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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Harper was rather condescending and seemed to think the world revolves around her: Did she really expect Tane to be able to give a big speech about his feelings at that moment? Her excuses continue to feel pathetic and she'd probably have kept on keeping it a secret as she went into labour if she hadn't been feeling impulsive. Even at the end, she didn't look too happy and maybe she isn't: Despite her hand-wringing here, I don't think she ever doubted that Tane would want the baby but she's disappointed he doesn't want her. Perhaps a good job no-one knows Rose knew about the pregnancy (if not about Tane)!

Eden's scenes didn't really tell us anything new, and Cash's actions continue to frustrate. I hope Remi's right about him coming to his senses soon because he's doing the opposite of protecting her.

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Back to business as usual today with lots of tedious navel-gazing from Eden and Harper, while John sticking his nose into both storylines just demonstrates how little of his own he has to do. Still, the fact that Cash's behaviour was so utterly ludicrous did help me to summon up a little sympathy for Eden. I really hope she doesn't take him back the moment he comes grovelling, as I assume he will.

More of the same tomorrow, judging by the trailer. 😴

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It would have taken Tane by surprise to find out he's going to be  a dad and to find out that way.  He seemed to have come to his senses the next day, though it did give Dana a shock to find him kipping on their sofa when she came home from her night shift.   Harper hasn't put him under any  pressure, she's left it entirely up to him if he wants to be involved or not.  She did say she knows she isn't the one he hoped would be carrying his baby. He has now decided he does want to be involved, I suppose we and Harper will have to wait to find out how involved he wants to be. I'm just relieved he didn't say the usual trite comment "How do know it's mine".   Unfortunate that Xander and Dana bumped into him and commented about it so he knew they knew before him.  Seeing the  baby would make it even more real.  It wasn't John's fault he heard what was said about the babe, Tane was rather explosive about it.  

John wasn't to blame and neither was Bree about people, well two, knowing Eden's back home alone.   John mentioned in passing he'd seen Cash's car so guessed he and Eden were home and Bree just said no Cash was still back at Gary's.  Eden of course lashed out but understandably so  as she would be feeling incredibly hurt.  It was lovely that Remi was there for her and Bree wisely went home. Her reaction to seeing the dresses  would have been bitter sweet knowing they are not her style but also knowing Flick had chosen them. 

It did appear Cash has returned with Gary and from what I could gather hasn't changed his mind. 

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I mentioned with regards to Friday's episode that Harper didn't chose the right time to tell Tane.  I think she was worried that if he hit Carl, he would have ended up in prison, not only because she was in love with him but she wants him to be around for the child.  She basically did the psychology 101.  Said to Tane he could be involved or hands off as he liked, purposely not putting any pressure on him.  Also, made sure to show him a scan of their baby.  Although it was never in doubt.  She knew how she was with Perri and was also aware of why he and Felicity broke up in the first place.

I guess I feel a tiny bit sorry for Eden.  Since she's semi made up with Levi I've not found her anywhere near as objectionable.  I could understand her having a go at John and found it slightly amusing how taken aback Bree was when she had a go at her too.

I did find the scene where Tane wasn't happy with Dana/Xander knowing about the pregnancy before him and blurting it out and John overhearing quite amusing.  John said to Bree, when she went to talk to him about Eden getting out of shape, he wasn't going to mention what happened with Dana but that won't last.  I've said numerous times, despite Dana being a nurse she lacks empathy.  Another example of that was her attitude towards Tane being a dad and getting drunk when he went round to see Harper.  Dana was there when Felicity collapsed and she was even concerned for Harper because she thought Tane had residual feelings towards Felicity.  It was the day of his ex wife's funeral and Harper dumps her being pregnant on him.  I'm not his biggest fan by any stretch but it's surprising Dana can't see, even if you don't agree with it, the way Tane was acting is understandable.

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Ugh,  Cash was cold as ice to Eden today. OK, everyone grieves in their own way but I'd say this kind of behaviour is unusual to say the least. I didn't really agree with Gary's take that Eden should fight for him. She shouldn't be the one to keep coming grovelling; plus, reverse psychology is best in these situations. I'm sure he'll be crawling back to her within a matter of weeks, but of course by that point she'll probably have leapt on the next horse on the endless relationships merry-go-round. Money's on Xander. Oh no, he's taken. Mali? Are he and Rose on or off at the moment? I lose track.

