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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Had Cash met Felicity before?  At first when he found out who Rory was he asked her to think about getting involved with him which she did.  But him putting his foot down was never going to work,  same as parents telling their kids to stop seeing the bad boys/girls, they do the opposite and go on seeing them even more.  He did back down after seeing the error of his ways  and although absolutely not OK with it has 'allowed' Rory back in the house but as Flick pointed out it is her house too.   That was an odd move by Rory not wanting Felicity to stay with him, it knocked her back a bit but it could be the reason you mentioned Red. Good to see her turn up and do a shift at Salt so still responsible at some level. 

Why was John having a go at Cash for not running the RB's out of town, he's not 'their' local bobby anymore is he?  The Brax gang did hang about, not causing any real bother, just mostly upsetting the locals, like John and Alf.   Well they would be a different gang from Brax's time, maybe they've devolved.  Brax, Heath and the others did scare a lot of people, threatened them, beat them up but no I think they did stop short of murdering anyone. 

It seems Cash has got Joanna motivated into looking more into Franklyn's death, she and the others, who we  haven't seen much of, may have been a bit jaded before but someone different coming in may be just what they needed.  She had the idea of looking into another aspect of what happened and saw Dingo's car somewhere near Franklyn's body was found.  OK yes it was his car but was he the driver? 

I was right, the RB's, well Rory and Dingo, are using what they did to get Mali to help them as he 'owes' them - free surfboard and Mali hiding this bag Dingo has left him.   I have read what is in it, but I don't do spoilers. 🤐🤫🙊

It was the booze talking with Irene, either she wouldn't have done it at all or have been  a lot more her usual self.  That journo was just looking after herself, wanting to get  a big story and making a name for herself, that rant of Irene's couldn't have gone better for her.  I'm glad, if that is the right word, that John found her and hadn't given  up on her.  His silence  when he found her sobbing over the broken bottle of  booze said it all.  Harper and Dana have, of course, never seen her drunk, so wouldn't have known how to handle it.  I know it's a cliche but now she's hit rock bottom the only way is back up. 

With all that trauma we needed a bit of light relief and we got it with Bree and Remi🤣🤭.   They didn't get quite the quiet morning in they wanted, first Cash wanted to off load about the RB's and Flick, then Theo who had worked out who Remi was really seeing, Loved his throw away comment "I didn't know Bree was a session singer?"   Yes, they are acting like kids but they are having fun - you know that thing we're not supposed to have when we get older so good for them.    Did notice the door, as usual, wasn't locked, both Cash and Theo did knock but then they  just walked in.   


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So it sounds like Rory and Dingo disposed of Franklin's body at the very least.We've known for a while they've been involved in something dodgy but this is next level.Felicity does seem very smitten with Rory but at least she hasn't let herself be dragged in as much as Mali has!

John did do a good job with Irene, very much in firm but fair mode, but as soon as she's got over that crisis, there's another upset with the newspaper article.At least it didn't make the front page! I'd be interested to know exactly what was said, just how much did they need to gloss over to make Irene sound worse than Bronte?

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8 hours ago, pembie said:

Mali really is a wimp 

Rapidly losing respect for him by the episode.

12 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

So it sounds like Rory and Dingo disposed of Franklin's body at the very least.We've known for a while they've been involved in something dodgy but this is next level.Felicity does seem very smitten with Rory but at least she hasn't let herself be dragged in as much as Mali has!

John did do a good job with Irene, very much in firm but fair mode, but as soon as she's got over that crisis, there's another upset with the newspaper article.At least it didn't make the front page! I'd be interested to know exactly what was said, just how much did they need to gloss over to make Irene sound worse than Bronte?

"Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?" - The Sun, Daily Mail and all other garbage papers (Most of the good ones too)

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Tane was alright here trying to get into the River boys mystery bag but I never heard of a bag with a code before 

Bree and Remi who do you think you are Taylor Swift and Travis what’s it face at the superbowl or tennis I’m sure people care but not that much haha 

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More than just rumours Rory, Dingo and possible others involved with Franklyn's murder.  But I'm confused.com Aussies drive on the right so his car would be right hand drive,  but then we saw that left arm hanging out of the left hand side of the car which had that tattoo which was identified as Dingo's so who was driving the car?   Is Dingo a minor or someone who has a mental problem what with Rory saying he has to sit in with him while being interviewed by Cash.  Though saying that Dingo or going by his actions should be called Drongo  deciding it was a good idea to keep trophies from Franklyn.  It does explain why Rory didn't want Flick joining him in MR he's using her to find out what she can about Cash's investigations into the RB's.   Must have been really teeth gritting for Cash having to be friendly to Rory.  

I don't see Flick as being a dumb blonde, Rory did fancy her, but then he found out she was the sister of MR's new cop and use it to their advantage.   He may be  a thug but he's not a stupid one. Mali is also being used  because he's a good, decent guy  BUT now he knows that little favour he asked of them via Dean has come at a high price.   We can guess what is in that bag but it's what Mali decides  to do with it.   

Fleur didn't get quite want she wanted no front page but John found it disturbing enough.   Journo's don't need to twist the truth now, Fleur recorded it remember but could still put her own twist on it.   Lovely  that John ignored Irene telling him to go and that he stayed over, even if he and Harper scared each other.   Wonder how that was explained? He has persuaded her to go to an AA meeting which is a good start and of course he'll keep quiet, it's her business no-one else's.   





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I agree with Tane about some people don't deserve to be parents to be honest, IRL how many news stories do you hear of kids ending up like Perri or much worse?  No-one ever says being a parent is easy, but the fundamentals i.e. warmth, food and love shouldn't be that difficult. I think there's no harm in him researching perhaps as long as he doesn't activate anything as it were.

Can understand Bree not wanted to be 'outed' as such, it is still early days and now the pressure is well and truly on!

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5 minutes ago, Foellfan said:

Can understand Bree not wanted to be 'outed' as such, it is still early days and now the pressure is well and truly on!

Well not really Remi and Bree have been together countless times I don’t think it’s that big of a deal 

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Having criticised Kirby for pushing Remi about his new lady last week, I was firmly on her side here.I think Bree was being utterly ridiculous and actually rather selfish and hurtful. It was clear that Remi has lost the appeal of their relationship being treated like a dirty secret yet Bree shut down all his attempts to discuss it and looked utterly disgusted at the idea of people knowing she'd lowered herself to dating him again. I really hope she's got a good explanation for this, and certainly a lot better than the facile one Theo gave, because I think it's finally dawned on her just how much she's been hurting Remi. I did like Kirby dropping that bomb and Theo's "Really?" reaction. Was it me or did Theo say he was giving Justin a hand at the garage? Isn't Justin still in the city? Or was Theo not being careful with his language and meant he'd agreed to give Justin a hand by running the place?

Leah seemed to be being more than a little pushy, but maybe it only appeared that way because we know something she doesn't and because John's been put in the awkward position of keeping her friends away from the truth.(And because Irene isn't in the episode, so she can't go and see her.) Leah trying to grab John's phone to talk to Irene was a bit silly: Why not just phone her herself?

So...Harper's going for intense training sessions with Tane without letting him know she's pregnant? Good grief, if there's anyone in the show deserving of the label "dumb blonde", it really is her, I think she must have performed a self-lobotomy before her daft behaviour in court and has never got over it. And now of course she's fainting: Well, what does she expect after going on a workout and then just picking at her food in the Diner? I would probably be agreeing with Tane's "Some people don't deserve to be parents" speech except he said virtually the same thing about Poppy's mother, and even though he's probably right in this case, it just leaves me thinking who the heck Tane thinks he is to stand in judgement on who gets to be a parent and who doesn't without even meeting them. I think he's going a bit far in getting Perri's school records without even talking to Perri about it.

Boy, Mali really is suffering the consequences of his macho behaviour with the Allens, isn't he! Cash obviously knows he's hiding something but can't do anything about it.

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