see he shouldn't feel he's failed Iluka.     

John wasn't a young man when we first knew him as a bully and used his influence as a councillor to sway opinions to his way so what do we blame that on? He was a completely different man when he came back. 

OK Iluka has gone now, but will that be the end of it - as said the Allen's are still in the area, they aren't going to be happy 🐇🐇. Iluka was right, Mali's board shop and surfing lessons are his dream.  Kirby will be relieved to see him back, take the pressure off her. 

Finally Dr. Levi - as Maz insists on calling him -  is home, the nurses must be ultra relieved.   Not exactly the peaceful homecoming he was expecting with Mali bursting in.   I can very much understand Mac wanting Iluka to leave as in her eyes he did bring trouble on them, he admitted it himself.  She may think of Mali as 'family' but Iluka isn't. But and  I know it sounds naff but Mali was innocent of anything, he didn't know the trouble Iluka had got himself into, he tried to return the money himself with no joy.  

We did get to meet, briefly, Rory, he's lucky Flick didn't chuck him off the balcony for the 🐺 whistle,  I may be letting the side down, but I wouldn't be averse to one, then at my age I'd be lucky to get one, it'd make my year. 







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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

How long are Yabbie Creek able to hold the Allen's?

as said the Allen's are still in the area, they aren't going to be happy

It was mentioned on Monday that the Allens have been charged over holding Mackenzie and Levi prisoner and stabbing Levi, since they're the only people willing to actually talk to the police.

So, (Saint) Tane once again depends on blind loyalty to get what he wants.However much she might grumble, it's pretty obvious at this point that Harper's so besotted with him that she'll do pretty much anything to help him.

Honestly, Irene is displaying a level of single-minded delusion not seen since she wanted custody of Luc, and is now willing to put herself into debt just because she blindly believes everything Bronte tells her without a single piece of evidence, and Dana is the one that Harper thinks is crazy? (Mind you, as we've just established, Harper's an idiot.)

Why was Kirby carrying a large pile of boxes from Salt down to the board shop? Is that the wine for her lunch break? Rory tries to work his roguish charm with limited success, the main result being Eden pulling a "My friend likes you" on Felicity's behalf.I did the like the interplay between the young folk: Felicity was in full-on hurricane mode picking up Eden, and I liked Remi teasing her, and him and Theo managing to get a mild compliment from Kirby.

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