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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Please stop calling them idiots!  If we didn't  know she was lying how could they be supposed to know? Bronte's been forced to overplay her hand there with some folk, still doing her "I feel faint" act - but I think it's to make Dana look bad and come across as a 'bad' person for accusing her of lying  and she's panicking.  As Bronte finally admitted to Dana Irene was her third victim so had perfected her "I'm dying" routine.  She had been  extremely lucky that she hadn't met someone like Dana  before, but I guess that is the risk any con artist takes.   Suzy got away with it didn't she? She, Bronte, didn't look too happy when Irene said it would take a little bit longer to get her share of the A$25,000 into her GoFundMe account  because banks being banks have to go through the process.  

She took a risk by being snappy with Alf not knowing the sway he has with folk, but made up for it later by crawling round him.    He did have his 🕷️'y sense working though.   Bree  took  a big chance by using her more elevated status to delve into Bronte's medical treatment in any other hospital in the state.   Those supposed blood tests she had to 'confirm' she'd  been poisoned certainly wouldn't have been at ND's she would have been seen or not and no records of her there.   Bree suggested she could have come from out of state but as Dana said Bronte met Irene in a hospital in the city. For all her being  a big mouth at times Dana has kept Bree's name out of it.   Wonder if Bree will 'come out' when it's realised Dana is missing? 

We did see Bronte make a huge **** up next week - her telling Xander and Alf Dana has emailed/texted her about where she is and she's OK.  As Alf pointed out why would Dana contact Bronte - they aren't exactly BB''s -  and not Xander or Harper? 

That was lucky  - or not -  for Cash seeing where he's been posted.   Maybe they are desperate for anyone to work at Mango River. 🤣  Even keeping him at his original position and pay grade, wonder what the turn over in staff  is?  Didn't know Mango River had   a cop shop? 

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This whole storyline with Bronte definitely requires a suspension of disbelief, but I absolutely agree that they are a bunch of idiots.  Irene has been monumentally stupid but watching Leah do a U-turn like this and Justin agree to give $25000 to a woman he's barely interacted with is really quite incredible.  Apart from Dana, Alf and John are the only one who have been suspicious or raised concerns.  Alf hasn't been too pushy, considering what he was like just before his change in attitude as of late.  John believes Bronte but his natural instinct is to not give her that much money.

I keep mentioning that when Dana is determined do something or wants something, she often has little regard for the people around her.  This has happened with Irene, Banjo, Rose and now she's gotten Bree to check the medical records of every hospital re Bronte despite the fact Bree could lose her medical license (Although admittedly, given Dana allowed someone to kidnap a baby and there was no disciplinary action, maybe not).  This is what I mean though.  Dana often puts her actions in front of others to get her own way.

Have to say Bronte wasn't messing around.  She made a threat and followed through with it.  I'm in agreement with her about how annoying Dana is.  In terms of getting that guy to kidnap Dana, I'm not expecting it to be anything permanent but if it shuts her up or means we don't have to see her for the time being, I'm all for it.


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I wonder if Cash and Eden are starting to regret pushing Felicity to go out with the first random that left his number. Because much as I love Felicity, let’s face it, she has absolutely no concept of taking things slowly, so it’s not a surprise that having a drink together translated to dragging him back to hers for an extended session. What is perhaps more surprising is how dodgy Rory suddenly seems to be, as he moves from simply refereeing Mali’s vigilante crusade to making sinister references to “jobs” and “gear”.

Meanwhile, most of the town are proving that, yes, they’re idiots. What’s one of the first things you’re warned about scams? Always be wary of people insisting you need to urgently give them money. But Bronte suddenly announces out of nowhere that she needs the money in a matter of hours or she won’t get a spot on the trial, and Irene just swallows it like she has every other piece of illogical nonsense Bronte’s come out with. On the other hand, Bronte has well and truly scored an own goal. Dana running around town spouting accusations without evidence was easily dismissed, Dana vanishing without talking to anyone and not taking any calls is a cause for suspicion. Xander finally seems to have remembered how his brain works and realised Dana’s not the type to go somewhere for quiet meditation (she wouldn’t be able to sit still for five minutes) and even if she did, she wouldn’t use her one phone call to phone the house and get Bronte to pass on a message, she’d call him or Harper on their mobiles. Bronte had a choice between relying on everyone continuing to ignore Dana for another day and lumbering herself with an even bigger mess to explain away and she went for the latter!

