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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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To be fair, I think you have to give Rory credit for sticking to his values and throwing himself into the lion’s mouth with his “brother”. That puts him way ahead of Brax, who used to treat his “Boys” as cannon fodder and happily throw them to the police as a scapegoat if it kept him, and occasionally his family, out of trouble. Of course, it would have been better if Rory hadn’t murdered someone in the first place, which has got Dingo into a lot more trouble than if he was just up on a GBH charge. His relationship with Felicity has never really rung true so I don’t really buy her being heartbroken over a guy that she’s been dating five minutes.

Why the hell did Cash choose Rose of all people to interview Mali? It was obviously going to be a damp squib, unless that was actually Cash’s plan, to keep his mate out of it. Given forensics would tie him to the bag of evidence, Mali’s very lucky not to end up charged as an accessory, for real this time. This isn’t like when he only went to Tane to get him to give himself up, he was quite happy to keep quiet about what Dingo had done, and indeed has done. At this point, Rose really should stop caring about his whiney attempts to play the victim because he really does seem to be heading down the wrong track.

I’m not sure why they spent a week pretending Harper might not keep the baby only for her to decide that actually, she will. Ironically, it feels like we’re in the same situation as back when Felicity was with Tane and Cash was a wreck, where the supposedly wild and irresponsible younger sister is more together than her older sibling: Dana has a good job and a steady relationship while Harper’s pregnant by a one-night stand with a technically married man who’s shut down her attempts to be with him!

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As the River boy story seems like it is nearing the end I have been wondering what was the point of it characters Rory and Dingo are the guilty ones characters I don’t really have a opinion on I have to say though it’s been more exciting than Remi and Bree or Xander and Dana so maybe that’s the point 

I guess the only takeaway really is I think Cash could be my favourite character him and John 

Edited by pembie
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And the gold medal for Biggest Brat goes to Flick as always, Cash truly should cut his losses; she isn't worth it. The only reason she threw that tantrum was because her bed will be cold and she can't admit she's wrong yet again. Cash is a cop at heart, he believes in justice and it was served, he kept her away so she wouldn't do something stupid.

Silver medal for Brathood has to go to Mali, I know they do usually advise 'No comment', but ironically he is innocent but his attitude made him look guilty, obviously taking after Iluka and Dean.

I liked the Harper and Dana scenes, Dana being excited to be an auntie was fun you just know she'll sneak the kid sweets before dinner and things like that or, especially if it's a girl, in years to come when she's an angry teen arguing with Harper about makeup, boys, it'll be Dana she'd go to and she'd be the one to help bridge the cap.

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1 minute ago, Foellfan said:

And the gold medal for Biggest Brat goes to Flick as always, Cash truly should cut his losses; she isn't worth it. The only reason she threw that tantrum was because her bed will be cold and she can't admit she's wrong yet again. Cash is a cop at heart, he believes in justice and it was served, he kept her away so she wouldn't do something stupid.

Silver medal for Brathood has to go to Mali, I know they do usually advise 'No comment', but ironically he is innocent but his attitude made him look guilty, obviously taking after Iluka and Dean.

I liked the Harper and Dana scenes, Dana being excited to be an auntie was fun you just know she'll sneak the kid sweets before dinner and things like that or, especially if it's a girl, in years to come when she's an angry teen arguing with Harper about makeup, boys, it'll be Dana she'd go to and she'd be the one to help bridge the cap.

Mali is a useless character I think we are supposed too like him but his just a big wally lol

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14 hours ago, pembie said:

As the River boy story seems like it is nearing the end I have been wondering what was the point of it characters Rory and Dingo are the guilty ones characters I don’t really have a opinion on I have to say though it’s been more exciting than Remi and Bree or Xander and Dana so maybe that’s the point  

Literally anything is more exciting than  Remi/Bree tbf.

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Eden's dad wasn't around for very long but given how his presence wound Eden up, he can't be all bad.

I did take onboard Xander's point about Dana only getting back with him because of the accident but he was acting like she was prior to that.  I think she is genuine but this highlights how immature both of them have been.

