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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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H&Alover, I get what you mean about Mali, I guess what I kind of meant was rather that he was ready to chuck it all in for Iluka and still felt need of the safety net, maybe an element of self doubt on his part and Tane's point about being the youngest but he ultimately stepped up because his brothers were not ever going to be there again, that changes someone's outlook and I guess he was kind of pointing out to Mali to see that lesson in a nicer enviroment as in Iluka still being there at the end of the phone if you catch what I mean.

I chuckled at the wolf whistle comment, some women do abhor it however some women do still like it, me I don't mind if that's all they do, but I think Flick was actually pretending to dislike it to play the feminist part, as we saw later he had kind of rattled her in a nice way as in she might well fancy him and she hasn't had any action lately.

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I will give Felcity a pass here sort of she did play hard to get with Rory I guess. Didn’t seem as easy or desperate like Kirby over Luka 

Rory though his no Brax Brax was a twat but I could understand why people fancied him Plus Rory didn’t come across as a hard tough River Boy the other day he stood by and was a cheerleader while Mali was taking all the damage Brax or Heath would have gotten stuck into the fight 

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Tane - what is with this saint stuff -  just wants to do the best he can, he may have coerced Harper into helping him, and she was backed into a corner by Alf, but she's not doing it for him, it's for the lads who are going to be, hopefully, signing up for this course, assignment. If they can keep it professional, it could work. Where had John disappeared to btw?  Felt sorry for her poor instructor who she was taking her frustrations out on, as well as Dana. 

Seemed Dana had been giving Irene a wide berth so avoiding a row, then they do just that.  Leah is back and steps right into the Irene paying out of her own pocket debate.   That took another step too as we saw in the trailer. 

OK Harper is confused about she should be doing re Tane, but her totally ignoring Dana's very real instincts about Bronte isn't going to end well.  How did Dana manage to sneak into Bronte's room and   gather up all the stuff she had brought, where was the person in question? Thought she was too ill to go shopping. Were we supposed to believe Bronte was having another lie down in her room when Irene, Bronte and Harper having yet another talk about her, they weren't exactly quiet.   

Going off on a tandem again - I liked Harper's jacket. 

But families like Mali's do stick together, we may not always like them or get on with them, but when push comes to shove you stand with them. 

Rory and Ringo were just there to see nothing dodgy happened, it was a one on one fight and neither Brax or Heath would have joined in - RB code.  

Well after all that drama we needed the light relief.  Eden having to get up before 10am, Remi teasing her about it.  To be fair she did last the whole day.  That was fun, the 'non' flirting between Rory and Flick - nearly there, Flick didn't throw Rory off but Flick's remark about him 'not wolf whistling' from my balcony' was close.  His comment about her rushing up to tell  him off and her flustered come back "I own the place".😁 There was such  a spark between them, from her first hidden smile when she walked away from him and her keeping an eye on the 'rowdy' customer.   Eden caught on very quickly even the threat of getting fired on her first day didn't deter her and Flick was protesting too much.  She did take the coaster with Rory's number on.   Good grief it doesn't have to be anything serious, just a couple of dates,  a bed doesn't have to be involved in any way. That was funny Kirby having  a whinge about her luck or lack of with boyfriends and Theo and Remi looking nonplussed.  Maybe a 'present company excepted' comment there. 

It seemed Eden is OK with Mac turning up at Salt, as it's not her she has the problem with, it's still Levi, though she gave the appearance she was glad he was home. 

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I'm glad Rose finished with Mali.  I think she deserves better and they're not right for each other anyway.  Don't blame Mackenzie for kicking Iluka out.  When Mali confronted Mackenzie about it, his sister obviously tried to make out Mackenzie was being reasonable because she wanted Iluka to go with her.  Just a shame Mali can't leave town permanently.

I actually agreed with John re Tane and also about the program and wasn't sure he should have backtracked.

Even Harper think's Dana is crazy now.😆

My stance on Irene has gone to hoping she doesn't get ripped off to not caring if she does, but after yesterday's episode I think she kind of deserves it now.

Judging by how Harper closed her eyes, she obviously enjoyed Tane hugging her.  Let's be honest, if she really wanted to stay way from him, I'm sure she could have suggested alternative people who could help out.

I quite liked how that guy tried to hit on Kirby, moved onto Felicity and spent the rest of the episode trying to woo her.

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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Tane - what is with this saint stuff -

Blowed if I know. One overheard conversation of him giving Mali some hypocritical advice, and suddenly John's convinced he's some font of wisdom who'll lead troubled youngsters down the right path with just a few softly-spoken words. He could be in for a rude awakening.

