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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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It was mentioned by Bree in Friday's trailer that it was an aneurysm.    

But Jacqui wanted Felicity to die and let's face it it could have been a lot more dramatic, got caught in the crossfire of a shootout between the RB's and cops.  This way her loved ones can say goodbye even if she couldn't hear them.  Bold move by any soap actor/actress to have their character die when if they decide to move on as it means they can't return if their new career goes  🍐shaped. 

Folk on H&A's Facebook page gave a lot away but out of respect for folks on here kept schtum.

Tane and Flick married March last year so it is possible their divorce could have come through making Cash her next of kin.  If they had still been legally married but separated he'd still be legally her next of kin.   He's going to have to be thinking "what if".

Another point, I'm guessing Flick wouldn't have made any sort of will, she's only in her  late20's and not her style, but what about Salt, wouldn't her and Mac's lawyer advise  that something should be set in place about what happens if one of them dies, which Mac very nearly did very recently.  Does it automatically revert to the surviving partner? 

We saw from Fridays' episode that Tane and Flick do still care very much for each other, it was there was such a huge stumbling block to them being together as a couple.  

Flick would have been furious, but hold on, they weren't a couple anymore even if not divorced,  so free agents.  It would have proved her initial thoughts about Harper being after Tane right though.😉    He, Tane, doesn't know he's done anything yet. Besides once she'd got over the shock, she'd be glad he'd be getting the family he wanted, well that's what I think anyway. 

Did Mali and Kirby go away for the night after the Engagement party and only just come back which is why we are only just seeing their reaction?  Kirby was  a tad pushy but she made a good point her song writing helped her to get through tough times.   I'm guessing the boards Mali paints are commissioned so not his designs.  Now he's got the chance to do his own thing.  No mention still of Theo.  Kirby was also a friend of Felicity, but not as close as she and Eden were.  Grief hits everyone different ways, I wonder if Kirby will write a song for Flick and yes I could be getting ahead of myself and sing it at Flick's funeral? 

It was  a different situation when Mac was in hospital and Flick didn't visit, but putting the fact Mac is scared to see her aside, why  wouldn't it go down well with Cash?  Mac & Flick had put their differences aside and made up. 

OMG that note - so typical of Flick - so poignant.  Mac was just about holding it together but that really hit her.  She was behaving just like Flick did after Rory had been banged up, found working kept her mind occupied. 

How soon we forget huh, it wasn't that long ago Justin was expected to die and Leah had been sitting  by his bedside.  He did have one of those miracle recoveries after his dream which some found  OTT.  Glad Leah stopped faffing about and told Justin why she was so upset. 

Alf did 'let' John off for leaving the money lying around because as he said a  life is worth a lot more than any amount of money.   He did  turn on him though when John said he had 'found' it.   Could Levi's instincts be right about Abi that she is in trouble, hence her taking money out of his account - his bank are well on the ball - letting him know that quick.   Rose was a bit of  a bloodhound not wanting to let Levi get off that easily.  I know it was thieving from  a small, local business, but hardly crime of the century. 




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I wasn't sure what Mackenzie's reaction was going to be like.  I was half expecting to write a post complaining that she wasn't affected enough but seeing her being distraught over Felicity did provide a sense of satisfaction, in that even though they've had their differences as of late, she did genuinely see her as a close friend.  Actually, seeing Mackenzie like that re-enforced my displeasure about the previous episode.  I accept actors will leave so they can explore other roles but it is frustrating as they pulled this with Stevie Marlow when they killed her off (another character I really liked) even though she was just a guest.

I wasn't sure what to make of Kirby.  I know she wasn't as close to Felicity as Eden but I guess everyone has their own way of dealing with it.  And she seemed to be OK in the episode focusing on Mali's artwork and trying to raise his spirits.

After liking Levi in one episode I found the opposite yesterday.  I also wasn't happy about him covering the money that was stolen from the Surf Club and I wasn't entirely happy with John going along with it either.  Are we certain Abigail stole the money?  There was a text exchange but I don't recall her actually fessing up to it.


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I wonder if it's meant to be implied as because she stole his wallet and 'You wouldn't dob me in?' meaning she's no stranger to this type of thing, perhaps?

I did feel sorry for Perri as instantly he reverted to the mode of either 'It must be my fault'/'Even if it isn't I'll take the blame just get it over with', sadly it's a common thing in abuse sufferers because of their background. Perri I think, despite his defensiveness is actually in a fragile space also, he has suffered that tragedy himself of losing a foundation.

