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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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13 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Re Elaine Smith, an interesting anecdote is that she'd already left the show and they planned to play out Daphne ending up in a coma as a result of an off-screen accident and ultimately dying with a body double (I remember my mum laughing when Daphne was brought into hospital with only the top of her head visible), but she offered to come back and do the scenes herself. So at least she knew what she was getting into!

Good thing too, Neighbours has always been an "easy target" even at its height, that's the last thing they needed!🤣

Now  I'm thinking  of Christian Clark (flop as Will/Sebastian in Neighbours but a hit as Penn in H&A) coming back to ultimately lie face down after Penn washed up on the beach.

Edited by CaptainHulk
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Cash's decision to get rid of Felicity's  belongings was a knee-jerk reaction, but some people do do that, as it's too painful a reminder and others like to hang onto them, so Cash is one of the former.  I hope Eden hides some things back as he may regret disposing of everything later.  When Bianca lost Rocco she told Irene to get rid of everything of his, but Irene held some things back as she knew Bianca would and did regret saying it. Ditto the same with calling - or not calling - Gary, he's likely feeling guilty for not letting him know before so he could say goodbye.  Eden  was gently nudging him but as you said Red it was Tane who gave him the final push.  That must have been such a hard call to make especially as last time he called him it was to tell him about his wedding. 

 I'm guessing those dresses arriving were  meant to have been a  surprise for Eden - it would be so typically Flick. 

Perri was pleased when Tane thanked him for persuading him to go and see Felicity as I guess it's not often he'd been listened to before.  Now, though he does have a problem with his dad contacting him and turning up at the gym wanting him to come home.  How did he know where to find him btw? 

Knock-on from that Xander thinking Harper had told Tane about the baby from the conversation he half heard, as if she would tell him there with those people milling about in the Surf Club, she'd tell him somewhere quiet.  Luckily he spoke to Dana who was there when Perri got that call so could squash that theory. I suppose Xander is seeing it from a bloke's side and if he was to be  dad he'd want to know. 

I know Harper is postponing the  moment, but what do they think she should say "Hey, I know you've just lost your (ex) wife but  I've got good news, you're going to be dad".   

I suppose they, Dana and Harper, have been told off screen about Irene, she would have asked someone to ask them to look after the place. They have more pressing things to worry about. I don't imagine  Leah or Maz, would be telling Irene about Flick just yet. 

Mac wanting to  go back to work isn't that surprising, it is some people's way of getting on with things after losing someone.  Flick went back after  Rory was banged up.  She may have been OK but that customer, who I initially thought was Dana, being snappy with her, really didn't help.  For all of them,  they are all going to be bumping into someone who will offering their condolences and bringing it up again.  Age old problem do you ignore what has happened or just say sorry. 

Re. Flick's organs, there would be kidneys (two), lungs (two), corneas (two), liver, whole or otherwise and heart.  Flick was a pretty fit woman, apart from her occasional  drinking bouts,  so can't see any real problem with all organs being used. 

I remember her first meeting with Tane and  her dancing on the bar.  She did change his life for the better after quite  a few bumps along the way, he got himself a proper job, trained as a gym instructor so he has got a better life, he  was just a drifter before. 


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Though it was subtle I liked Cash and Eden's cuddle with the dresses, he is noticing she's hurting which is good. The mention of Gary reeminded me I saw 'him' in an old ep of Baywatch at the weekend, hasn't really changed other than a little heavier and the hair's grey! 

I've actually liked seeing Dana and Harper being excited about Baby; they both have good points re: Tane, it'd be pretty overwhelming on the one hand but then on the other a baby, regardless of how it happens, can be a wonderful thing and for him it might well be a reason for him to heal as it were. Glad he warned Carl off, men like him don't know how to handle other men (or women) standing up to them but Tane should definitely not have followed him, too dodgy for him.

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Harper's proving to be a selfish brat as she basically admits she's not telling Tane because it's easier for her if he doesn't know. Looking back, she seemed to expect him to fall madly in love with her after one spontaneous hook-up, so I guess she's got a lot of immature fantasies going on where he's concerned.And after one aborted attempt to tell him (in the surf club, with people about!), she's snapped back to "just let me enjoy this".

