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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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5 minutes ago, c120701 said:

I liked the way Bronte’s downfall has come about - although a lot of people didn’t listen to Dana they did know how committed she is to her work and those she cares for. I have to say she’s one of my favourite characters in the show right now.

I agree Dana is my favourite character too. 

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Irene and Leah are still in the dark about Dana going missing as is Harper.   Off subject  a tad, but a silent retreat would be more Maz's thing, defo as has already been said NOT Dana's.   Is it odd that it was three guys - Alf, John and Xander getting their heads together and working it out?  It is usually us ladies who put the pieces together.   Give Bronte her due, somewhat, she is consistent about what Dana  told her, no elaborating.  She was getting jittery about them not having enough but has been persuaded  to stay until Leah, Irene and Maz get the final balance so she can go.  Alf wasn't happy about the 'bright' idea about what customers pay is going into Bronte's purse - sorry - her GoFundMe page. Irene said what I said Bronte hasn't asked anyone for money, they've donated it. 

I've been saying that about Bronte's "I'm feeling faint", "I need a lie down" comebacks when questioned about her illness or her treatment.  She even tried it on with  Rose, plus the "I need to take my medication" one but she was unfazed.  Even kept cool when Rose revealed this hospital didn't have  records of her. Maybe not the best idea to agree to let Bronte take her records down to the station later, but they had nothing to hold her on. 

Dana may come in for a lot of flak but she did keep quite about who told her  about Bronte not attending any hospital in the state.  Handy Bree just happened to be at Salt when John and Xander were talking about this mysterious someone and she spoke up and admitted it was her. That way they could go in mob handed to Rose and ask that she question Bronte. Having  a doc on your side would carry a bit more clout. 

Maybe just me or is it normal for someone to dump a shipping container in  what looked like a quarry which no-one has mentioned before?  

Give John and Xander some dues, they were quick off the mark  following Bronte when she drove by in Irene's car.  Loved John's "I'll drive".   Good decision on his part not to get too close that road was pretty deserted and she would have  seen them, he did well guessing she had turned off where she did.  John didn't seem to know it so how the heck did Bronte know about it?🤔 

Chase not totally dumb then, he took the ignition keys with  him  when he came back to the container so Dana had to do a runner.  I'm hoping John/Xander called the cops.   Problem is with Xander and John calling out Dana's name if she answers Bronte and Chase will know where she is. 

Kind of side story with Tane and Mali with Mali deciding to go home for a while until his break up with Rose has faded a bit. Be easier for them both, Tane knows how hard it is to see your ex round the place. 


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A lot of chickens coming home to roost: Ironically, I found it just as satisfying watching Irene get her bubble burst, with Bree's revelations wiping the self-satisfied smile off her face, as I did seeing Bronte get wrestled to the ground and handcuffed (I think Rose enjoyed that a lot, complete with a quip). Bronte and Chase really didn't know when to cut their losses. Even right to the end, Bronte's trying desperately to convince people they've got it all wrong, but boy, was Irene the perfect ally to her. Irene was practically doing Bronte's work for her, convincing everyone of her story and ignoring anything that contradicted her belief that she was doing a great and glorious thing.I think Dana forgave her a bit too easily, but at least reality has hit with a bump.John's been in a curious on-the-fence position throughout, not necessarily believing Dana or disbelieving Bronte, but also doing his best to see the best in Dana and recognising people were going overboard where Bronte was concerned.Xander, while he's redeemed himself somewhat here, was unnecessarily vicious towards Dana a lot of the time.A shame Harper was absent because she owes some apologies too.

Elsewhere, we have some rather simplistic matchmaking from Kirby.I like how Theo is fast becoming one of the show's best sources of humour, with his bemused dry wit in response to Kirby's enthusiasm.

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I will miss Brontë and all her not so smart crazy planning she was pretty amusing I wonder if she could still use the money from the crowd funding page? 

I have found Bree much better within her doctor role helping Dana out so it kind of sucks that Theo and Kirby are trying to set Bree and Remi up again but this show does like repeating circles 

Edited by pembie
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I liked Kirby's reaction when Remi and Bree were just staring at each other romantically.  Haven't seen the whole date setup thing that Kirby and Theo did with the other arranging to meet with Bree and Remi separately, with no intention of showing up in quite some time.  So I'm looking forward to the follow up of that.

Whilst she had a lot of help, Bronte did play a blinder for the most part but messed up in a couple of instances.  Firstly, she didn't stick to the original plan, got too greedy and didn't leave when originally intended.  Also, she probably would have been better off not saying anything at all after kidnapping Dana rather than giving some story about Dana storming off to the retreat and only telling her which wasn't every believable given Dana's attitude towards her.

