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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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19 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Yes, Perri said last week that his mother died when he was young and his father brought him up.

Thanks, I wasn't entirely sure, thought better to be safe than sorry.

Haven't seen today's yet but following my catch-up I just had to mention the scene of Irene ringing the hotline I thought was very well done but also I think would subtly help give people the 'go-ahead' if you like if you're anxious about it yourself, there's nothing wrong in asking for help.

Also on the semi-lighter side, Cash's colleague slays me, her dry yet honst sarcasm and what they face and how tied their hands are but in all seriousness the danger everyone faces, not an easy note to hit. I think she we did see her during The Brax Days but, correct me if I'm wrong, I vaguely remember her when Colby and Robbo were around, I know the latter wasn't an RB but same-ish era.

Edited by Foellfan
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Harper might not have physically dragged Dana away from her post but she turned up while she was on duty, saying she needed to talk in a pretty intense way and blurting out her pregnancy news.I'm guessing she didn't actually mean to discuss it in on the beach? Anyway, tension aside, it seems to have done Xander and Dana a favour since it forced them to stay together and talk things over.They were very cute here as they talked around things with each other ("It was kind of involuntary"). Xander was nastier to her than most of the disbelievers, but it was him, not Irene or Harper who were conspicuous by their absence, who was worried enough about her disappearance to poke holes in Bronte's story and track her down. Anyway, neither of them are perfect but they're better off together than apart, so I'm glad they've put it behind them.

If Harper's going to wear as few clothes as she did today, her pregnancy's going to be obvious to everyone pretty soon! So, it turns out Perri actually didn't go back to his father, he was just worried his father would find him there, or possibly find other people there with him.There's no real reason for him to go looking at Tane's, but I'd love to see Mackenzie's reaction to Tane following in Mali's footsteps and moving a guy with volatile people after him into "his" place.

That was a pretty extreme reaction from Eden, marching all the way over to Levi's place and punching him.(Did she walk out of work, again? While they were short staffed?)Levi's dad couldn't exactly judge him given his own family history and instead seemed to validate his choices.

I wondered if Cash leaving his uniform behind when he went to Mangrove River was a blooper but seems he's hanging around while off duty. Alf and Rose give Mali some unwanted prods about his apparent deal with the devil...

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I got caught up watching the US Open mostly the women’s matches not going to lie 

Xanders quite lucky he’s been treated to some very unique bedside manner pizza for meals and then getting to snog his nurse Dana pulled away the first time but I think maybe that’s because of their shared veggies pizza breath 

I wonder if Perri enjoys seeing his social worker wearing a binki on the beach? 

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Harper is only what a month pregnant(?) so quite a while before she shows any kind of bump, that doesn't usually happen until five/six months in or even later, some women don't show at all. 

Very different kind of bedside manner there from Dana to Xander!😃   Dana echoing Bree about Xander  fretting about how long it will be before he gets feeling back in his legs if ever. It was only the day before but as been said 'they' meaning any medical type of person always imagine   the  worst because they know the worst kind of scenario.     Anyways as it turned out he was worrying for nothing, but I did notice Dana didn't check his other leg to see if there was any feeling in that one.   Where will he be staying as I don't think it would be that good an idea for him to return to the Diner flat while still feeling a bit weak on his legs.  

Just as Harper was going to tell Tane the good/bad news, depending  on how you look at it, he reveals he's going to be looking after  Perri which would mean his free time is going to be very limited so any thought of a baby isn't going to fit in that well.   Perri did hide himself pretty well so good for Mali finding him.  Mali didn't pussyfoot around and  told him straight to either go to Tane on his own or he'd tell him where he was. 

This scheme btw how is that supposed to work? That group we saw on the first day was it a choice for them to return or not, it was voluntary  wasn't it so I guess the others decided it wasn't for them.    It is nice that Tane is taking Perri under his wing and Tane teaching him his heritage and how it helps you in life, something to hold on to.    Brave choice for Perri blocking his dad on his phone. Would his dad know where this project/scheme is taking place so could therefore come to the bay?   I do hope Tane has told/warned Mac he has taken someone in who may have someone coming after them.  I have read on the Aus site some people think Perri's dad could be a RB  but as we don't know where he comes from could be a long shot.   I could be totally out there, but I have the feeling he'd only be in his early 30's had Perri the same age as Perri is now. 

 Alf, for him, was a bit more restrained in his advice about getting involved with the RB's, to Mali it was just a  job, which I hope he does get paid for.  Rose on the other hand was coming across a bit heavy, more a concerned ex than cop methinks. 

  Just as Levi starts his first day in his unit up pops his (and Eden's) dad James, did he really not know where he'd been for these last few  months and not know about Levi and Imogen's break up?  I suppose Imogen told him. I'm guessing if that is the case, he didn't know about his stabbing either.   He wasn't bunking off already was he for his walk on the beach? I did like the banter between Levi and Dana.