The contrast also of his positivity around the dyslexia was interesting, sometimes just having a concrete answer can change confidence dramatically, being called 'thick' or 'lazy' or 'stupid' can give you a battering but now at least he's got the chance to learn in a way that better suits maybe like the colour coding and that will open things up.

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How certain is this "Jacqui wanted her character to die" thing? I've got a feeling it was simply an off the cuff remark made in an interview a long time ago, not, as seems to be implied on here, a case of her marching into the office and telling the writers and producers to do it. The only recent interview I've seen didn't mention the circumstances of her exit, with her just talking about how much she enjoyed being on the show. (Anyway, actors aren't always the best judge of how their character should leave.Remember Kyle?)

4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Tane and Flick married March last year so it is possible their divorce could have come through

As mentioned last time this came up, it's not a year from the marriage, it's a year from the separation, which would be (late) October last year.

4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

why  wouldn't it go down well with Cash?

Because he doesn't believe Felicity's dead and is still insisting she's going to wake up. (Again, I'm having bad flashbacks to Greg Marshall here...)

When Perri and Harper came bounding up full of energy at the start of the episode, I wondered if they'd been told about Felicity.Turned out Harper had but Perri hadn't.Tane didn't really treat him fairly although at least he had a reasonably rational reason: In a way, it helped having one person around that didn't know what was going on.That said, the result was Perri being hurt and confused, so Harper was right to tell him, even though it meant going against Tane's wishes. In fact, Harper was actually slightly less annoying than usual...up until that scene in the car. Is she seriously crying because Tane's upset that Felicity's dead?! Talk about self-absorbed! And it'd be nice if she cared enough about Cash (you know, her old friend that put himself on the line to protect her and her sister) to actually go and visit him at the hospital, instead of indulging in her favourite past-time of mooning over Tane.

Kirby was being a bit stubborn but, to be fair, Mali had acknowledged that her pushing him helped.And Alf seemed to agree with her, although he also recognised it was Mali's decision.

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Re: Jacqui, marching into the office, not quite but often TPTB will workshop with an actor throughout their tenure if the character is polarising or popular because, although it's the writer's job, sometimes the actor can understand the character better and can gauge the viewers response more easily. It doesn't always go to plan on either side, it has to be said! Also it depends on the production, H&A is better than say certain British programmes for that.🤫

Many moons ago it was mainly senior members of a cast i.e. your Irene's or Alf's that got that kind of luxury but these days it can be anyone, especially when it comes to pregnancy or serious storylines like r*pe or addiction.

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14 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Because he doesn't believe Felicity's dead and is still insisting she's going to wake up. (Again, I'm having bad flashbacks to Greg Marshall here...)

Did anyone ever have any *good* flashbacks of that guy?!

(I had to get that out😁)

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I've read interviews on here and Jaqui  wanted a  even more dramatic one but TPTB, I think, decided it should be more less traumatic. If the actor/actress wants to leave permanently discussions will be held as to how they will be killed off, taking into account their character and how feasible it would be. Could be as simple as a road accident, heart attack, falling downstairs.  

I'm supposing the actress - Catherine Van-Davies - who played Stevie knew when she signed the contract it would be only short term and she'd be dying/killed. Her people and TPTB's people  would  have discussed that.

Talking of ND's, that's twice recently they haven't performed their usual 'miracles' and people have actually died. 

What's that got to do with Mac seeing Flick? They are/were friends and don't friends see their friends in hospital?   Even if she doesn't actually 'see' her she can be there for Cash. 

My jumping the gun about Perri wasn't wrong then.  Harper of course would know as Dana would have kept her up to date.  I'm supposing she kept it quiet from Perri so as not to dampen his spirits.  He, Perri, would have been disappointed that Tane didn't show  much interest as it was him that suggested the assessment and encouraged him to go for it.  It would, to him feel  like he was back home and being ignored.   Tane didn't have to go into details, just say his ex had  died.  Did Perri meet Felicity?  I was pleased Harper finally told him, now he understands and  knows it was nothing to do with him.  In fact he asked the same question Mac did as to why he wasn't there?  He regretted not saying goodbye to his mum  so didn't want Tane to feel the same.   That shot of Tane looking up at Stewart's Point and 'seeing' him and Felicity when they declared their love for each other was so sad😢.  I remember that, they'd spent the night up there, she skipped off to get food for brekkie. 

