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2024 Season - UK Episode Discussion

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Well I'm seeing it all completely differently.  Tane, once he'd got his around the idea he's going to be  a dad seemed to be taking over, announcing it to all and sundry, not exactly saying he and Harper are an item but not saying it either.  Harper needed that talk with him as to where they stand, will they be co-parenting and living separately, Harper looking after him/her and Tane visits?  She said to him, if people had  been listening, she knows he is not in love with her and just with her because of the baby so wouldn't feel right that people will see them as a couple. I can see him going all protective, making sure Harper isn't overdoing things which seeing as Harper is an independent woman would drive her crazy. She'll want to keep up her exercises but he'll put a downer on that, but to me it'd be a good idea for her and the baby, keeping her fit, and there are suitable exercises for mums to be.   Didn't Jasmine set up classes for mums-to-be at the gym when she was running it? Tane was right to tell Cash before he heard it from someone  else, Cash knew why Felicity and Tane had broken up so this news could have been upsetting.  Rather an afterthought, I thought, Cash saying sorry to Tane for not inviting him to the funeral. 

Rather random him telling Theo and Perri, but I suppose as Perri lives with him he'd need to.  Tane did say and I can't remember who to that the baby will now be his priority so where does that leave Perri? Did smile when  Perri said the baby looked like him.

Not wrong there Foellfan, Leah did get 'close' to Flynn, but they did know each other. 

First time, I think, Perri and Theo have met isn't it?  It came out they have a common bond re abusive dads.  Perri had reported his to his probation officer, did I hear that right, then turned him into the cops and now he's banged up. I imagine it would be  a shock for him to hear that Theo had the same experience seeing as they come from completely different backgrounds.  He  would likely think it only happens in his world, not something that happens in  'posh' families like Theo's. 

Atrus, have you 'met' Eden, if my memory serves me right she hasn't been with anyone, she's been a bit of a loner.  Flirted lightly with Remi, or rather he flirted with her, but they are friends from way back.   It wasn't until she came across Cash again who was an old flame, there was a flicker which eventually caught fire.   There were doubts between both of them, not the right time, other things getting in the way but they were meant to be. That is why she is so devastated about his reaction/decision.    I was pleased to  see her apologise to Bree, it was a misunderstanding and that dress, although definitely not her style  did look lovely on her. 

Gary can see it but Cash is an adult, even if he isn't acting like one so can't be told what to do or not do.   People  keep pushing him to do the right thing re Eden, but to him he is so will dig his heels in even more.   Not just him not wanting Eden to 'possibly' die, he's protecting himself.  He did have to be the strong one when his and  Felicity's mum and dad died so maybe didn't grieve back then and held it all inside  for all these years. Have we actually see him cry? 

One moment Cash was making an appointment to see his solicitor to I guess have the  house put entirely  in his name, then he's deciding he's going back to Gary's, not just to visit for a while but to live?  As Gary  asked what about work can he quit the police just like that?   Though they were willing to throw him under the bus when he had that disciplinary hearing.  Gary was right about telling him "you go get your keys", you  can't hide from her for ever.  Gary hadn't known Eden for long, but he liked her enough to tell her to fight for Cash, even if it did come crashing down.  Cash would be feeling the same as Tane, he said to Harper, everywhere he goes, everywhere he looks he see Felicity. 

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2 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Atrus, have you 'met' Eden, if my memory serves me right she hasn't been with anyone, she's been a bit of a loner.  Flirted lightly with Remi, or rather he flirted with her, but they are friends from way back.   It wasn't until she came across Cash again who was an old flame, there was a flicker which eventually caught fire.   There were doubts between both of them, not the right time, other things getting in the way but they were meant to be. That is why she is so devastated about his reaction/decision.   

Not in real life, obviously! But I am familiar. Not sure what point you are making, I've acknowledged I felt sorry for her and that Cash has been awful - while also acknowledging that i don't care a great deal either way what the outcome is.

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3 hours ago, H&Alover said:


Not wrong there Foellfan, Leah did get 'close' to Flynn, but they did know each other. 