The Bronte storyline is one of those things that can only work because every single person involved is an idiot.When Irene talks about how Bronte can see all the nice things she's got, the penny is nowhere near dropping that Bronte's seen all those things and decided she wants a piece of it.Dana, despite being the one person smart enough to realise that there's just the tiniest possibility that someone who says "I'll die unless you give me $100,000" might not be being entirely honest, continues to handle things as stupidly as possible: She's smart enough to stay hidden instead of barging in on hearing Leah has gone from the person trying to talk Irene off a cliff to wanting to jump off it with her, but then immediately blows it by failing to follow Bronte's lead and continuing to lay in to her in front of Xander in a way that's guaranteed to make her look bad, then decides her best option is to bang her head against a brick wall with Irene and Leah a few more times. Even Bronte, who's playing a blinder in every other way, isn't smart enough to take the money she's conned and come up with a story about a scheme that will get her the rest of the money so she can make a calm exit (after all, everyone believes anything she tells them), and is sticking around in the hope of a bigger pay day, even though that's a long way off and Dana's actively trying to expose her.

I'm not quite sure why Cash and Eden were so keen for Felicity to ring Rory. I get that they wanted her to be happy, and they did indicate it was just about her being open to things in the future, but Cash has never even met the guy. They really do come across as the annoying loved-up couple who want everyone to be the same as them. I did like the friendship scenes between Cash and Rose and her giving him some calm advice. Felicity's "Still right here" to Cash and Eden reminded me why I like her.

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Hi guys,


Been trying to log back in, after a looooooong absence, for a while now. I forgot my password and couldn't reset it as I have lost access to the email account I registered with this forum originally. Was just on the verge of creating a new temp. account - I am talking to the support team to get my account, this account, password, back up and running. When I spotted a way I'd be able to log back in and hey presto!! I'd like a name change too! One that fits my avvie better!! Tori's my fav character in H&A ever!! I wouldn't be here today, in fact, were it not for Penny McNamee's stellar stellar decision to come back for Justin and Leah's wedding!!!!

Anyhoo, I read the comment the other day about Mali being boring just coz he's a nice guy. That is NOT true. Mali's boring coz he's so bland, he never does anything interesting. Levi's a nice guy who's not boring! Cash, just about - better since getting together with Eden! Karl Kennedy's interesting, Will Trent, Owen in 911: Lonestar is great, anyone remember the title character in The Inspector Lynley Mysteries from all those years ago - Tommy was THE nicest guy!!! He was lovely, down to earth, decent, dashing and interesting!! Trust me - it's Mali who's the problem - he's dddddddddduuuuuuuuuullllllllll. And he needs to sort his hair out = annoying and messy. Nice is good, valuable, respectful and interesting etc!! Boring is only working at the board shop and occasionally having scenes with his girlfriend who has an interesting job/other people who do have interesting things going on in their lives. 

Don't get me started on Mali going off all half cocked to avenge Iluka. Iluka STOLE a lot of money for crying out loud. I thought that's why Mali was mad at him in the first place. He forgot that quickly when he left Levi lying in that hospital bed to go off and avenge his THIEVING brother. So yeah poor Levi ended up in hospital after nearly dying. Now maybe I'm not supposed to like Levi, like Eden, and others - viewers - folks here? Well! It's too late. He's very good looking and he treats Mackenzie right, he's hot and he clearly loves Mac! They have great chemistry too!!! I'm an unashamed shipper!! I could probably look up the episodes when Macevi first started on dailymotion but that's a lot of effort and it's not always going to be positive to catch up with their storyline so oh well! Sorry, not sorry - I'm a Macevi shipper and not ashamed!!!! I got the gist plus it's a soap opera!!

I am a bit worried about this whole proposal thing Tane has for the gym and the surf club. It's quite a good idea on one hand yes! BUT is it only gonna be Tane staffing it?? Surely he's factored that into his proposal?? He's mastered the art of being in two places at once has he?! Wow!!!! I need the deets on that!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! Coz you betcha - given free rein those delinquents - it's not offensive if it's true, will steal, break things, maybe by accident, maybe not, and mess things up. That's a business, the surf club at the end of the day! They might well even try getting upstairs to Salt to steal the alcohol/drink it. It's a SOAP OPERA. But no one's mentioned how many people are gonna be staffing. I'd say fifteen kids at a time absolute max and like five staff/volunteers pos. to handle them all! Security guards pos. too. I think Tane's being incredibly niave. Yet no one's going into details like that. Come ON ptb!!! I mean how many days is this... "proposal" gonna be on offer? Every night? Like a youth club? But these are the gym and the surf club, not a youth club. It might sound like I'm against the idea but I'm not. Help these guys/girls at this age! Great!! That is a good idea!! It just seems like people are telling Tane "there are issues" and he's going "No! It'll be fine!" or pos. more disturbingly "I hadn't thought of that". The whole Harper thing... yawn... Why are they keeping it such a secret? Coz of Flic? Huh...

I do enjoy the stuff in the share house a lot of the time! Like when the lights went out!! Fuuuunny!!!!!! Is Theo still at Tafe? Has he not finished his course yet? He doesn't talk about it anymore... So Lyrick could reform right?! Everyone would be a whole lot happier then. I'm kinda waiting for Eden and Mac to run into each other at work. What about when big bro. starts tagging along again?! What is this clinic or whatever Levi's had to push back the opening of? I think Eden's being a bit two faced in that she has forgiven Mac it seems but not Levi, her own brother!

