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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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22 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I guess I should say that the painting looked vaguely like a guy being struck by lightning to me!

True...it's pretty sore!

I liked the fact the flowers they had were rather bright and 'in your face', Flick definitely was not a pure white roses and lilies type!

Gary's speech I think summed her up. 'Never knew whether to stop you, help you or get out of your way.' I'd say option 3 was always the safest! If things had been a bit different, I could've imagined TPTB taking inspiration from a certain romcom, only in this case it would've been tequila obvs that everyone took a shot and placed it by her picture, would've been very her don't you think?

I know Eden could rationalise that Cash isn't in his right mind at the moment but I can fully understand how painful all this is, talk about double whammy. Also, whether he has meant to or not, he's kind of proved her point about all the men, bar Remi, she's ever loved and trusted let her down. Worse still, she no longer has her main person to cushion her fall (Flick), I'm glad though that Remi was they immediately to be her crah mat so's to speak.

I cheered when Perri finally bit back at his Dad and was going to make a statement! I know it wouldn't have been the right thing for Tane, however I wouldn't have been against him lamping Carl on the nose it's the least he deserves. Loved Carl's whine of 'You care about him than me' uh yeah, Tane's show him safety, kindness, care whilst you've beaten and used him, I think I know which one I'd rather be loyal too.

Yes, he isn't taking it well with the baby news yet, however I think after a day like that I'm not sure anyone would just say okay, cup of tea?


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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

That episode should have been really good, and parts of it were, but you had to wade through some very dumb stuff, most of it involving Cash and Tane seeing who can be the biggest manchild, to get to it.The scenes at Salt were good but we should have had more of it, with the C-plot saved for another episode.I love that Justin seems to consider himself the fifth member of Lyrik, calmly playing along with them. The reminiscences might not have been all that lucid at times, but that's what happens at events like this, and it was enough to convey what Felicity meant to them.

As was Gary's speech, which summed up Felicity perfectly. I think we've seen enough of Gary, and of him and Felicity together, to justify him taking the lead here. I'm trying not to be too hard on Cash but oh boy. You can see where Felicity got it from because self-destructive behaviour definitely runs in the family. He doesn't want to hurt and lose Eden, so he hurts and loses her? Yeah, that's dumb.

Way way too much of Carl, as well as it starting way too early: Less than five minutes into the episode and we've already got some dull two-dimensional guest villain getting in the way of what the episode should have been about. I'm not sure Tane mentioned Felicity once, which is a pretty poor showing. Instead, he and Perri are competing to see who can be the biggest idiot, only for Harper to win the crown with a last minute attempt. Why did Perri think agreeing to go with Carl would do anything other than make the situation worse and make Tane behave like even more of a macho idiot? Why did Tane think giving Carl what he wanted and living down to everyone's expectations would in any way help Perri, rather than getting himself put away and leaving Perri to handle Carl without support? The only good thing about it was Rose being the adult in the room and putting Carl in his place a lot more successfully. And having started the week saying she doesn't want to tell Tane when she's upset and struggling, Harper does exactly that: I guess it's a wonder she didn't shout it at the top of her voice in the middle of the memorial. "Hey, Tane, I know you've just lost the only woman you ever really loved, but turns out we both failed sex ed and you've finally managed to get one of your conquests pregnant, so that's two reasons to accept me as a consolation prize!" Honestly, the more her simpering schoolgirl act went on, the more pathetic her actions sounded and the more I wanted Tane to rip a hole in her. Felicity never got a chance to do it and Cash is too busy moping to do it on her behalf.

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8 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

(Hannah and Andy in particular) 

Ironically, it felt Hannah improved a lot in that last year before they suddenly killed her off anyway. She and Irene had a lot to do with each other during the whole elective mastectomy storyline, and she was dating Chris who was Irene's surrogate son at the time, so she's probably the most blatant of "Why isn't Irene wondering what's happened to all those people she used to know?" (It's not even like she could have been following the comings and goings on social media like she possibly is now!)

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Well once again that was depressing as ever 

Nice speech by Gary but I think maybe it would have been better if it came from Cash With Felicity now gone I don’t think we will see Gary again after this stint 

Kirby your probably hoping Lyrik are back together now because I think that is why she’s been bugging Mali over his art living her dream of going solo through him 


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It's funny the comments about the Daphne from Neighbours.  I went to the BFI last year and was viewing past TV footage and watched a Sunday Sunday episode with an Interview with Elaine Smith and Gloria Hunniford  and she mentioned she just finished filming her final scenes on Neighbours.

It feels like Abigail is Valerie 2.0.  If that's the case they might as well have just kept Valerie on.  I'm expecting something to happen with Theo or Perri.  Whilst he was trying to keep Abigail's confidence, Levi lying to Mackenzie is not a good sign for me at all.

I know he's grieving but I think Cash has been selfish.  He didn't tell Gary when he was told Felicity had stopped breathing and he excluded the Summer Bay residents from going to the funeral.  I have no issue with him hosting it away from the Bay as he and Felicity didn't grow up there but some of her friends should have at least had the option to decide if they wanted to go.  I guess at least he agreed to the local celebration of her life, so that's something.

