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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Dare I say I liked the parts with Dana trying to keep Harpers baby secret from Tane that was quite funny 

I found the Irene stuff all rather depressing I didn’t really enjoy that But I think maybe we should just have Bree as the town doctor who just pops up sometimes that’s where she works best 

I feel like I need a break now

2 hours ago, TessyBear said:


I know I haven't been here for quite some time but I just wanted to share some thoughts as I don't know if I've got the wrong end of the stick or not. 

I swear Irene's friends shouldn't have been leaving her alone so much. They DEFINITELY shouldn't have been encouraging her drinking. Disgusting. Alcoholism is a beast right. A real beast. It's not gonna be easy to help Irene. Doesn't mean they don't try. I swear Irene ended up in hospital today coz of all those sad sacks. I mean Irene told John to leave her alone. Did he really take her seriously??? He could've asked Harper or Dana to let him into the house when Irene wasn't there. Then he shoulda poured all the alcohol away. He could leave a note for Irene or wait til Irene got home! It's not easy or comfortable. SO?????? Look what's happened to Irene now. I mean she was the one who was drinking the alcohol yes, writing herself off, BUT her friends have sure done a LOUSY job at supporting her.

So you know the message at the end of every episode? About "You can call the helpline". So what if someone's watching H&A and they feel just like Leah as a friend of theirs or family member is suffering with a relapse... They watch H&A and go 'Well... there's no hope then. There's nothing I can do. I'll just make it worse'. WRONG. REALLY WRONG. Irene can't help herself. She shouldn't have had to end up in hospital for things to start changing and improving again. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad writing. 

I mean I have no experience of addiction myself. At all. I've seen it on TV a few times. In Brothers and Sisters Justin's family stayed up with him all night when he was going cold turkey!! I'd have just taken an intervention on H&A!!

So... Have I oversimplified it? Is it a bit more complex, a bit more tricky than I've thought? Does it need to be thought about a bit more than I have? I think Leah and her friends have done a poor job. Is that wrong. We can have a respectful discussion about it all. I have autism and I find seeing gray areas tricky. I just feel like Irene's so called "friends" dropped the ball baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad and the tptb to be honest too.

Harper was my star of the week this week/star of the storyline today!! Taking Irene to hospital and being firm with her! *singing* Aaaahhhhh!!!! The Happy Clappy Leahlyn Brigade woulda just patched Irene up, sent her to bed and gone home. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

I had an experience once with an alcoholic. Alright so I've had one. It was a lady I didn't know, at night, while I was waiting for the bus home. She asked me if she could have some money. I said "no" out of habit. I think then she said it was for alcohol. I said "no" again. Definitely said no then! I knew who she was. I then asked her "Are you an alcoholic?" She said "Yes". I replied "I just don't think I can set you back". She'd told me, I asked if memory serves, she was going to rehab. I said "I can't be the one who sets you back. Not this close to going to rehab". I don't know if she was really going to rehab. I hope she was! I said "We can talk about it if you like?" But she left. She came back one more time to ask for money and I still stood firm. I prayed that she wouldn't come back again, nor get alcohol and that she'd really go to rehab!! That's what you have to do!! I mean praying's optional I suppose but you hafta stand firm!!! The Happy Under The Carpet Brigade?? They woulda taken this lady/Irene to the supermarket - 2 mins walk away and helped her carry the bottles to the checkout. And WHY??? So they wouldn't get Irene offside?? Heads up dummies - the alcohol has already done that. I feel like the "friends" thought it was more important to be nice to Irene than actually help her. Please. It makes me sick. Well with the exception of Harper, though she coulda come to the realisation she came to today a whole lot quicker, who needs enemies when Irene's got such great "friends"???

ETA: I did really enjoy the bts photos!! Thanks Dan!!!! You must live Down Under? Do you work on H&A?

I think you have it take the stories on the show with a pinch of salt mostly they are quite silly and aren’t realistic a lot of time Like when Felcity was raped after being drugged and then her rapist started blackmailing her in reality I think that increased his chances of getting caught that turned that story silly 

But yeah I agree with what you said 

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Now Irene's problem is really out in the open.  Not the best idea of swigging from her hip flask while hooked up to an IV drip.  Bree of course wouldn't have known her history but I did like how good she was with her, not judgemental, but firmly advising her to listen to her. Natch Irene would need to be in overnight she had a concussion.  I was going to say about it being lucky she didn't have  any broken bones but as the saying goes God looks after drunks and children, she was relaxed when she fell so didn't tense up like anyone else would, probably a few bruises though. 

To be fair to Justin, it wasn't him that brought the mis-order up to Irene it was Leah, he was happy to eat it. 

OK I get Harper would be there as she brought her in and it got out when Harper called Dana and she was in the Diner at the time.  But not everyone had to be there, there was Dana, Xander, Leah, Justin and Rose.   Why didn't anyone listen to Justin when he was saying that she doesn't need nagging, he does know what it is like having had his addiction and it has to be down to Irene to when she admits she has a problem and needs help. The more he was asked he said no when he was going through it.  John very wisely stayed away. 

I thought Irene was very restrained when she told Leah to shove off when she just barged in when Bree was examining her,  I would have used a much stronger word before the off word. 🤬 Leah thinks she is helping but isn't, she is going in too far strong. Leah has been there before with Irene so should know how to handle it.

That was touching John looking up Al-Anon so he could be there and know the right way to help when needed, then Justin being there too. 