I'm worried for Dana's life atm. I see her meeting a sticky end due to all this Bronte business. She doesn't have anyone to turn to either coz all the other suckers have been pulled into Bronte's evil web well and truly. I mean Dana should absolutely carry on with her quest but I'm worried where she'll end up as a result. I can't believe Xander and Harper are so against Dana. It's doing my head in how much everyone's fallen for Bronte's lies tbh. Sick. Has Bronte ever tried an honest day's work?? There's nothing honest about her. I know that. But it's a lot more certain than lying to strangers and definitely waaaaaaaay less icky. Not that I think Bronte cares. She should. She clearly knows it's wrong. Otherwise she wouldn't be lying so much would she, waiting in places where vulnerable people are likely to be to prey on them.

I think that's all I have to say. I did a big old binge a couple of weeks ago. Watched all the eps. that were on demand!! Was fun!! Happy couples, no Bronte, no Iluka!!! Now, not quite so fun, but I still got one or two ships and interesting storylines going on!!

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RR you called him 'saint' Tane - he's never pretended to be one. Natch there will be hiccups with the programme, it wouldn't be real if there wasn't.  There will be some stomping off, others pretending to go along with it but hen finding they like whatever is involved and we don't know what that is yet. 

To be fair the reason  the people involved with Bronte are  being idiots is because  we know the truth.  When Bronte fetched up with Irene she didn't know about her being half owner in the Diner all she knew was she had a nice house on the beach, so immediately phoned her 'friend' to let them know they were onto a good one.  Dana does go at it like a bull at a gate, subtle isn't in her vocabulary.  Harper who knows her best, doesn't believe  her but then she is distracted with YKW. Off on  a tandem again - sorry - but I keep getting distracted by the fact Dana and Bronte have the same hair, if I saw them from behind I'd be hard pushed to know which one is which.   Bronte does certainly know how to think on her feet but then she'd have to.   The money Bronte has made so far isn't enough to pay for this 'treatment' she is supposed to be having and Irene is easy money.  Dana dropping Irene  in it by revealing to Leah what she was planning backfired on her as Leah has decided to put up A$25,000 as long as Justin agrees, which he will as he believes Bronte.  At least Leah was going to check with him first unlike Justin who puts their money into schemes then tells Leah what he has done.😆 

Good come back with Dana challenging Bronte about going shopping, she was buying  a dress  to be buried in.  I was waiting for her to say "What were you doing snooping about in my room?" Xander was acting on ex paramedic mode there, believing  in  Bronte over his girlfriend. but then as is her wont, got faint.🙄   Rose, as would be expected, although not dismissing Dana's allegations, didn't take them seriously as there is NO proof.   But as seen by the trailer that is about to come crashing down.   No surprise there is no patient  anywhere called Bronte Langford as there is no such person. 

I'm having short term memory loss, who was it recently left their number on a coaster for Flick?  As I said it doesn't have to be anything serious/heavy, just drinks or a meal.  She'd just be dipping her toe into the pool.  Eden has met him and although we don't know how good a judge of character she is, she's not daft.   Flick could tell Cash/Eden where she and Rory are going and when she hopes to get back home.  Cash, of course, doesn't know he's a RB but then no-one else does yet - only us - again.  Him and Eden - pushing Flick into getting out there - did prompt him to take his own advice and ring Police HQ about his application after dithering about it and asking Rose's opinion.   That was a nice not quite a job chat with her - she shot down his fears he wouldn't be allowed back as the criteria he quoted  didn't apply to him.  Would he  allowed to go back to Yabbie Creek seeing as he was Senior Constable there and now Rose is meaning she'd be his boss?  It's against soap law though isn't that a character can't work near where they live.   

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Tane might not be claiming to be a saint but it feels like that's what the show and quite a few of the characters in it are saying!

Alf's episode count this week:Three. The only other characters to make three were Irene, Leah, Eden and Dana.

Bronte is fast showing that she's the biggest idiot in a town of idiots, as she reaches the Allens' level of Stupid Evil. She's having a hard trouble keeping all the plates spinning, floundering when Xander highlights a few logic flaws in the way she's handling things and then struggling to keep up her act with Alf. In retrospect, Xander actually gave her the perfect out to remove herself from the danger zone and maybe still get the money, by saying she was going to Canada now and to keep sending her donations. Or she could have just trusted in no-one listening to Dana for a bit longer. Instead, whereas before she could only have been charged with obtaining money by deception, she's decided to add kidnapping at least to her rap sheet. It really is remarkable that Dana's the first person in three scams to notice she's a one trick pony. Bree has been shown to be the closest thing to an ally Dana's had in the past, at least being willing to listen to her, so it makes sense she'd be the first one to stick her neck out.

Cash is lucky to be able to walk back in as senior constable, given he was meant to be being demoted when he quit.That said, maybe being made senior constable of Mangrove River actually does qualify as a demotion!

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