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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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To my mind the only thing that alerted Xander to Bronte being a wrong 'un was her saying Dana had  rung  her and they'd  settled things and Dana had told her about going on this retreat.

He was on  a hiding to nothing, him either practically stalking her with all those texts, then backing off.  It was good, finally them actually talking face to face even if it didn't really solve anything. 

We haven't seen Maz so don't know her opinion on what Irene 'put them through'.  Leah found out she and Justin had got their money back.  I don't suppose you'd know what to say if you hadn't been the initial dupe and got others involved in what you thought was a genuine cause.  Irene must have felt especially low if she was tempted enough to buy  a bottle of booze, but her will power won over her urge so good for her.  Btw why do offies or wherever Irene got hers have to put it in a brown bag?  You could innocently be buying a bottle of plonk.  

That is the thing though lads/men like Rory who come from a dysfunctional  family or don't have one do get drawn into gangs who become their new family.  The downside side is they expect the same kind of loyalty.  Dare say that is how Brax, Heath and Casey got into the RB's, I don't think they were the first who had that name were they?

   He, from what he told Flick does have brothers somewhere, I believe what he told Felicity was true and so the decision is hers.   He did admit he's been nicked for things he had done, but hadn't done any prison time, wonder why?  He could be torn liking Flick but the fact Cash is a cop is getting in the way. Don't forget Brax fell for one - Charlie.   Flick jumped into bed with Tane's lawyer Marshall cos he was 🔥, and she did that all by herself.  just because Rory isn't as smart, dress wise it shouldn't be held against him. 

 Joanne Devlin does know Rory and the RB's a lot better than Cash does, though she could be prejudiced which wouldn't be surprising. 



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I don’t mean this to sound rude but does Irene remind anyone else especially when she’s drinking as a witch?

Levi don’t worry Tane is boring so you don’t want him as a friend Mali isn’t much better come to think about it Levi is as bad 

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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

We haven't seen Maz so don't know her opinion on what Irene 'put them through'

She was in yesterday's episode! (She's easy to miss, you could mistake her for one of the chairs in the Diner.) Frankly, I doubt Marilyn donated anything, she seemed to be determined to be Switzerland.

I forgot to say yesterday: Alf actually complimented John! Did I miss hell freezing over? Anyway, not many compliments for John today: He's running around trying to break up fires, bless him, but everything's still burning. Despite holding out through her dark night, Irene decided it's time for her relapse of the decade and I'm mostly wondering who she'll hit this time to make her immediately stop drinking. And despite everyone having an opinion, Dana's finished things with Xander. I suspect there's a big part of her that didn't want to do it: She knows she's being unfair to him but she can't get over the feeling of betrayal, however irrational it is, so she thinks it's best just to draw a line.

Levi's attempts to befriend Tane, who obviously couldn't care less were kind of painful. He was doing okay at the gym until he said all the wrong things about Ari. (Seriously, does Mackenzie never tell anyone anything?) So, is Tane doing one-on-one sessions with the youths now, or has he taken Alf saying he only needs to make a difference to one of them way too literally?

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18 hours ago, pembie said:

I don’t mean this to sound rude but does Irene remind anyone else especially when she’s drinking as a witch?

To be fair she's had all sorts in that Gingerbread house of hers down the years...

17 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Despite holding out through her dark night, Irene decided it's time for her relapse of the decade and I'm mostly wondering who she'll hit this time to make her immediately stop drinking.

Relapses are inevitable not just in soapland entertainment (Pro Wrestling for example). At least Irene's are more spaced out than other soap characters (Phil and Linda from Enders, Peter from Corrie, Terese in Neighbours may be due soon based on everything)

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Of course as soon as anyone says they haven't seen so and so for a while  they pop up. 

Alf did compliment John but in his usual gruff way. 

Poor John he couldn't do right for doing wrong could he? Mali didn't 'help' either saying actions spoke louder than words which Xander took, probably mistakenly, that he should go in for a kiss with Dana. 

Irene did to her credit hold out, but then she did crack, it must have been the same day as she was supposed to be at the Diner in the morning wasn't she?  She didn't come across as having had  a drink, OK two, just said she had a bad night and slept in and was just grumpy.  She certainly ripped into Dana who didn't deserve it.   John made up for his poor judgement with Xander and Dana by being there for Irene, no judgement, just listening, offering to walk her home.   More apologies from Irene to Dana who accepted them again.  Rather drastic Dana calling her relationship with Xander toxic which is why she ended it. To Irene, of course, it's her relationship with booze that was toxic, hence her pouring the rest of it  it down the sink.  Hope she disposes of the bottle carefully so Dana doesn't get the wrong idea. 

I thought Mali and Tane had got over their initial hump over Levi and were slightly easier with him being there?  Or is Tane just there to relieve Mali in his baby sitting  duties?  Levi still can't drive then  as Mali took and brought him back from the hospital.  What were his injuries, he seems to be rather stiff on his right side and holding his arm very awkwardly.  