Starting to get a little frustrated with the Harper/Tane pregnancy thing.  She should just tell him and stop delaying it.  There will never be a right time to break the news.

My thoughts are on Remi/Bree becoming public knowledge and Mackenzie returning are the same...meh.

Irene has been quite brilliant.  I've really enjoyed the fact that she has no filter and the scenes with Leah and Marilyn, particularly the way the both look at each other when given how she's acting.  I even enjoyed the scenes with Harper and Dana when she asked them to drink with her.

I don't mind having the odd criminal.  I didn't have an issue with the Bronte storyline and thought the Allens were OK but I hate having the River Boys back.  I'm of the opinion they should just nuke Mangrove River but given the River Boy's are like cockroaches, they would probably survive it anyway.  I do think it was good to see Cash and Rose working together again.  There hasn't been too much focus on their friendship as of late and I really like their interactions.

Despite the fact I'm not happy about the River Boys storyline I did enjoy seeing Cash and the other cops arrest them.  I was a little surprised Rory turned himself in.  So I do accept with him and Dingo, loyalty's a big thing.  Hopefully the storyline will be wrapped up quickly now.

Felicity doesn't seem to be acting very rationally re her blind support for Rory but I do actually think this is plausible given the way the marriage with Tane ended badly for her and she was still in love with him up to a couple of months ago.  She did sleep with Marshall but that didn't work out because of Tane, so it's no surprise she's latched onto the first person who isn't off limits to compensate for what has happened before.  I will say that I did like her "who are you?" to Eden (Football chant anyone).

I'm in agreement with the comments about Mali.  Personally I can't stand the guy and would be happy if he left the Bay.  When Dingo told the police to question him, I was kind of hoping he would get in trouble somehow.  And later on he had the audacity to accuse Rose of thinking he was a murderer simply for doing her job.  There was an important point Rose made last week though in that Cash was too involved.  I accept Cash has been professional about this but he shouldn't have asked Rose to interview Mali because there is a conflict of interest and there's also an argument as to whether Cash should have interviewed Rory.


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I agree about Rory stepping up to the mark about it being him killing McGrath and the forensic evidence proved he wielded the crowbar.  The RB's are his adopted family and that is what you do when a family member is in trouble.  You may argue or fight but when push comes to shove you close ranks.  Anyone on here who watches Emmerdale have seen that happen plenty of times with the Dingles.  Ok may have come out of the blue Felicity saying she loves Rory but where is it written in stone you have to know someone a certain amount of time before you can say the l word?  

Flick has always been erratic, she does let her emotions run away with her, but she can be a good and loyal friend and sister, better than being boring isn't it and always doing the right thing?  See above for families sticking together even if they do annoy the life out of you, Cash and Flick have through a lot together and do support each other.  Eden was stuck in between a rock and a hard place, trying to keep Flick busy and away from MR, didn't help Rory turning up so she had to confess that Cash had asked her to do it, but couldn't say why as he couldn't tell her.  Rory certainly isn't dumb, then he got the text from Dingo so really did have to run.

Flick is an adult, OK she doesn't always act it, so she is allowed to go where she wants to and what was Eden supposed to do, tie her down?   Did Rory tell Flick to forget about him to protect her as he did care about her or because  he wasn't bothered. 

I said that about Cash allowing Rose to interview Mali even with another cop there and it being taped/videoed, surely that wouldn't be proper police protocol seeing as they are ex's and so recently.  He did play the No Comment comeback but he doesn't owe the RB's anything.  Is he hoping Rory will say he had nothing at all to do with it?   Debateable about Cash interviewing Rory, especially with no lawyer there, as there could be a conflict of interest.  Nought to do with anything really but seeing as both Cash and Rose are Senior Constables who has seniority between them?  Cash had been one before he was suspended but Rose become one during his suspension.  Just asking. 

I think maybe TPTB listened, wrongly, to people moaning that Mali was dull/boring as he didn't do anything apart from make his boards, teach surfing and be a good guy.  