Really enjoyed the scene with Bronte and Irene at the police station when Irene referred to her as a disgrace and Bronte told Irene she only had herself to blame for being a gullible, stupid old woman.  I also loved when Dana was having a go at Bronte and Bronte silenced Dana by telling her all the people closest to Dana chose her.  Bronte is pretty reprehensible but in both cases she was right and especially with Dana, the truth hurts.  Dana has been exonerated but she is so self-absorbed that she can't recognise with Xander, even though he didn't believe her initially, went after and rescued her.  In the case of Irene, she obviously wasn't happy with her either but was forced to forgive her because she's put a roof over her head and if it wasn't for Irene, she would probably be six feet under.  The whole thing with Xander is seriously tearing her up and I think it's glorious.

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WOW John you turned out the real hero in all this - standing in front of Chase's pick up despite the risk of being run down. 👍👏  Taking her to the cop shop, taking her home after she rejected Xander and making sure she was OK. Hope she got that cut seen to.  Dana certainly gave Bronte what for when she tried to turn it on Chase and throw him under the bus, he didn't have nothing to do with it, it was all Bronte. Satisfying end to Bronte's scheming.  Does anyone know where that place was, looked like it had been someone's home seeing as it was called the Jefferson Quarry Estate.   Rose and the rest of the Yabbie Creek cops did a bloody good job getting there as quick as they did, they have been busy lately, then go for months not doing anything.  That was a lovely little ad lib from Rose 😁.    Initially Dana accepted Xander's hug when he found her, probably more relief than anything else.  But it was John she turned to later.  Xander can't really be that surprised can he?  Though saying that OK he's her boyfriend so should have believed her, but what about Harper she didn't and she's her sister! She stood by her when they had all that trouble with Dana's ex so why didn't she trust her this time?  Where is Harper btw? is she just going to drift in and be brought up to date with a quick run down? 

Great minds think alike Red,  John was fence sitting about Dana and Bronte, he had the feeling, though wrong, Dana was jealous of Bronte effectively elbowing her way into Irene's affections.    He wasn't overly supportive of everyone donating money to her, but not quite saying she was lying. 

Going off on that infamous tandem again, Mac is looking after Levi, Flick has gone off with Rory, Xander had gone racing after Bronte so who was looking after the store AKA Salt? 

Bronte did shoot herself in the foot but she was getting desperate

How come it came down to Bree informing Irene and Leah that Dana had gone missing, Bronte had been arrested for fraud, kidnapping?  I know I know everyone has been banging on and on and on about Irene being gullible, stupid, chose your own words, BUT that is the type of people Bronte and her like pick on, she said so herself.  But and I know I've said this before, but she caught  Irene at an vulnerable time.  Irene had just been for her check up and while waiting there would have been the fear the cancer  had come back.  The relief she would have felt then learning about Bronte's  'diagnosis' would have made her feel very lucky. Leah and others in the bay would trust Irene and believe her, so she is going to feel so guilty about leading them on, but she didn't.  They don't have to physically 'see' her medical records.   Would you ask for someone's medical records if you heard they had a terminal illness? 

 Dana showed she was certainly the bigger woman by forgiving Irene, maybe she could get why Irene fell for the lies.  Others not so much.  Rose, OK, she did come into at a much later stage and needed proof, real proof before she could do anything.   Leah, another  debatable one, ditto Marilyn. 

I know it's not that relevant, it's the emotional toil that's been taken on by the bayers, but I'm supposing the money is still in Bronte's GOGUNDME account which they can get back as she hasn't run off with it?   Leah I would imagine get her and Justin's A$25,000  back into their account, Irene won't need to re-mortgage, but what about all the other money that has been donated, 10% of Salt's takings, the Diner's, individual's like Harper, Mac and co.  I'd like to think they would want to donate it to a charity that supports people who have autoimmune disease for real.  That would be a real kick in the teeth for Bronte or whatever her real name is. YAH BOO SHUCKS to her. 

Anyways away from all that - we had some lightheartedness with Bree confessing she missed Remi and Kirby having a 💡 moment she get them back together. took  a bit of persuading on her part to convince Theo he should pitch in. Where is it written it has to be complicated to get a  couple together, sometimes simple is best. Those looks Bree and Remi were giving each other were pretty hot. 

Didn't take long for Bree and Remi to clock they'd been set up.  We did see the teaser for today, and I did think  Remi was winding Theo and Kirby up by saying their plot had failed and we saw he was.😏🤭

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I realise we've just had about six consecutive episodes of it and everyone involved has used up their episode counts, but ye gods, Dana's been kidnapped and is owed a massive apology by just about everyone, and instead Harper barely mentions her because she's busy with her favourite past-time of hanging off Tane (she's even taken him back on as her trainer by the end of the episode!). I guess I should give her credit for sticking around and helping him out after saying she would. That punch would have more impact if there was even the slightest sign of a bruise.

Remi and Bree reuniting has seemed inevitable since their replacement love interests got written out. I'm not sure why they're keeping it quiet, except to stretch the storyline out.

Mackenzie and Levi...did some stuff. They were pretty much just there to fill their episode quota, although we got a twist at the end with the promise of a visit from Dean!

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