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2 hours ago, Medea Fleecestealer said:

Gawd, do people never do proper dating these days?  Felicity goes from being stand-offish towards Rory to a full blown affair in less than 24 hours.  🤪

You've met Felicity right? Aforethought has never been her strong point, merely instant gratification, hehe! I don't think either Cash or Eden meant quite what she's doing in the first instant anyways! 😆

Good ol' Alf to the rescue, he can usually smell a rat at 50 paces and yes, Slade, agreed re: John where money's concerned; sadly don't buy Xander suddenly being worried, guilty maybe but that's cause his tongue sore from licking Bronte's boots. Though Dana's not my fave, I too would've suspicious of Bronte right from the start but that's just me. As I said before, this whole storyline gives me Belle Gibson vibes (I know most Aussies would know that news story) but you want to talk scam queen extrodinaire I think the writers might have based Bronte at least partly on her, especially the constant collapsing/'I feel faint', I believe Gibson used to fake seizures though. 

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4 hours ago, Medea Fleecestealer said:

Gawd, do people never do proper dating these days?  Felicity goes from being stand-offish towards Rory to a full blown affair in less than 24 hours.  🤪

Dating definitely is harder in real life I thought I had found someone but turns out she’s 7365. miles away shame she was 22 too as well haha and I’m 40 now 

At least Felcity was bit harder to convince Ths women aren’t much of a challenge in this show 

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Hardly an affair🙄 - a one night/morning stand.   Cash and Eden knew when to make a discreet exit. Not a new thing for Flick she soon got with Tane and I guess from what Cash hasn't said is it was par for the course with her.  Cash did fall into cop/big brother mode when Rory introduced himself, asking what does he do, where's he from. 😀  It was neatly avoided what job Cash was going for as that may have wiped the smile off Rory's face.  Then 'we' saw Rory's dark side, was that Dingo we saw - that lad  looked a lot younger.  From where Flick was looking it seemed Rory was putting a caring hand on his shoulder but 'we' know it was more threatening. 

We and Cash found out why there was a vacancy at Mango River - the cop he was replacing had been killed.  Hardly the best incentive to join them. 

The townies/bayers, have followed Irene's lead because they trust her and what she has told them about Bronte.  Bronte didn't ask anyone for money, Irene and the others offered it to help poor Bronte who needed to get her treatment in Canada.  When the donations have been made she has been  so grateful saying "I can't take this" and being soo 'umble about it.   She's only upped the pressure now because of Dana and needs to get outa town pretty damn quick.  I'm supposing it was because Alf had been away he was able to see it with more open eyes and a clearer brain. 

Xand and Harper did miss Dana a lot quicker than I thought they would, which has put Bronte in  a spot.   Totally proved Bronte didn't know anything about Dana, her making that claim to Xander she'd rung her at Irene's saying she'd gone to a silent retreat and apologised to her - 🤣🙄.  He did click right away that wasn't Dana.  As Alf pointed out Dana, for all her faults, would let Harper or Xander know where she'd gone. Bronte was pretty deft with Dana's phone, letting Harper think it had to voice mail.   John seemed to have been the voice in the wilderness , though sympathising with Bronte he wasn't willing to put in any more money as he had his doubts.  Bronte, as we now know had done this before,  maybe even she thought having seizure's would be overdoing it. 

We do see Bree 'confessing' she accessed Bronte's medical records  which were mythical. 

Not  a new thing people saying they have cancer and other illnesses, but really have to play it clever now as people can go on the internet and find out a lot more than they used to be able to. 

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Well, the pieces are falling into place for a few people at least.Irene's being as bluntly myopic as ever, refusing to listen to even the tiniest hint that she might not be doing the right thing, while Leah seems to have been won over by her rhetoric and Marilyn is just happy that everyone's getting on now.But Xander finally seemed to twig that Dana is absolutely right about the way Bronte suddenly plays up her "illness" every time she's asked difficult questions.And John's concern for Dana seems to have superseded any concerns he might have had about her reasons for mistrusting Bronte, especially with Dana having now provided the missing pieces.

And Dana has obviously learned from the last time she was kidnapped, making sure she can get out of her prison before knocking her captor out!

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25 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Well, the pieces are falling into place for a few people at least.Irene's being as bluntly myopic as ever, refusing to listen to even the tiniest hint that she might not be doing the right thing, while Leah seems to have been won over by her rhetoric and Marilyn is just happy that everyone's getting on now.But Xander finally seemed to twig that Dana is absolutely right about the way Bronte suddenly plays up her "illness" every time she's asked difficult questions.And John's concern for Dana seems to have superseded any concerns he might have had about her reasons for mistrusting Bronte, especially with Dana having now provided the missing pieces.

And Dana has obviously learned from the last time she was kidnapped, making sure she can get out of her prison before knocking her captor out!

She should kicked him in the cobblers as hard as she coulf first go when he opened the barn first go and ran for them thar hills!

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I liked the way Bronte’s downfall has come about - although a lot of people didn’t listen to Dana they did know how committed she is to her work and those she cares for. I have to say she’s one of my favourite characters in the show right now.

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