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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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H&Alover, I noticed the t-shirt too, talk about rub it in Cash! 😂 The cuddling scene with Eden I thought was sweet, it's clear she's in real pain; loving someone and them betraying you and they're both men you're supposed to look up to is tough and then when you're left with the wreckage, it's breaks in seconds, repair is never simple. Both Levi and Jimmy should stay away really, they can choose to feel guilty or not but they don't have a right to her forgiveness.

I know everyone's going to hate me for this but...Flick has found her people at last! Grungy, selfish bottom feeders, she always struck me that she'd be the 'grungy gang girl' type, hanging off the guy tipping vodka by the bottle and banshee hollering. I'm glad Cash is sticking to his guns, true he won't win the war but the RBs won't either.

The scene with Irene is the car was so well done but so uncomfortable, sh has the mannerisms down perfectly, this will be a masterclass from LynneI think but a tragedy for Irene/the viewers because, as we all know, it never ends with one drink sadly.  

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2 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

I wince everytime I see Irene near the Scotch.

(Partial to a bit myself but the way she's caning it)

Particularly that first massive gulp she downed without even a wince after 9 years of sobriety, I was thinking "Eesh that's gotta smart a bit" 😄

  • Haha 3
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A lot of tension between Cash and Felicity here. I think the problem is that, rose-tinted as her view might be, Marilyn actually has a point: Sure, Cash has plenty of circumstantial evidence that the River Boys were involved in a murder, but there's no clear evidence that Rory is any worse than Dean. So Cash doesn't really have any arguments to get Felicity to stay away from them. His assertion that she'll end up running drugs for them was absurd: Felicity's always had a wild side to her, and she seems to be going through a self-destructive phase at the moment, but there's not really anything in her history to suggest she'd get messed up in that sort of thing, so it came across as over the top.

Meanwhile, Irene's hell of well-meaning friends continues, with John, Leah and Marilyn all, in their way, pushing her to do something she doesn't really want to and probably shouldn't...and that's before we get to the drinking.I'm reminded that, while Irene's always been a nasty drunk, she's not always that pleasant sober! I wish someone would point out that her real problem wasn't believing Bronte, it was the fact that once she got fixated on the idea that Bronte was ill and she was going to save her, she refused to listen to anyone presenting her with facts and viewpoints that didn't fit her narrative.

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I know Irene is drinking but she doesn’t seem that drunk to me I don’t know But Leah is being annoying and very dim here to think Irene would want to do the interview 

Even though Felicity is being abit annoying it’s also good to see her not in a story with Tane So I’m sort of enjoying the River boys kinda feels like a different gang though 

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21 hours ago, Dan F said:

It's Mangrove River 😉


Did TPTB plan that though or did it just happen wardrobe put him in that particular top.😁 

Oh I noticed there are River Girls, I did wonder if there were any.   Flick may have her wild days but she wasn't bad and no way would she get involved in drugs not after her experience.  She has her phases and at the moment Rory seems exciting, but he has his own reasons for taking her to Mangrove River, got it right this time, he knew Cash would be there, he got that tip-off from Dingo, so knew it would wind him up.  Cash is in danger of getting obsessed by him and the rest of the RB's because of Flick being involved with them. I get he cares, as she dos about him,  but putting his foot down and telling her to stay away from them has just had the opposite effect, she's moved out  because as she rightly said it's her house too. Something else she got right - she met up with Rory, as did he, before they knew he was a RB and Cash got his new job.  Oh we finally saw Rory's Blood & Sand tat. He did check out his board and gave it his approval.  

That was rather  a hot🔥 display on the beach between Flick and Rory and then John saw Rory's tatt.  John did try and caution Flick about seeing a RB cos they are trouble.  Dean was but he turned his life round, took a while for the old timers to fully trust him. 

it would be  a different gang though wouldn't it? I don't think we ever saw that many before in one place.   