Mali said Perri's assessment must have been tough but as Perri said it's not for him as dyslexia can be worked round.  Going off the piste a bit is he just word dyslexic and he's fine with numbers or both?  Did his school not suss anything or not realise  it? Anyways he is not that old that he can't be helped, many people only get diagnosed later in life as for them it wasn't recognised as a condition, they were told they were stupid. In fact, going off piste again, there are quite a few actors/actresses who are dyslexic who manage to read scripts and have careers.

When Harper was talking to Perri after she had been speaking to Tane and he was saying how everywhere he went he 'saw' her, it hit her because she said herself Felicity was the love of his life  so I don't think she was self-absorbed just realising he'd not get over Flick anytime soon which would put her telling him about the baby on hold again.  I suppose you could argue Harper hasn't been to the hospital as she doesn't want to crowd Cash but be there later, not as a SW but as  a friend.

In fact I think they were both the loves of each others lives, not been in love before, had flings, one night stands etc, but for whatever reason they clicked until the baby thing got in the way. 

Is Kirby channelling her grief for Flick into pushing Mali to get into painting and putting  his name for for this show? We did see her at the house, she actually unlocked the door,😲 and had a tinkle on the  keyboard but found it too hard. He doesn't need/want chivving into doing something look what has happened the last couple of times that happened.  If he wants to do it, let him make his own mind up,  yes  $15,000 would be nice but he's not bothered about the money. Even Alf was impressed and  a drop in of Martha saying she'd like it. 



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Re: Perri/schooling/dyslexia, not sure but I get the general impression that given what we've both seen and heard about Daddy Dearest that Perri kept away from school or moved about, not exactly regulatr attendance.

You're right in regards to the actor thing/TPTB, it can be a tough tightrope! 

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21 hours ago, Foellfan said:

Re: Jacqui, marching into the office, not quite but often TPTB will workshop with an actor throughout their tenure if the character is polarising or popular because,


5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I've read interviews on here

Is that what's happened here though? I'd be grateful if you could point me towards an interview, because all the articles I can see on Felicity's exit are notably missing any comment from Jacqui, which leads me to suspect she simply mentioned in passing to a journalist once that she'd quite like to be killed off, because that's how she was feeling that day, and it's been jumped on by defenders of the storyline to justify giving Felicity a rather mean tragically early death rather than the long and happy life that the character wanted even if the actress might not have done. And even if she did want that, she can still be wrong.

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

What's that got to do with Mac seeing Flick?

You'd know if you actually bothered to read my original post properly. Cash wouldn't want Mackenzie going to say goodbye to Felicity, because he didn't think anyone should be saying goodbye to her. As we saw today, when he was trying to get Tane and Eden to stop saying she's dead.

Alf's episode count this week:Two, and he was credited on Friday for no appearance. Tane was in four. Felicity was in three but spent the entire week comatose and/or brain dead. Theo didn't appear at all: Is he the new occupant for Alf's cupboard?

I don't know if it's a case of "be careful what you wish for" or not, but I wonder if Jacqui was really satisfied that her exit from the show involved lying down with her eyes closed for days while everyone else did the meaty acting. As Tane said, we should remember her happy and dancing, not like this. It was done as respectfully as possible (it's certainly preferable to the sordid gang murder that many people were predicting prior to the Oz broadcast), and I did feel emotional at her final guard of honour and those closest to her saying their goodbyes, but this is not how her story should have ended.

Tane outright says he's not Felicity's next of kin anymore.Not clear if the show's trying to make out they got divorced when we're not looking (even though there's not been enough time for it), or if Felicity simply changed her records to list Cash.

Harper continues to be utterly pathetic and show why she isn't even close to being a worthy successor to Felicity, which is what the show seems to have decided she is.Yes, that wasn't the day to spring a surprise baby daddy reveal on Tane, but she's had weeks to get a grip and deal with it and she still prefers to bury her head in the sand about the mess she's made of her life.Yeah, yeah, might have been on the pill. If she really didn't want to get up the duff by a man who loved his estranged (now dead) wife and not her, then the one sure way to avoid it is to not have sex with one, and she couldn't manage that. I had the fright of my life when I saw her doctor: For a moment I thought it was Sarah Thompson.

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I don't know if I can post links here as such; but here is one of DS when she mentions knowing she needed to 'take the plunge' and go the whole way on leaving.  (Leaves nothing to chance I guess)


And straight from the horse's mouth twelve months ago:


I can't sacn the Inside Soap unfortunately, or failing that ask her on her Insta! 🙂

(Ethan's description of Flick was funny, 'Summer Bay's Bull in a china shop', pretty accurate, I think!)


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