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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Tane was quick on picking up about Perri's problem with reading and writing, though I twigged earlier on the beach.   One thing though wouldn't he have had to read and sign his statement he made about the theft he had been charged with? 🤔    It will need addressing though even if he only is just helping with Tane with 'simple' jobs for the moment.  Signs can be got round they have symbols to indicate danger but there are plenty of other things.  He's only 17 so no shame in admitting it, but will need persuading to take lessons, guess Tane will need to speak to Harper with Perri's permission of course. He's obviously a smart kid. 

I'm guessing Dean, nice little mention of him,  doesn't know what the current RB's are like, it's been a  couple of years since he had proper dealings with them.  His lot may have been rough and ready but not that violent.  

Quick breeze in and out for Alf, giving his advice about hanging in there  with Perri.

Didn't really help that when Dana first tackled Xander that she was two sheets to the wind, Rose just stood there bemused and wisely kept out of it.  Luckily, for both of them, wise words were spoken to them.   She could have just made up with him and left it at that but if the right planets align who are we to argue.  They are always going to have different opinions on things couples do. 

Glad it wasn't just me who thought that meeting between Mac and Perri was odd, one moment  she was looking at the sofa all confused  when she got back but pushed Levi's explanation to one side to um reunite properly. 😳😉 Then it seemed she had met him and it seemed was OK with him staying there saying it had been mentioned.  Confused.com. 

People slag Felicity off for letting people have free drinks/food left , right and centre but what was the first thing Mac did - treats Tane, Levi and Perri to lunch!  Neat little ploy there btw of Tane suggesting a meal to Perri. 

Bad timing that Jimmy turned up while Mac was away so she didn't get to meet him and another one to badly phrase herself when she said about she was glad she wasn't here for that family reunion.   One thing Levi brought up which is true when a couple break up because of an affair friends do take sides.  Could depend how long they have known the guilty or innocent party or who they were friends with first.   Shouldn't generalise but women stick with the women and men stick with the men.  

Leah and Marilyn are the opposite on how they are dealing with Irene, Maz the softly, softly approach and Leah going in all guns blazing.  Leah wasn't snooping when she popped round, Irene had left that bottle of bubbly on the table for all to see.   Is Irene trying to convince others she can handle drinking or  herself?  She is immediately jumping to the conclusion they are talking about her, which is mostly true, then dragging John in who is innocent as he hasn't said a word about her to anyone, apart from her 'retail therapy'.   To me there is an obvious difference, her hairstyle.   She did go to AA then  I wasn't sure if she had, but thinking 'they' weren't like her which is sad as there must be different levels of alcoholism. 

Seems it's all kicking off today with the RB's and the cops. 


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4 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

I see it noe: The Roberts Review akin to Robinson's Round Up/Karl's Catch-Up/Terese's Takeover's/Harris' Rehash/Brennan's Best Bits on Neighbours (The cast stay in character on that)

Oh stone the flaming crows neighbours have stolen my idea They do do interesting stuff like that zombie episode that one year 

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35 minutes ago, CaptainHulk said:

Anyone else think "Mali, You Knob!" when he handled the evidence?

Yes not the brightest he might as well had a bath with all that edvince Maybe that’s why he hates the police he keeps framing himself for crimes nothing to do with him haha 

I would laugh if he got caught for it instead of Rory 

Side note I think I know why couples have problems in this show they don’t have any hobbies other than having sex all the time haha

Edited by pembie
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Why oh why do they insist on the police arriving with sirens blasting and lights flashing.  They could be heard from a long way away and frankly the River Boys should have scattered at the first siren blast.  If you're going to raid a place you sneak in close, make sure all escape routes are covered and then go in without all the noise and lights.  🤪

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.