Btw who is looking after Salt, Mac is away  and Xander is in hospital?  The staff I guess are running it by themselves again.   

They did all mean well, but Leah in her Roo role was particularly annoying. John did mean well, he was reminding her of how she helped him. Irene had had a swig out of the bottle she brought at the grog shop before - put in a glass last time though.  Just the one I think, then stashed the bottle in the under the sink cabinet.  Another brown bag, this time just slugging it down her throat.  To me though  it didn't look like it had gone down that much.  I was pretty relieved she had parked near the Diner  so just had a short walk back.  She must have heard me about the others smelling it on her breath, she took a couple of puffs of mouth freshener.    She was a bit perkier than she was when she left and we know why, but I'm worried how she will answer this journo's questions.   Leah is right other people do need to be warned.   

Irene, like others before her will feel ashamed, embarrassed by being fooled but it just needs one person to speak out, then others may feel brave enough to come forward, it's not  just Bronte but others like her who use people.  For all we know the other two victims of Bronte had the same reactions as Irene, got fixated on what she was saying and blanked others doubting her, though it was only Dana who doubted her. 

Edited by H&Alover
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You think Irene would learn about Journos by now... They are invariably opportunistic snaky gits who feast on what their victim feeds. The Editor of the Coadtal News will probably pretzel it good style.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if people knew about Bree/Remi already and just treated it like an "Elephant in the room" thing... Over them right now, let me tell ya.

Plot thickens with Dingo being linked to mauling the copper...


Edited by CaptainHulk
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1 hour ago, CaptainHulk said:

You think Irene would learn about Journos by now... They are invariably opportunistic snaky gits who feast on what their victim feeds. The Editor of the Coadtal News will probably pretzel it good style.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if people knew about Bree/Remi already and just treated it like an "Elephant in the room" thing... Over them right now, let me tell ya.

Plot thickens with Dingo being linked to mauling the copper...


How did Felcity not burst out laughing when she meet Spanner 

Hi I’m Spanner she’s lucky she meet Rory first or she could have been dating Spanner 

im sure I called a character Spanner in one of my old fics for a laugh 

Maybe Theo should join the police 

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Alf's episode count this week:One! It's not even like the other characters were picking up the slack, only Irene, Leah, Marilyn and Cash managed three.

Cash went in too strong and had to back down, but he's not going to give in to Rory's blackmail.Cash did privately acknowledge that Rory wasn't originally interested in Flick because of the connection to him but is probably using her now.Which raises questions about whether Rory's bluffing or not: I suspect part of the reason he talked Felicity out of moving in with him was that he needs her where she can pass on gossip about what Cash is up to.Felicity lugging that huge suitcase around everywhere was vaguely amusing.I'm not sure Cash needed to apologise to John, who was being a bit annoying.I'm pretty sure we've seen large groups of River Boys before, especially in the early days when they spent their time hanging around the beach indulging in vaguely homoerotic wrestling.

Yes, Leah, this was not your brightest idea ever.I had to admire the journalist's cheery self-interest and utter delight at Irene doing something other than giving the usual carefully-worded rehearsed responses.Still, it seems John's onto her now.

Remi and Bree were kidding themselves thinking Theo was fooled by their "I'm going to go home and make use of the empty house" innuendo.He cottoned on quicker than Cash though!

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Flick being a spoiled brat and throwing a tantrum as per, my advice to Cash would be let her go and wreck herself and then pick up the pieces and see if she learns a lesson.

Theo with Bree and Remi was funny, nicely done.

The John and Irene scene at the end I thought was quite sad, the silence from John spoke volumes; the horrified disbelief when you realise how far someone's fallen but you didn't see, however addicts of all kinds can be very sneaky, it's part what makes it what it is I think.

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When Brax was running the River boys I don’t believe they would murder someone especially a cop just maybe scare them off or blackmail them That’s why this version of the River boys seem like a totally different gang I don’t think Dingo killed Frank maybe they just think they did 

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