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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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I mentioned in my last post about Rose expressing concerns Cash was too involved and then getting her to interview Mali, so there was a concern with regards to the professionalism element yesterday.  I did think Cash allowing Felicity to speak to Rory also falls within that remit (and Cash's partner and the cop guarding Rory allowing it to happen) but I do agree that Cash did the right thing given Felicity's current state of mind and that she does need some closure.  I think the way she's been acting re-enforces the point she's not mature enough to have kids and why she and Tane didn't work out.

At the moment I find I'm looking forward to any scenes with Irene.  I know this probably won't last for very long but despite the serious nature of the storyline, I'm finding her quite entertaining.  Again the expression and look of discomfort on Marilyn and Leah's faces when she's acting out is amusing.  When Justin came into the Diner and asked how Irene had been coping, I did wonder whether Leah had already told him about her drinking.  It's still wasn't clear to me from her facial expression at the Diner whether he already knew of if Leah told him on the way home.  They've both obviously not learnt anything with what happened when they were initially against John being a celebrant for their wedding.  Leah getting Justin to do it again.  I don't really understand what made her think him talking to her would have made any difference.  Nothing against Justin but I did enjoy Irene having a go at him going round with him to his and confronting Leah as well.


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On 17/09/2024 at 14:53, Red Ranger 1 said:

I think Cash did the right thing taking Felicity to see Rory, because otherwise she was just left in limbo.She seemed calmer in the aftermath, and even though there was still a trace of bitterness towards Cash in the aftermath, I think she recognises that the situation is what it is and Cash did the right thing. There did seem to be a bit of regret from Rory towards her: Maybe on one level he did care after all. We've mentioned in the past that he was at least interested in her before he had an agenda with her.

I both am and am not pleased to see Justin back.I like him and all, but I was kind of hoping that he'd bring Ava back with him once she'd finished her exams.

If I was to take a census, I don't think Ava would be at the top of the list of people would want back (Theo stuff notwithstanding). But it's not like she lives on the moon so eventually she'll likely  return after her results and likely be looking for work to pay her way through Uni if/when she does.

On to today's Irene is digging herself a giant hole... Nice update on Roo being on the same ship with Ryder, though (Who really should make a Skype appearance one day just to say "Hey").

Remi/Bree...Ya, later.

Edited by CaptainHulk
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Irene hosting a 'I'm in control party' when sadly, literally even Dopey 'don't make waves' Maz can see, control is the last thing Irene is.

I don't blame John for walking out or making his point prior, sometimes being a good friend can actually mean going against them and calling them out, not always easy to do in the moment but in the long run definitely the better choice. If they listen it's good, if you get cast out, sad and painful, yes but at least you know you've done the right thing.

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3 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

If I was to take a census, I don't think Ava would be at the top of the list of people would want back

Well, you know, I'm sure a lot of people could come up with lists of iconic characters from the 80s and 90s that they'd like to see again, but most of them would be pipe dreams, whereas Ava being around does feel like a possibility (especially given we've seen her this year) and having her in the household would shake things up and let us see a different side to Justin and Leah.

With John returning to take over the role of chief naysayer, it seems Leah's more or less fallen in line with Marilyn's approach of "Go along with it until you're absolutely sure it's the wrong thing." I don't blame John for making a stand, but it's not going to penetrate Irene's defensiveness. It's hard to see how much of her manic behaviour is down to the drink and how much isn't!

I'm glad Mali acknowledged he's made some poor choices lately, and he didn't even mention the fact he withheld evidence related to a murder case from the police.So, off to another set of lectures from his family, maybe these ones will sink in.

Bree was being precious again and it was frustrating seeing Remi seem to change his views again to fall in line with hers, at least until she remembered where they live and accepted that of course people are going to want to know if they're dating again or not.

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Irene is so in denial which could explain her ratty mood towards everyone who challenges her assertion she is in control because on one level she knows she isn't.   People do drink on their own, but don't hide the bottles at the back of cupboards.  Justin's question about how she is coping would be a perfectly natural one to  ask seeing as he'd been out of town during the final showdown.   It is making people around her walk on eggshells so afraid to say the wrong thing.   That dinner party was so tense, no-one but Irene was comfortable,  had Irene bought some wine glasses as she said the other day she didn't have any.  Not  a clever idea of John having a  root about, but I'm glad he did make a stand and walked out- tough love needed.  I thought Alf was  a friend so why wasn't he asked?🤔   It was good to hear about Roo and Ryder even if briefly.  I can imagine what Roo would say about it all.   Where were Harper and Dana btw?