Theo and Perri bonding over their respective deadbeat dads was nice enough; but Harper continued to be rather cringe. "Alf is calling us a couple." Oh, well, best throw it on the table as an option, then. :rolleyes: Not that Tane helped much, repeatedly ignoring the question and in a way that seemed sure to get her hopes up, whether or not it was intended that way.

Very much a sidenote, but My5 was pushing a kids' show in the breaks today called 'Roo and Harper's Wonder World', and I very briefly wondered if it was an ill-advised H&A spin-off. :lol:

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Harper's got a nerve accusing Tane of avoiding the conversation when she'd be doing that for months.Of course, he continues to give nebulous answers about what "being a family" means: He obviously isn't keen on the couple idea (despite Harper pressing for it in a not-pressing-for-it way) but does he want to live together or pass the baby back and forth or what? I wonder if a part of Harper feels embarrassed about getting pregnant by a guy she's never actually dated: She seemed to be cringing during Tane's proud dad tour and pointedly failed to put Alf straight. Cash gets the perfect opportunity to do right by Felicity instead of just hurting Eden, which Felicity would be tearing strips off him for if she was still around. But he's still too far up his backside to do anything more than mouth platitudes.Flick probably would be happy for them, but she'd also be upset at Tane moving Harper into her side of the bed, even if it was just for one night, while judging her about her hook-ups (although to be fair, he had the decency to keep his mouth shut about Rory). Harper, and to a lesser extent Tane, denied her that.

I guess everyone's misjudged Cash's grasp on reality. Both Remi and Gary were convinced his resolve would crumble at the sight of Eden, but he's so convinced he's doing something noble that nothing will shake him out of it.Eden trying on that dress, possibly the last thing Felicity did for her, was a poignant moment.

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I know it wasn't meant to be comical but Cash's whole sulky teenager moment expecting Gary to get the car keys and straightaway he was like 'Nope, you made a big man decision so you go and face it like one'. had me laughing, he obviously learnt the pout from Flick! 🤣

I think Eden is going to be hurting for a long while, not just with the deep grief over Flick but also they might well be a sense of, unjust, self-recrimination, that she allowed her walls down and trusted a man and his promises and yet she was fooled again. Yes, of course she knows he's semi lost his marbles but, the rejection doesn't hurt any less.

It's nice to see Tane excited about Baby, despite all the circumstances I think he will be a good Dad and that is completely seperate to Harper in a sense. It can be pretty overwhelming at any time, a new life is a good thing. Mind you in regards to feelings/relationship stuff, who knows what may happen down the track, if memory serves me, didn't Leah develop romantic feelings for Flynn when she carried his and Sally's baby and they had a kind of emotional dallience?

Poor Perry, he clearly feels isolated, which is utterly understandable, he may be 18 but in some ways he hasn't been able to grow up properly with balance and stability so trying to navigate a new life is difficult too.

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"Cash takes the coward's way out".  I liked how My5 put that but..Cash is cold.

Harper must be over the moon how things have turned out.  Tane's all in and she can effectively monopolise him now and play the long game.

I was surprised at the reactions to the news, especially given Perri was telling Harper before that he thought Tane was really into Felicity, Alf didn't question anything either and even Cash was OK with it (although admittedly I keep forgetting he's friends with Harper).  There really wasn't any negativity whatsoever.

I did partly agree with Cash about one thing though, given how happy he seemed, Tane does seem to be moving on from Felicity.

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Ready for a break from all the Felicity misery now, and especially from Cash and his strops; but I welcomed Gary promising he would stick around, as I like him as a character and am happy that we'll be seeing more of him. Likewise I welcomed Tane making it clear that he wants Perri to stick around too; having someone to care for has given him a bit of a fresh lease of life as a character, and hopefully that will continue when the baby arrives as well, if Harper doesn't scare Tane off by making a play for him every five seconds. But both Gary and Perri are still in the guest cast which probably means that, despite their keenness to stay in the Bay, the moratorium on permanent teen characters and/or anyone over 40 will continue unabated.

Anyway: finally a bit of a change in focus tomorrow by the look of things, even if the new focus doesn't exactly look upbeat either.

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