Did I miss it it or was there any discussion about what Harper was planning to do about her pregnancy?  She can't be that far along but her having bought formic acid tabs says something, maybe her sub conscious deciding before her conscious self did.  Okey, dokey Dana did well pretending the tabs  were hers when they  dropped out of Harper's bag, but then natch Xander just happened to be standing there when Dana was babbling on about how good an auntie she would be.  Did neither Dana or Harper really not see him?   Hope he doesn't throw a strop because Dana didn't tell him, not her secret.  Now Harper will have to tell Tane.  

19 hours ago, pembie said:

Mali is a useless character I think we are supposed too like him but his just a big wally lol

Well I like him!

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I think Cash did the right thing taking Felicity to see Rory, because otherwise she was just left in limbo.She seemed calmer in the aftermath, and even though there was still a trace of bitterness towards Cash in the aftermath, I think she recognises that the situation is what it is and Cash did the right thing. There did seem to be a bit of regret from Rory towards her: Maybe on one level he did care after all. We've mentioned in the past that he was at least interested in her before he had an agenda with her.

I both am and am not pleased to see Justin back.I like him and all, but I was kind of hoping that he'd bring Ava back with him once she'd finished her exams, it seems a bit of a waste to set that up and not deliver.I understand Leah's concern (and we see that, for all her protests, Irene is doing extra drinking in secret) but it wasn't a smart idea to send Justin to talk to her and it was an even less smart idea to have him try and trick her into it.

I thought Xander was really sweet and funny trying to be a supportive boyfriend and expectant father to Dana without letting it on that he "knew". I'm glad that it wasn't strung out too long and the penny dropped quickly about it being Harper who was pregnant.Hopefully Dana will manage to stress that Xander needs to keep that one quiet.And hopefully he manages to find something convincing to tell Rose!

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Flick still being a brat as per, she should just own her foolishness, no-one said she made a bad decision, even though she sure as heck did but she always comes across as if she wants everyone to make her feel better instead of teaching her to grow up. It would've been interesting to see her go off on that sulky teenager path with Rory and become a 'grunge-girl' then when Cash wouldn't give up on justice and trying to keep the RBs in some form of line she'd see what they do to cops and I wonder how she would've handled that if Cash had been the victim.

I genuinely believe Rory did kill McGrath, purely because Dingo comes across as if he wouldn't necassarily have the brains to do it without getting himself into trouble within the hour, don't doubt he beat McGrath though.

Edited by Foellfan
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It may be not have been proper police procedure for Cash to take Flick to see Rory, but she did get it from the horse's mouth that he had killed McGrath so still not under the illusion he had been set up.  Her calmness could be a worry though but she did listen to Cash after Eden's nudging.   She wasn't too happy with Eden either.  Cash and Eden will need to keep an eye on her as they know her too well. Rory, I think, was torn, he did really like Flick, not sure if he was at the love stage though, but her being a cop's sister would have caused  trouble even without a murder being thrown into the mix.  Though saying that Brax fell in love with Charlie but then he didn't kill anyone. 

I honestly didn't click that Xander thought it was Dana who was pregnant - doh.  He obviously ignored Rose's advice to wait until she, Dana, was ready to tell him and just asked.  Love the quaint old "I'm not with child".    I thought he was a bit slow as to who is pregnant but then he had his 💡 moment.   I think she did say not to say anything yet, but he will have to tell Rose but will need to be circumspect.  But of course Rose is a cop so wouldn't take her long to add two and two together.  

Just as well Leah didn't go to Irene's for drinks as she would have missed Justin coming home.   Btw how many drinks was Marilyn planning to have, she'd need to get home so either driving or getting a cab.   Dana neatly dodged joining in saying she was tired so didn't have to refuse seeing as she's joined Harper on the wagon.    I suppose Leah did have to fill Justin in what was occurring with Irene but I couldn't see her reasoning why she thought he and Irene would be in the same boat, Justin had a prescription drugs addiction problem and you don't go handing them around with your friends do you?   It didn't take long for Irene to twig what Justin was there for and who sent him.  I was waiting for her to say "I didn't come down in the last shower".   OK, Irene thinks she can handle a few drinks with friends but as said, she is secretly drinking which is not a good sign.  As we saw John digs the bottle(s) out.   

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