Carl was a raging hypocrite, insisting family comes first while putting Perri at risk in order to make a quick buck: Apparently he's too much of a coward to actually do the robberies himself. Tane did right sending him packing from the gym but didn't really achieve anything by following him outside to indulge in macho posturing, other than putting Carl's back up and causing him to see Tane as the only problem. I was amused at that article claiming Tane effectively getting away with kidnapping a baby got a "mixed reaction": Maybe they just meant on here!

I'm not sure why Alf was so surprised at Mali losing his temper with Kirby: The way she was going on like a dog with a bone would have tried the patience of a saint! I guess we should be glad she just pestered him about it rather than actually entering behind his back.

Given that during one of Irene's previous absences about half the Bay died or left and she didn't notice, I'm not expecting any reaction from her to major developments when she gets back this time.

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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Carl was a raging hypocrite, insisting family comes first while putting Perri at risk in order to make a quick buck: Apparently he's too much of a coward to actually do the robberies himself. 

His sort generally are.

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I'm an 👵 so I remember seeing Peter Phelps aka Gary as John Palmer in Sons & Daughters when he was a young man so  a lot greyer and heavier now but still a good looker. 

Harper did duck out of telling Tane again.  She wasn't going to tell him in the surf club,🙄 she'd would have taken him outside.  Where did you get this mad idea she expected Tane to fall in love with her after their one night stand?  It was her who told him they should just be friends after his abortive attempted kiss just after he broke up with Felicity which is why he thought it was just  a sympathy romp on the camp bed. 

Now there's something else in the mix - Clay. Easy to forget Harper and Dana came from  a dysfunctional family so she can see it from Perri's perspective but Tane is seeing it through rose coloured specs, as he had a good upbringing so maybe seeing 'parenthood' as  a doodle.   Tane was being Tane confronting Clay but Perri is an adult now so his dad can't force him home, his true feelings came out when he told Tane he'd find Perri a useless object or words to that effect.  At least no blows were landed.   Clay may be a thug but he's a smart one, looking up Tane and finding the report of his trial, which would be a matter of public record, and reading the conditions of him not being in prison.  I bet he didn't expect that you could hear the cogs turning but I dare say he'll put plans in motion, roping in his mates,  to get Tane riled so up he does something he so shouldn't. 

We saw by the folks reaction in the bay there were mixed reactions of Tane's  'stealing' Poppy so not just on here.    

I still think Kirby is transferring her hurt/sorrow of Flick's death by being overpowering, nagging Mali to enter that comp. Has she interacted with Eden or even Remi since it happened?   

Good to see Alf and we found out Felicity is going to be buried back in her home town next to her and Cash's parents.  It does make sense in a way but  means of course none of those in the bay who knew her will be able to attend.    



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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Where did you get this mad idea she expected Tane to fall in love with her after their one night stand?

From her mad behaviour when he came back to town, acting like a giddy schoolgirl and expecting him to come running straight to her.

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

We saw by the folks reaction in the bay there were mixed reactions of Tane's  'stealing' Poppy so not just on here.    

Like, when? Even the few people who didn't shrug it off straightaway were pleased he escaped jail.

I see Abigail's a regular now, I guess Felicity leaving left a vacancy.Mackenzie was right to get Levi to block his card and it had the desired effect of bringing Abigail out of the woodwork.I don't blame Mackenzie for having a go at her on finding out about the surf club theft, and I don't even disagree with what she said to Levi, but it was badly timed.As it turns out, Abigail is more messed up than anyone realised...

I wasn't too keen on Alf replacing Kirby as the one pestering Mali to enter the competition, but at least he was less annoying about it and actually paid attention to what Mali was saying.Still, I'm not sure why everyone was so determined for him to enter?

While it's up to Cash how he chooses the funeral to be, I can understand why everyone else would want to say goodbye to Felicity as well so Justin's idea was a good one.I can understand Alf wanting him to okay it with Cash, but as Justin says, Cash probably wouldn't even notice.

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