Remi finally got what Bree was saying about people going on about people being glad they were  back together, it could get very wearing, don't worry love, they'll soon move onto something/one else.   I did love his "Can I have that in writing" line when she said  he was right.😄  Them hoping for  a quiet night in - yeh right - went pear shaped so they sneaked out.  

Bit rotten of Justin teasing Theo about the garage but we need some light relief. 

Kirby has some patience putting up with Mali and him dodging his business leaving her to run most if not all the lessons. He didn't really give her a proper reason either.   She can't help with his board side of it though so more disappointed customers and now he's going home 'for a while'  has he/will he tell her?   Families can be a real pain can't they, he only got involved with the RB's because of Iluka.  Good advice from Tane who himself took time away from the bay after his breakup with Felicity.  Mali really had made a wrong turn or three, but it's because he's a good guy and cares about people.   He had only found the evidence that day, the bag when dumped on him could have had anything in it, drugs, money.   I'm guessing MR cops - as in  Cash - decided he wasn't involved in any way.   

Alf still being upbeat about  Perri, though it did seem Tane is not as sure.   

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I’ll give this to Irene, she’s not a cheap alcoholic this time around, 13 year aged Whiskey.

Alf being around surprised me, I’d assumed he was out of town as I’m sure he’d have something to say about her relapse.

Edited by c120701
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6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

had Irene bought some wine glasses as she said the other day she didn't have any.

Yes, we saw her unpacking a new box of them when she was setting the table.

Hindsight's 20/20 and John has good intentions but that didn't work. I wondered if he'd confront Irene or go to her friends first but either way, I don't think that would have been my opening gambit. There was a brief moment when he produced the bottles where Irene had this horrified look on her face at her facade collapsing, but she quickly doubled down with the defensiveness. I'm glad John managed to shut Marilyn up because she was kind of talking nonsense. Justin probably has a point about them not being able to help Irene unless she wants them to, but it's hard to just sit back and do nothing. Irene did seem to snap back to her old self next morning with her apology to Harper, although how much that was part of the act I'm not sure.

I don't blame Tane for not knowing Perri's birthday, it's a bit early for them to be having that conversation! Perri seemed a bit clueless at times: Mackenzie tells him you don't drink before work so why did he tell Tane he had done, especially when he didn't? (Not that he ended up doing any work!) Tane's well-intentioned but Perri's a bit overwhelmed and lost as it is.

Okay, so Harper's last excuse for keeping the pregnancy from Tane was that she wasn't sure if she was keeping the baby or not, but now she apparently is so what gives?

4 hours ago, c120701 said:

Alf being around surprised me, I’d assumed he was out of town as I’m sure he’d have something to say about her relapse.

Alf's appearances are a bit weird at the moment: He only seems to appear in a scene or two each episode, usually in or around the surf club. I suspect Ray Meagher was on limited availability when these were filmed.

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3 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:


I don't blame Tane for not knowing Perri's birthday,

But there is surely paperwork involved in employing Perri  in the gym.  Tane would be aware of his birthday and should have noticed it was very imminent.

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Just now, Posy said:

But there is surely paperwork involved in employing Perri  in the gym.  Tane would be aware of his birthday and should have noticed it was very imminent.

Hmm, didn't think of that but you've got a point. Then again, maybe Tane's not all that hot on paperwork!

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Alf's comment about the 18th made me giggle, I think the reason Irene didn't invite him was purely because he would've blown the lid quicker than John and probably would've been more forceful in the opinion department too, not that you'd blame him.

I felt sorry for Perri, both being overwhelmed with everyone because I get the general impression birthday niceties and care and loving attention aren't things he's had all that much of so it would seem weird to him, which is sad. I think maybe he hoped his Dad might say something, it's a weird kind of Stockholm Syndrome that comes with abusive relationships sometimes.

Irene is definitely starting to bare her teeth now, this is the destructive phase and you wouldn't blame anyone for backing off in some ways, no-one wants to be a verbal punching bag.

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