I'm not making excuses for either of them but I can see why James did what he did.  Couples like him and his wife can live very happily for years but then the husband - or wife - can meet someone and realise there is something missing in the marriage, they love the other person but aren't in love with them anymore.  In James' case it was more complicated as there were children involved -  do you stay for the sake of them, keeping the family together or make the break?   Kids aren't daft  though they pick up on tension between mum and dad and sometimes blame themselves. 

Eden did tell Flick Cash had gone to Mango River on his day off.   Eden wasn't supposed to be at Salt was she, she was asked to cover for Xander who she had just learnt was in hospital and I did I hear her say she'd be in as they needed the money!😮   But, as luck or not had it she saw James, did we miss something or did she think,  wrongly, Levi had asked him to visit, but as you said Red she stormed off while on shift again back to the Farm House and whacked Levi!  I guess she didn't know he'd gone back to work, though that was a very short shift.    I guessing she wasn't in the mood to listen to let him say he hadn't invited him to the bay.  James was being  a  tad optimistic when we heard him say to Levi Eden would be OK - not from what we saw/heard! 

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Wow, Eden's got a heck of a hook, Cash better watch out! What struck me though was her crying, that's not pure anger that's hurt and disbelief too; she wanted to move on with her life, though circumstances forced her to do in a way that maybe she hadn't planned and that meant leaving them both in the past but now they're back squatting and playing victim, so I can appreciate her reaction.

Cash leaving the uniform, they do often have more than one uniform shirt but I wonder if going plain clothes might have been the idea so that he could not necarrily arouse local, both RB and non, suspicion, while putting out feelers as it were.

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Cash pushing Eden really wasn't a good idea, he should know by now that she feels things in extremes. I do feel that James/Jimmy gave in to a bit too much: What's he going to do, never visit Levi while he lives there? Bit of a flying visit from him then! I did like the chat between Cash and Eden, showing what a good unit they are, even if Jimmy did seem to wind up the Eden and Remi shippers (assuming there's any left that still haven't given up!).

Leah and Marilyn seem to be demonstrating that hell is well-meaning friends as they take away Irene's coping mechanism and then push her into a limelight that she's really not ready for.

So, yes, it turns out there is more than three River Boys.A lot more.

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Leah and Marilyn are incredibly dim of course having what happened in the papers will make Irene feel worse 

At least the River boys are more threatening than that cult that Andrew was part of that time while Cash drove around abit and got out gave them all a death stare and drove away again 

Nice blood and sand design on that surfboard I want one 

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First things first and this did make me 😄 Cash wearing Levi's sweatshirt. 

Levi's just got the all clear and now he's been whacked again at least his nose wasn't broken and Eden did get  a bag of frozen veg to put on it.  Won't be  a good look for him seeing patients.   At least she did listen to Levi so he was able to tell her it wasn't anything to do with him their  father just turning up, he followed Levi's trail.     But she wasn't willing/wanting to see him.  Levi did give Mac the low down and warned her Eden might well burn Salt down if she found James/Jimmy there, which she didn't thankfully.   One moment Eden was supposed to be on shift, then she wasn't - confused.com.   

Kirby was pleased to see him - I'd forgotten she would have known him back in the day -  and of course when he asked if she was still in the band she had to mention Eden was living in the bay.  Which brought up Eden and Remi but there had been that thing between Cash and her even back then. 

Cash was on a hiding to nothing him saying he'd give anything just to have five minutes with his dad, his dad didn't cheat on his mum and leave home, no family dynamic  is the same.    She did reveal to Cash James did pop in when Lyrik were giving a concert and she just walked out  so not  a new habit there then. There was anger when Eden confronted James but a lot more stuff coming out, I could be wrong but it seems she never confronted him, yes she was a kid when it all when it all went down and was on mum's side, but it's all been bubbling under since then.   That was one hell of a fight between Cash & Eden, Cash finding Jimmy as he found him OK.  Her saying men are all the same, storming off - again - to her bedroom, I'm guessing the door should have been slammed shut, but it didn't.   Cash was just about to kip down on the sofa as he didn't want to be at home if Flick brought Rory back  when Eden reappeared and seemed to have had an epiphany and was able to see that women can be cheats too. 

Milo having problems getting Rory to come and get his board and pay for it, good luck with that.  Methinks somehow Rory and Dingo think Milo owes them for helping him out, not a biggy, but I dare say the RB's have sort of scale.  

I'm guessing that was the full contingent of RB's, no wonder Mango River residents and the cops are in fear of them.  Were there that many back in Brax's day?  It did  seem they were there just for Cash's benefit as they got called off by Rory who we saw in the trailer driving up with Flick -  again for Cash's benefit. 

Irene, it appears has been OK'ish although not running on all four cylinders but then Leah has this brilliant 🙄idea of calling the local paper to give an account of what Bronte did and how it affected people - in the absence of Roo it had to be her - they will be given a questionnaire to answer so hopefully the real story will be told, but we all know how papers can still twist things.   Big clue - for me at least - Irene who had sort of agreed - had been drinking, her hair was up with those straggly bits dangling down.   

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