Well, all sorts of things coming to a head.I'm not convinced these River Boys are any worse than Dean's time: Before they decided to make him and Ziggy the Golden Couple, I remember Dean offering to prepare a "welcome" for Robbo in prison.I'm finding Felicity's suddenly head over heels attitude towards Rory rather annoying and unrealistic: I guess she was the same with Tane, but it feels like it's just there to make the betrayal when she finds out what he's keeping from her hurt more than it would if he was just someone she was casually seeing.Cash insists on strict security and then decides to brief Rose in the surf club within earshot of Mali... To be honest, it's probably a good thing he did, because if Mali hadn't chosen that precise moment to get cold feet and turn up at the River Boys' hideout with the bag, his raid would have been a bit of a damp squib.(Mali obviously wasn't going to hand it in himself...)To be fair, the police arrived mere seconds after we first heard sirens, so they probably just turned them on at the last moment for effect, and Cash did have at least one extra car hidden to block Dingo's escape. As for Mali, despite getting his fingerprints over everything else in the bag, he did at least make sure not to touch the crowbar.

Mackenzie was being a bit annoying so it's a shame Levi apologised to her: Does she really expect everything to be plain sailing and hearts and flowers?

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I must admit I enjoyed all the police drama stuff, but then I am a drama lover, loved the eyeballing between both Cash and Dingo, then later him and Rory. Flick being a brat in nothing new but when has Cash ever warned her about something for anything other than her own safety, given she isn't exactly endowed with great decision skills? Mali was so silly to handle things but also to go there, he's risking everything there even minor guilt by association can have big consequences.

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There can't be  a heavy  cop presence in Mangrove River as the Yabbie Creek cops had to be called in to add reinforcements, no Sarge I noticed. 

I thought they only tuned on the sirens and lights on at the last moment, the RB's were just lounging about when they got the shock of their lives.  

Joanna did say Cash had made the MR cops   sit up and want to take back control.  Well handled by Cash and Rose.  She did get  a bit of  a shock though seeing Mali there.   I was right about Rory not being happy about Dingo dumping the bag on Mali, when he said get rid of it he didn't mean dump it on an outsider/innocent, he meant chuck it in the river or bury it.  I guess what was in the bag really piqued Mali's interest, it would anyone,  but WOW what a shock he had!  I spotted the fact he didn't handle the crowbar.  Of course the cops will be asking Mali questions, even the fact they - Cash & Rose - know him oughtn't  stop them.  Though them knowing him it should be handled by MR cops but as we know normal procedure isn't  always followed in soaps. 

Flick does have a tendency to go for bad guys which Tane was when we first met him but obviously not in Rory's league.  Flick, in case you hadn't met her before has always had a wild streak, but funnily enough Tane did kind of tame her though not completely, it wouldn't be Flick then.  I like Flick though  like  a lot of the characters do she does have her annoying moments. She and they would be very boring if they were goody good all the time. 

Rory pitching up and saying he killed McGrath - true, was he taking the blame for Dingo or was he part of it.   I do think it would have taken two, someone was driving Dingo's car. 

Cash roped Eden in to keep Flick occupied and though she knew something was going down she didn't ask questions while the MR operation went down and for the most part she succeeded until Rory tuned up.  Flick then of course guesses, correctly, Eden was playing babysitter. 

I thought both Levi and Mac apologised to each other   OK Jimmy walked out on his family and Levi walked out on Imogen but isn't it better that the one who did wrong does feel guilt rather than nothing?  I'd be wary if someone I'd got with like Mac has with Levi   didn't feel anything. Tad awkward Eden being there when Levi walked into Salt but well handled., they just ignored each other. 

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On 13/09/2024 at 23:56, H&Alover said:


I'm guessing Dean, nice little mention of him,  doesn't know what the current RB's are like, it's been a  couple of years since he had proper dealings with them.  His lot may have been rough and ready but not that violent.  



Marilyn mentioning Dean as lovely annoyed me as she has no idea what Dean got up too at times and particularly time when Tane was stabbed and was more worried about Mackenzie getting sent to jail then Tane being killed. 


Edited by j.laur5
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