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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Harper wasn't expecting Tane to announce undying love for her just not be shrugged off like he did. 

H&A always has, it seems, a female wild child.    Ziggy was one,  Carly, Bobby were back in the day, must be others and will be others.  I suppose at a stretch, a very long stretch I admit,  you could have called Irene a wild child when she first pitched up. 

It had been a relatively calm time, returning to normality, but then Storm Abi blew back in.   Mac did make a good call, persuading Levi to block his card, he had been enabling her to carry on. He claimed that as she was using his card he knew she was still OK. But I did have the awful thought, how did he know she was using it?   OK, fair enough her 'stealing' money from his account is his business, but stealing from the surf club is someone else's business, him covering for her was not his wisest move.  Rose had no proof Levi knew more than what he was saying, it was just speculation.   To be fair to Abi, she did calm down when she found out about Felicity, she didn't know her of course, but she was her sister's friend.   Were those needle marks on her arm or bruises? Though here eyes did look sunken and bruised.   

Wise old owl Alf took advice from another wise old  owl - Martha - who would know what she is talking about.   He was more laid back about it and not so gung ho.  Maybe now Mali has seen the light and stepped back from the dark side,  Kirby and in turn Alf thought he needed something to look forward to and focus on.  I must admit I didn't 'see' anything in his work but as Alf said, he 'saw' a marlin, it's people's interpretation and what they 'see'.   Rose 'saw' fireworks.    Loved the meeting up later and him being invited to go fishing with Alf and maybe they'll catch a marlin.  Liked Alf's comment about fishing being a work of art. 

It is indeed  up to  Cash  where the funeral is  and who's allowed to attend, it's a very personal thing.  But and to me it's  a big but why hasn't Tane been invited, he's only just  an ex family member.   Justin's idea is a good one, it's like having a family member/good friend dying and there isn't  any way you could get to their funeral but want to remember them.   Never mind if Cash might not notice, it's common decency to let him know. 



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Hello, everyone. I found myself in the rare situation of being up to date today, so thought I'd drop in and see what everyone was saying. I won't make my usual mistake of promising to keep it up!

"My sister was always keen on having a 'festival of Felicity'" Yes, you can say that again. I did think it was good that we revisited Gary again today, though - one of the few elements of Flick's story that I got invested in, so credit to the writers for seeing that through. I initially thought having the funeral in their hometown was going to be the show's way of ducking out of forking out for it, but evidently they think Flick is deserving of two memorials. Well, I'm all for nice location filming, in any case.

So, Abigail is permanent. I'm open to seeing where she goes, especially if she has the effect of making Levi more interesting. (She certainly can't make him less interesting!) I suppose it's a symptom of the current state of play that I'm already wondering who they'll hook her up with. Perri, perhaps? (Is she supposed to be still a teenager, or a bit older?)

On 08/10/2024 at 19:56, Red Ranger 1 said:

during one of Irene's previous absences about half the Bay died or left and she didn't notice

When was this? :lol: I'm trying to recall a time when a lot of characters died or left in quick succession - possibly there have been a few...

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Alf and Martha were right about the art and everyone's interpretation being different, means it can be anything, for example I thought it looked like someone screaming in stormy waves, someone else might think it looks like a dog in a blanket etc. (Always remember seeing an abstract or a great artist, it's apparently meant to symbolise the Human Condition, to me it looked like a pizza that had been smushed by a steamroller, hehe! :lol:

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I guess I should say that the painting looked vaguely like a guy being struck by lightning to me!

So, although it wasn't exactly enough to lighten his mood, Cash did at least recognise that the "Festival of Felicity" is something Flick would like.Seems like we're even going to get another private concert by three quarters of Lyrik, although I doubt a full-scale relaunch is on the cards even though Theo appears fine now.(Or as fine as anyone in the show is.)I liked John's involvement: This is one occasion where his more stiff tendencies are taking a back seat.

I get why Levi didn't just want Abigail to disappear again but it felt like he gave in to her a bit too much, especially with basically giving her money to buy more drugs with the only caveat being that she stays with their oblivious (and still unnamed!) mother.(Perri turned 18 a few weeks back, by the way.)

Even being back home didn't seem to change Cash's mood, although the way he just grabbed onto Gary, while still not showing a flicker of emotion, was very telling.I'm not sure if Gary and Eden have ever got to spend some quality time together before, ironically given I think he helped convince Cash to commit to her. Cash asked Remi to keep his house locked up: On this show, that's the ultimate isolation.

I guess I should care more about Bree's struggles but she just feels like a side issue.I guess she wasn't that bothered about the people who cared about Stevie!

4 hours ago, atrus said:

When was this? :lol: I'm trying to recall a time when a lot of characters died or left in quick succession - possibly there have been a few...

It was back in 2016 when she got kidnapped by Mick the night of the caravan park explosion and was gone for weeks; Hannah and Oscar died with, I think, Ricky, Maddy, Skye, Josh and Andy all leaving soon afterwards. I'm not sure if they were all gone by the time she was found or not but if they hadn't, they were heading that way!

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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37 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

It was back in 2016 when she got kidnapped by Mick the night of the caravan park explosion and was gone for weeks

If I'd been kidnapped I probably wouldn't be thinking about any of those people when I got home either. :lol: But yeah, that's quite an impressive tally for her to miss.

