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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Welcome back Red. 

It did look like everyone was enjoying themselves, I loved Flick's dress.   Eden looked very different to how we usually see her in that  posh dress and heels.  Cash chose that ring very well, he knows Eden's not into convention so that's why it was a bit quirky. I'm not sure if even Cash knew what Felicity had planned so was a great surprise.  Nearly everyone there.  No Irene, natch but I guess Maz and Leah had done their three days. Seeing as Mac wasn't supposed to be at the party not surprising her outfit  looked a bit on the warm side.   👏 to not just Flick but Xand too for putting it all together in such a short space of time.  Going off on  a tandem but I guess someone, somewhere got it sorted for that part of beach to be shut off for the party?

How long has it been since Eden saw little sis, was it said a few years?  It did appear she had had more contact with Levi.  Levi, to his credit, was disappointed about not being invited to the BIG do, but understood why, he got dragged into taking Abi and was willing to walk away but Eden, grudgingly let him stay.   Eden and Abi did seem pleased to see each other and I imagine Levi's earlier years must have been pretty fraught with having two younger sisters.  Remi would have course have known Abi from back then, but it was odd her reaction to seeing him there?   Did she have a crush on him back then, took it  a bit too far and he  knocked her back? 

 She is a bit up herself assuming she'd be put up, yep the Farmhouse is a big place but  they are overflowing, Tane, Mali and Perri are staying there, I'm guessing Perri is  bunking in with Tane?  A motel would be the next best place, though he could have said the caravan park.  He was a tad slow not picking up on her nicking his wallet.  Why Abi's odd reaction to Eden dating a cop? 

I think Dana was reading too much into Tana's and Felicity's closeness, to me, at least, it looked like a couple who did and may still love each other  but realising that part of their life has gone.  They'll always be there for each other.  It was lovely  but sad seeing them watching Eden & Cash, Xander and Dana, Remi and Bree.  Wondering 'what if'.  

I may be going way out there, but would it be too odd for Theo and Rose to get together? 

Oh that ending.  That is how, I believe, an aneurysm happens just a sudden  pain and you collapse, she had no other health problems. Ethan in Emmerdale reacted exactly the same way.  We didn't see the initial reaction at Salt, but I'm guessing Xander would have attended to her, but wouldn't really know what it was unlike Mac's obvious chest pains,  just made her comfortable  and  called an ambulance.   


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Dana's not exactly the sharpest tool in the box, blurting out what happened with Harper and announcing to Rose, Harper was pregnant.

It's a shame her drunkenness didn't go on for a little while longer because I loved how Irene was still keeping it real.  I have to admit I loved the scene where she was drinking from the flask whist she was in hospital, the relief when she took a gulp and her horror when she saw Bree watching her.  I do wonder given how John's looking out for her whether eventually he will see Irene as more than just a friend.

Not keen on Abi from first impressions.  She comes across as quite spoilt and self-entitled.  I did wonder the way she ignored Remi when he said hello to her whether she had some sort of crush on him and it wasn't reciprocated.

So they're back on Tane and Felicity.  With him this seems to have come out of nowhere because he was so adamant the marriage was over and he didn't really want her in his life any more.  With her, I guess you can argue it's a little surprising considering the week before she said she was in love with Rory, but given how she was looking at Tane I guess she's still in love with him.  If Felicity hadn't collapsed, I'm sure Tane would have tried to sleep with her again.  All he seems to do is use people that are into him and he doesn't come across well at all.  One of the frustrating things about Channel 5 is that they change the main picture on the Home and Away sub menu every so often where you can go to view all the available episodes and it will be of a scene with an episode which hasn't aired yet.  The last one was where Cash was surrounded by the River Boys after he got out of his truck.  The latest one being Felicity in hospital, which was over a week ago, so not great if you don't want to know what is going to happen.  When Felicity started feeling funny at the end of the episode I knew that was the moment which was going to cause her to be hospitalised.

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It would be interesting if they gave Felcity brain damage just for awhile have her disabled would be somehow a good story 

I know it would be cruel but the part with Tane punching the buttons in the lift I would have made it so he got stuck just to add to the drama haha

Edited by pembie
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Really not looking good for Felicity.I can understand Mackenzie and Tane interpreting Eden's glass half full update as an all-clear but it really wasn't as simple as that.It's interesting that Tane is the one keeping it together, at least in public, and Cash is the one falling apart. I guess it's because, as Tane says, even though he still cares about her deeply, there's a distance from it now.

At least one good thing seems to have come from it with the thaw between Eden and Levi.I wasn't surprised she was civil with him at the hospital, because there's more important things going on at the moment, but I wasn't expecting her to accept help from him so readily, or be so fine confiding in him about her friendship with Flick, or for them to have such a frank chat about the still AWOL Abby.

Just when I thought Dana was getting some perspective with her concern for Felicity, she goes back to thinking the world revolves around Harper and her schoolgirl fantasies.It's Harper's own silly fault that she's up the duff by a married man who doesn't live with his wife but still loves her.The universe shouldn't rearrange itself to give her what she wants.But apparently it is.

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Dana proving what type of person she is.  When she went to the hospital, I suspected she didn't give one iota about Felicity or how it affected Cash and Eden.  It was all about Tane (not that she even really cares about him either) and how Felicity's condition could potentially affect things with him and Harper.

I'm also glad Levi and Eden are getting on a little bit better now.  I did think when Felicity's condition worsened Eden was going to blame Levi for not being with Cash by her beside sooner somehow but I'm glad I was wrong.