No way could have Levi known about Ari so it wasn't his fault he inadvertently put his foot in it.  Not Mac's story to tell really and it's an either or situation with her not having said anything, Tane may not want this family history talked about, especially to Levi but Tane and her were close, very nearly very close, back in the day Ari and her closer still but then that is  something else Levi doesn't know about does he?  OK, OK it was long before she and Levi knew each other and it shouldn't matter about who had dated who in the past  but seeing as his brother is living in the same house it could be awkward. 

Good advice from Alf - him again -  to Tane but I did 🤣  when he said you had to set out boundaries for the young folk to follow.   Didn't always work for him with Roo did it?   



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Tane seemed to keep putting his foot in it with Perri (it must be something in the water in that house and again, why did Harper leave crucial details out of his family history?) but made progress in the end, although Perri wasn't keen to give the full story of how he ended up asleep on the beach. It's hard to say whether Alf's advice helped or not, really.

Dingo turns up with fellow amusingly named River Boy, Spanner (because he's a mechanic or because he's got a face like a bag of them, no offence to the actor?). It's a wonder Rory has a reasonably sensible name. At least Dingo told him to put a shirt on, so some things have improved since the Braxtons' day! Actually, Spanner ended up being the voice of reason stopping Dingo from pushing his luck too far. Would even Felicity really be totally fine with Eden just walking out of Salt mid-shift? (There didn't even seem to be that many other people working there, just one extra who was staying out of it.) Levi seems to have decided it's the day for small victories: I did like his little smile of "Okay, I'll take that" when Tane let him watch the game with him.

Remi and Bree continuing to sneak around. Remi's lucky that Theo and Kirby enjoyed the gig, although maybe they're not that fussy. Kirby seems to have made at least some deductions, although how close is she?

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I suppose we don't know what was written on Perri's records.  Second time Tane's found someone on the beach, hope he doesn't make a habit of it.   He, Perri, was  a tad sensitive/secretive about his family life. Tane was shocked Perri didn't know anything about his Maori heritage.  

Here in the UK of course spanner can be a derogatory nickname for someone -  as in you're a right spanner -  but I'm guessing that wouldn't apply to him, but now I won't be able to take him seriously.  Dingo's real name is David, but probably not butch enough for  a RB.  First time we've seen the blood and sand tat and Alf was right to warn Mali about being careful around them, not knowing of course he's already had dealings with them. 

Eden looked suitably surprised when Levi walked in, he had the EEK moment himself, but kept it civil until he stepped in to defend her when Dingo thought just because Rory was dating the boss he and Spanner were owed free drinks. She did allow them one each, but that is the norm for Salt, Mac does it as does Flick. Her reply as to who he was "He's nobody" OUCH.   It didn't put him off and stood up to him again, but as you said Red Spanner told him to back off and leave.  Levi was concerned about Eden but although she denied it then she was worried about him.   Very wise of him, Levi, not to push it with Tane, just two guys watching the footie. 

I'm loving Remi and Bree sneaking around and winding Kirby and Theo up though of course us in the know wouldn't have been surprised if Salt hadn't caught fire what with those hot glances between them.  Who was looking after the store - garage - while Theo was quaffing away in Salt?   They have had some very close calls -  this time Eden bursting in and I'm guessing she let herself in with a key and the front door hadn't been left unlocked.  Bree rolling off the bed when Eden nearly let herself into Remi's room then her having to sneak out the next morning.😄 Pure luck none of Bree's gear was left in the hallway.  Remi did get Eden to confess she was worried about Levi tackling Spanner and Dingo.  Did we all miss something and Bree has changed her mind about the bike seeing as she was very happily riding on it. 

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Alf's episode count this week:Four. Maybe they're making up for Roo, Justin and Mackenzie all being on the absent list now!

So, yeah, it turns out that Tane giving Perri some generic advice without really knowing the situation was not the best thing he could have done, but he knows the details now, or at least most of them.He's back to getting over-involved with other people's children, but at least this one's old enough to make the decision for himself.(The constant references to him needing to be careful do feel a bit like the show hoping we won't notice if Tane does anything reckless.)I suspect she was mostly looking out for Tane rather than Perri, but Harper's advice to get Rose to pay a visit, even in an unofficial capacity, was never going to go down well.(Isn't it only a short time ago that Mackenzie was saying there weren't going to be any more randoms staying there?)Oh, and of course neither Tane nor Harper is smart enough to get birth control right.Despite the ashen face, I suspect there's a part of Harper jumping for joy that Tane finally has to see her as something other than a convenient sympathetic ear (and the rest).

Well, Kirby seemed to have turned her annoying meter up to maximum. (Honestly, if she'd referred to herself as Agatha Kirby one more time, there's a good chance Remi would have snapped and thrown a heavy object at her.) She's got at least part of the truth out of him but fortunately she was too far away to recognise Bree. Given that Bree was happy to, ahem, go for a ride with Nelson, I don't think she really had any right to carry on being dictatorial about Remi's bike, but I'm surprised there wasn't more of a discussion of it.It's a shame that both Bree and Harper bailed on Kirby's single girls afternoon. I wonder if Marilyn was angling for an invite?

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