I'm guessing Harper and Dana,  like many before them, just took Irene's request that there shouldn't be any drinking in the house without her permission  as a house rule, maybe have it in the back of their mind it was a personal problem, but didn't probe.  If Irene wanted them  to know she'd have told them.  Until now Irene has been very clever when they have been there waiting until they are out of the house to had a crafty slug or two. 

Dana admitting to Harper Xander knows but as she said it was Harper's fault, Xander overheard them and he thought it was her who was pregnant eliciting the OH from Harper.😄  He is under threat of death not to say anything and we found out how he got around telling Rose, it was a false alarm - good thinking there.   

Only been briefly mentioned but word is getting round about Eden & Cash, Rose asking Bree if her and Remi will go there and getting a non-commital answer.   

We briefly saw Abigail - Eden and Levi's  barely mentioned sister.

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Bless John trying to be supportive, I think the hardest part of this whole addiction mess is the staying sober part, that can be when you need people the most. The Bree and Irene scene was en point stark, yet subtle honesty which comes from that moment of, in the words of Phil Collins' 'another story about going too far'. The moment with the hospital/hop flask reminded me of something my Mum told me about someone she knew that was in that position only she diidn't drink out of a hip flask she drank a certain something that they keep locked at hospital beds nowadays and that was kind of the moment my Mum realised just how badly this person had fallen into her 'passion' for drinking.

At least Irene is getting help now, as one of my favourite actresses says, 'sobriety is like a marriage, it needs care and honesty but you need to renew your vows sometimes'.

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2 hours ago, c120701 said:

Abi looks more like she should be Mac’s sister than Levi & Eden’s. It makes Levi falling for Mac slightly creepy.

Maybe Abi also have a brother and sister called Joel and Ellie 

And with that cheesy reference it’s at this point I think I will take a break from the show 

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12 hours ago, c120701 said:

Abi looks more like she should be Mac’s sister than Levi & Eden’s. It makes Levi falling for Mac slightly creepy.

Knowing the producers, she could be turn nout to be another Booth brat but that would make Mrs Fowler condemning Jimmy hypocritical lol

(Soaps have a habit of this!)

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I'm glad Irene, with a little nudge from Marilyn, reached out to John so yah  shucks to you Leah!  Wasn't stopping her still wanting to 'be there' for Irene which made Justin say yet again  they knew his opinion on that. Made me smile when john got the call that Irene wanted to see him.  That was a  lovely talk between them and he wasn't at all  "I told you so" just wanted to be there for her and was more than happy to take her to the rehab clinic/unit as she realised this time she can't do it by herself or rely on AA.  It did take Bree catching her drinking to make her realise she had hit rock bottom.  But now of course there is only one other way - UP!  It was good that Irene popped into the Diner to say bye to Leah and Maz complete with big 🤗s, shame Justin wasn't there and still no sign of Alf.  Lynne McGranger of course is taking time off after her thyroid op. 

Word has got round with random passersby wishing Cash and Eden Good Luck.  Flick was over the moon and good to know Gary knows and is very happy for him. All systems  go then with preps for Eden's surprise Engagement Party, he then had to sneak out to get a ring, I'm guessing he knows her size or borrowed one.   Xander you have this morning to arrange it all for this afternoon so no pressure.  Had Flick forgotten what it was like when Eden was designated Wedding dress chooser when she got married? Was a tad awkward or rather bigger than  a  tad Levi not being invited and Mac having to give him the news, he kind of took it well but must have still hurt, he's speaking to Mum then which explains how Abi knew where to find him.  Very awks moment when Eden & Flick arrive at Lyrik's house and he is just about to leave leaving the bottle  of 🍾.  

Surprise pop up by Abi.  One thought is Abi on Team Eden or Levi? 

Party was looking good and from what we saw Tane and Flick were looking cosy much to Harper add Dana's  consternation.  Could they have been reading too much into it, for all we or they knew it was just a moment between a nearly ex couple, never mind what Theo was saying.  

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On 25/09/2024 at 22:44, TessyBear said:

ETA: I did really enjoy the bts photos!! Thanks Dan!!!! You must live Down Under? Do you work on H&A?

No problem - and no, I live in the UK and was just on a 'working holiday' for a couple of weeks.

1 hour ago, H&Alover said:

Lynne McGranger of course is taking time off after her thyroid op.

That was only the last few weeks of her break, the majority of it was spent touring with a theatre production (after a quick holiday to the UK/Ireland).

More behind-the-scenes pics below for the engagement party for those that are interested - no spoilers, but I've just put it in the tag so those that aren't bothered can scroll on past.


This took an entire day of shooting on Tuesday 19th March - there was talk that they may have to return the next day too but I had other plans (plus the weather was miserable so I doubt they did so).

I overheard the production designer mentioning that there was over $1000 of real food on the buffet table.















And a few candids of the actors as they went off for breaks. Emily Weir confirmed she was having a bit of a tough time of it being in that costume all day!

Those on the Home and Away Tour pretty much hit the jackpot when they turned up after lunch, from memory I think it was 13 cast members there in total, with several of them stopping for photos with the fans.






This was quite a significant day of shooting for Jacqui Purvis though I can't say why at the moment!

Various cast members were able to peel away after around 6pm, the shoot wrapping up fully around half an hour later.






And a couple of bonus pics from the 'Meet an Actor' tour that took place a couple of days earlier - we've been affiliated with our buddies at Celebtime (formerly Flamin' Galah) who provide the tours since they began over a decade ago, so Chris and I were invited to tag along on a couple of days.

Seven no longer produce any fancards for the cast, so these ones have to be specially printed by Celebtime for the customers.





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