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12 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I guess I should say that the painting looked vaguely like a guy being struck by lightning to me!

So, although it wasn't exactly enough to lighten his mood, Cash did at least recognise that the "Festival of Felicity" is something Flick would like.Seems like we're even going to get another private concert by three quarters of Lyrik, although I doubt a full-scale relaunch is on the cards even though Theo appears fine now.(Or as fine as anyone in the show is.)I liked John's involvement: This is one occasion where his more stiff tendencies are taking a back seat.

I get why Levi didn't just want Abigail to disappear again but it felt like he gave in to her a bit too much, especially with basically giving her money to buy more drugs with the only caveat being that she stays with their oblivious (and still unnamed!) mother.(Perri turned 18 a few weeks back, by the way.)

Even being back home didn't seem to change Cash's mood, although the way he just grabbed onto Gary, while still not showing a flicker of emotion, was very telling.I'm not sure if Gary and Eden have ever got to spend some quality time together before, ironically given I think he helped convince Cash to commit to her. Cash asked Remi to keep his house locked up: On this show, that's the ultimate isolation.

I guess I should care more about Bree's struggles but she just feels like a side issue.I guess she wasn't that bothered about the people who cared about Stevie!

It was back in 2016 when she got kidnapped by Mick the night of the caravan park explosion and was gone for weeks; Hannah and Oscar died with, I think, Ricky, Maddy, Skye, Josh and Andy all leaving soon afterwards. I'm not sure if they were all gone by the time she was found or not but if they hadn't, they were heading that way!

GFR to a few of them, tbh. Oh and Kyle threw himself on the cross for Isla relatively soon after.

2016 seemed like an "enema" year.

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 Martha did get it right as it seems both Red and Foellfan saw it differently didn't you?

I'm glad Justin did run the idea of having  a memorial past Cash.  It's lovely that it's being called a Festival of Felicity, a memorial sounds so sombre and that was not Flick at all, she'd loved it. Theo has reappeared from wherever he disappeared to and obviously has been kept up to date and willing to help anyway he can.  Flick may have  only been in the bay for three years but she made an impression, sometimes good, sometimes bad but not someone you could overlook so it's great that so many people want to get involved.   Good idea of Remi, him, Kirby and Theo playing at FoF, she was a big supporter of them  and would have loved seeing them play again.  It was her that persuaded Mac to let them play in Salt when they first arrived so they owe her. 

Slight echo of Corrie with Paul having  a conventional funeral one day and Bernie throwing a Rave to celebrate his life the next day. 

Cash is in such a bad place, barely spoken a word to anyone, I don't think he's properly grieved yet, could be he's afraid to let himself as it would be too much.  In effect, I guess, he's still playing big brother and being  the strong one. I could be wrong but maybe it's because he couldn't 'save' her in the 'usual' way as in rescuing her from the RB's or other troubles she had got herself in, kidnapped by her 'friend', drugged and raped.  This was something he and no-one else could save her from.

 It was good to see Gary again even if was under such  sad circumstances.   Eden is struggling with not being able to help him but as Gary said she is there for him and he will need her when he's ready to open up. That walk of Eden, Gary and Cash behind the hearse was so sad but  sensitively done. 

Levi is in between a rock and a hard place with Abi, gives her money to buy drugs but she has to stay where he knows she'll be safe or has her run off and ends up God knows where, doing God knows what to get the money.    Nothing it seemed tipped her over the edge, family breaking up like Levi thought it  could have been, just having a go at a party like a lot of young folk do.  For many it just doesn't do anything so don't go any further, but for some like Abi they get hooked.  She did come out with the usual line "I can stop any time I want".  I'm guessing she could be in her early 20's.🤔  Eden hadn't seen Levi for about 10 years since their dad left them and he went with him and she's the youngest sister.   

We and most people forget about the doctors/nurses who treat our relatives and how they feel when they die.  They have to move on otherwise they could never do their jobs.   This time though  it was Flick, she wouldn't have been involved in her ops but treated her before and after and she and Levi and the neurosurgeon had to make that decision.  she knew everyone who was close to her and whether by design or she chose to break the news about Flick being brain dead and she'll be seeing them everyday.   Stevie was a very recent acquaintance  and it was only Nelson who Bree got close to. 





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Watching the funeral today, it struck me that it was quite a performance from Peter Phelps, and how much more moving would it have been if he'd been a character we'd seen a lot more of - whether moving to the Bay or just showing up more frequently. Still, affecting scenes; and strong showings from Nicholas Cartwright and Stephanie Panozzo too. Pity the script had to suddenly make the funeral about ending their characters' relationship for absolutely no good reason other than in service of hitting the misery button on a day that really didn't require more misery. I suspect Cash will have U-turned by this time next week but I can't say I'm really bothered either way.

The Summer Bay memorial felt a bit forced, with lots of 'fond' anecdotes and platitudes that sort of tailed off into nothingness. I love that Remi's abiding memory of Flick was the time she said his music was mediocre; that's certainly one sentiment that she and I can agree on. 

I suppose if I squinted hard enough I could perhaps see the rationale for Harper blurting out about her pregnancy at the moment she did, before Tane found himself on the wrong end of police charges - but it was highly annoying all the same.

38 minutes ago, H&Alover said:


Good flipping riddance? 

Edited by atrus
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