I have to say that the turnout was impressive and watching the regular characters to Felicity's celebration was quite emotional.  Seeing Bree and Mackenzie with tears in their eyes and Alf's serious face too.  I actually didn't ever think Felicity was this well liked at all before she died.

Watching Xander earlier on in the week, I thought he was going to be a big problem with regards to keeping what he knew about Harper being pregnant from Tane but she told Tane anyway, arguably only because she felt she was forced to.  I'm kind of on the fence.  I know there is no right time, but I do think that wasn't it as it meant him missing Lyrik's song with Felicity.  However, the way he was acting, he kind of only had himself to blame.  I wasn't expecting him to let Carl take Perri without any form of resistance but he really has to try and remain as calm as possible as one mistake and he's going to jail.  I'm not too keen on Carl.  I much preferred the actor's character Sam from Out of the Blue.

Edited by Slade
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3 hours ago, Slade said:

It's funny the comments about the Daphne from Neighbours.  I went to the BFI last year and was viewing past TV footage and watched a Sunday Sunday episode with an Interview with Elaine Smith and Gloria Hunniford  and she mentioned she just finished filming her final scenes on Neighbours.

It feels like Abigail is Valerie 2.0.  If that's the case they might as well have just kept Valerie on.  I'm expecting something to happen with Theo or Perri.  Whilst he was trying to keep Abigail's confidence, Levi lying to Mackenzie is not a good sign for me at all.

I know he's grieving but I think Cash has been selfish.  He didn't tell Gary when he was told Felicity had stopped breathing and he excluded the Summer Bay residents from going to the funeral.  I have no issue with him hosting it away from the Bay as he and Felicity didn't grow up there but some of her friends should have at least had the option to decide if they wanted to go.  I guess at least he agreed to the local celebration of her life, so that's something.

I have to say that the turnout was impressive and watching the regular characters to Felicity's celebration was quite emotional.  Seeing Bree and Mackenzie with tears in their eyes and Alf's serious face too.  I actually didn't ever think Felicity was this well liked at all before she died.

Watching Xander earlier on in the week, I thought he was going to be a big problem with regards to keeping what he knew about Harper being pregnant from Tane but she told Tane anyway, arguably only because she felt she was forced to.  I'm kind of on the fence.  I know there is no right time, but I do think that wasn't it as it meant him missing Lyrik's song with Felicity.  However, the way he was acting, he kind of only had himself to blame.  I wasn't expecting him to let Carl take Perri without any form of resistance but he really has to try and remain as calm as possible as one mistake and he's going to jail.  I'm not too keen on Carl.  I much preferred the actor's character Sam from Out of the Blue.

Yup. Tane even sneezes wrong boom, right down Yabbie Creek Nick.

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Well we are all going to see Friday's episode differently. I thought it was very well handled both from those behind and in front of the cameras.  

It was a beautiful speech by Gary, said it all about Felicity, how troubled she'd been but how pleased he was to see her grow into a beautiful woman and how pleased he was when she looked him up after being estranged for so many years, invited him to her wedding  and let out the secret she told him about Cash and Eden getting engaged. 

I liked if that is the right word seeing the funeral and the celebration at Salt  side by side.  Then seeing Lyrik play that song then we heard it play at Flick's burial was a nice touch. I'm guessing Justin was standing in for Eden?  I was hoping for a few more memories about Flick, maybe from Alf from when she was staying at the caravan park.    I didn't find it forced. Mac, as would be expected, glossed over the rows and two big ones in particular she and Flick had but focused on the good times they had and how she had stood in for  her when Mac needed her to. 

Cash has completely shut down, his telling Eden he's finishing with her as he doesn't want to lose her too may be OTT but that is how he's feeling - if he is feeling anything - now, so  no he isn't being a man chid, he's just lost his sister, his last family member.  I hope we see Gary again. 

Was funny when Kirby told her story about Flick rounding up the locals to take them to a gig of Lyrik's, that would have been so typical of her.  Then how the story of how they stopped her finding out about Cash and Eden were dating as that was a no-no. 

I can see why Tane left, it's still raw for him too, especially as he and Flick were very close and had reconciled when she collapsed.  Maybe just as well seeing what was happening downstairs and it was kept out of sight from those celebrating  Felicity's life.   Saying that though she would have been there right next to him giving Carl a right mouthful and likely slugging him in the gob for good measure.  I knew Carl would be back to goad Tane into smacking him so he could report him to the police thus breaking the conditions of his bail - if that is the right term.   

Perri was doing the right thing agreeing to go back with Carl to protect Tane,  Carl for some twisted reason of his own thinks Tane has designs on his son when Tane has treated him better than he ever did.  Harper, did very cleverly get Rose to come and sort the problem very discreetly I thought  but the Harper haters won't see it kike that.  🙄Well of course Harper didn't want to tell him in that way, she was hoping for a quite moment. But he was saying he had nothing to look forward too after losing Felicity, no disrespect to Perri, but this news does give him something to look forward to.  He's going to need to get his head around the news..



Edited by H&Alover
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