In one hand I do think that Tane did well keeping it together but on the other hand I'm not happy with him.  As I said at the time I didn't agree with Felicity being on the pill when Tane believed she was OK with trying for a baby but I didn't like the way he was towards her afterwards and now he's saying he's in love with her.  Was he in love with her when he had those one night stands, or when in spite that she tried to help him when he had to go court, he was still dismissive of her or when he impregnated Harper.


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H&A don't handle  any disabilities  well, they either recover or are shipped off.  Jett was the last one If I remember right.

One good thing, if you can call it that, about Felicity's condition is Eden's thawing towards Levi and they had a proper brotherly/sisterly talk, he - and we -  found out how Flick and Eden met  I guess it put things into perspective and talked about their errant sister. It seems neither of them had had much contact with her recently.  Not just Levi's calls  Abi was ignoring then, she didn't answer Eden's.

Both Xander and Dana relaxed, somewhat, as they were worried they had missed something that could have indicated Flick's collapse, but as said an aneurysm just happens without any prior warning. 

Bree has handled it all brilliantly, very professional  but been totally honest with them.  No doctor can say how the patient will come out of it if it's a brain problem.  

It didn't look or sound good, did hear the one pupil was fixed and diluted when she was admitted now both are and as avid hospital drama watchers would be aware that is never a good sign.  Levi did attempt to intervene though neurology isn't his field, but he and Bree did agree the fact Flick wasn't responding to touch wasn't  a good sign. 

I'm guessing from what has been said Tane and Flick are now officially divorced which is why he felt he ought to leave the hospital, OK so you're not her husband anymore but you're still her friend so good for Mac urging him to go back.  It was obvious they both still love each other but as I said before too much water has gone under the bridge, but they'd still be there for each other. Yep, I could see why Tane thumped the wall  in the lift, always go frustratingly slow when you don't want them too and at least he wasn't hitting a person. 

Small niggle and it really is a small one, but I noticed the wall outside of the lift had the same pictures on when they were supposed to be going to a different floor. 

Well to be fair to Dana she didn't actually 'tell' Xander Tane was the father of Harper's baby, the penny dropped when she said she was worried about Tane's feelings about Felicity.   For all we know Harper was taking the pill but that is not a 100% guarantee which is probably why she was so  shocked.   

I suppose it's not an totally unexpected reaction from Cash he is still her big brother and still looks out for her, but this was something out of his control and no-one to blame.  No surprise he's having a meltdown.

The last time she was in hospital was after the crash going to her first wedding to Tane which he could blame  someone for. 

It's a shame that these scenes will likely be the last time we see Jacqui, jut lying in  a hospital bed and not larking about somewhere.  I wonder how uncomfortable it is having having that tube in your mouth even if it is just for the scenes?  


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As I often think in these cases, “Good execution, terrible idea.” I think all the emotion rang true and the scene of John and Justin getting the news was a nice touch: Everyone in town loves Felicity, even those that don’t always like her.

But boy, the show really does like putting young women through hell and then killing them, and this is the worst example since Billie. The show should have fought tooth and nail to have Tane and Felicity leave together (as I’ve said before, there’s no legal way they could be divorced, so I think Tane’s “She’s not my wife anymore” is just symbolic), not randomly split them up and then killed her; Tane feels like he’s past his sell-by date already, and even with the show trying to give him new things to do recently, I’m not interested in him sticking around without Felicity (especially if they go down the easy route with Harper). Even if she didn’t get back with Tane, our last sight of Felicity should have been her driving out of town with that big infection grin on her face ready to take on the world, not lying on her back with tubes and machines. I’ve been reminded recently of Judy Nunn’s dissatisfaction that, after over a decade on the show, her exit consisted of one panicked look and dropping down dead, and that’s basically what Jacqui Purves has got. I’m not sure if seeing Felicity lying in a hospital bed being poked and prodded is more or less dignified than a time skip to the funeral. Especially with the prospect of Cash channelling Greg Marshall, although to be fair he’s not gone down the route of taking it out on people Felicity cared about yet: He snapped at Eden once and immediately apologised, then lost his temper with Levi but no-one likes him anyway.

Is it me or did Levi misuse the term “clinically dead”? I thought that meant the opposite of this: When someone isn’t breathing and their heart isn’t beating but there might still be brain activity.

Not much else going on except a very brief recap of Irene, and John finding someone was light-fingered at the surf club. (Is the Australian dollar not worth very much at the moment? I was aghast at the idea of Levi carrying a couple of hundred bucks around with him, and now John treats $480 as if it’s small change!) Levi probably should have found a place other than the room Rose was in to make the call if he didn’t want her hearing!

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The eerieness of Monday's episode was so brilliantly done, the kind of of almost lifelessness within life as you wait, nothing stands still but on the other hand has stopped it was perfectly timed.

Thought I don't like Xander, his call to Dana saying I'll wait up no matter what rang true too, been there done that; equally Bree's 'Sometimes I hate my job' was a subtle yet very strong moment as everyone puts everything on the doctor, people often forget they're human too.

I'm glad she also asked after Eden and that Remi focussed on her too, she's facing a massive loss too, despite her tough fcade, it doesn't mean she's any better placed to cope, actually she and Tane would worry me more as they tend to hyper focus on anything but the emotion at hand.

Had a bit of a lightbulb moment we Cash mentioned Eden's car crash, Flick's own could've helped this occur actually, sometimes the real consequences of accidents/trauma manifest years even decades later. 

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