Thank you, I never actually saw those eps (didn't have Ch5 at the time), , bad example I guess but I kkind of meant that Harper and Tane are friends and might be better as co-parents but will all the milestones that will come in the next 6 months can give rise to differing feelings even though it's more toward baby than actual romance. 😉

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I did actually feel a bit for Cash here, probably because he didn't have Eden around to be his punchbag. It does feel like the show is trying to pretend Tane and Felicity weren't married: Tane has already moved on to his new family and all the focus is on Cash, being the one to turn off the life support and inheriting Salt. While in some ways it would be better for Cash to be a sleeping partner and let those who know what they're doing run Salt, he feels as though Felicity would want him to keep an eye on what she's built and he may even be right. Mackenzie didn't just take Felicity's money and run, she treated her like an equal partner, and while Cash has a lot to learn, there's no reason to shut him out. Xander in particular had no right to try and tell Cash to leave them alone. I did like Gary's chat with him: He said the one thing that could puncture Cash's outrage and force him to take a look at his behaviour.

It's a shame in a way that all the drama has been sped through and we're onto Tane embracing his fantasies of being a family. I do wonder if he'll come back down to earth with a bump when he realises just what a mess this actually is. Harper has already floated the idea of "Are we a couple now?" (if anyone was listening to that): What this most reminds me of is Dean and Amber (rather than Flynn and Leah, which went practically nowhere with him staying with Sally), where she was in love with him and he only saw her as a friend he'd hooked up with at best, but he was willing to be a couple so they could be a family, only for her to quickly realise being treated as part of a package rather than actually being the person he wanted wasn't for her. Anyway, in the meantime we've got Perri to deal with, and again Mackenzie felt like the surrogate mum to Tane's surrogate dad. Theo and Perri have definitely met before, they even referenced it. The caravan park very nearly had its first guest in ages!

I think Justin had every right to be angry with Theo: I know people say Justin's never at the garage himself, but at the end of the day he's the boss, and it sounded like he was on garage business anyway, and he should be able to trust Theo to do his job. Sure, Theo had an important D&M with Perri, but he was swinging the lead and putting the job off until the last minute, and the result was he ran out of time when something unexpected came up. And now he's apparently messed up big time.

Edited by Red Ranger 1
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19 hours ago, Foellfan said:

Thank you, I never actually saw those eps (didn't have Ch5 at the time), , bad example I guess but I kkind of meant that Harper and Tane are friends and might be better as co-parents but will all the milestones that will come in the next 6 months can give rise to differing feelings even though it's more toward baby than actual romance. 😉

It did seem Tane was expecting Harper and the baby to move into the farmhouse without consulting her, she may want to stay at Irene's.  He would also need to run it by Mac.

20 hours ago, atrus said:

Not in real life, obviously! But I am familiar. Not sure what point you are making, I've acknowledged I felt sorry for her and that Cash has been awful - while also acknowledging that i don't care a great deal either way what the outcome is.

You were suggesting she'd be moving onto someone, anyone now Cash has dumped her.

Is punchbag the right word, shouldn't that be sounding board? 

One moment Cash was already to leave town on the next coach but now it looks like he's staying to co-run Salt, he really is so mixed up so it is good Gary is staying around, as he could see signs of what happened to his and Flick's dad.    Flick not leaving a will, well why should she she was only in her 20's, means as next of kin he would inherit her half of Salt. I think he's seeing that as a distraction to stop him thinking about what happened.   A business like Salt can't be explained as simply as he thinks it can, as Mac said there a a lot of variables to think of, time of year, the customers they could get etc.  There's going to be quiet times, busy times and you take those into account. I thought he was very condescending towards Xander, who may 'just' be an employee but he's stood in for both Mac and Flick many times when they've been a no show and knows more about what goes on and how the place runs  than Cash does. 

Dean didn't know he had a son by Amber until long after  he was born so wasn't here from the start like Tane is.   

Tane did need bringing back to earth  a tad and he hadn't thought about how it would be for Perri who was thinking about moving out as he'd feel out of place.  As I said before, there's months yet and two things, will Harper be moving in, she may want to stay at Irene's and is Mac OK with having a baby and another adult moving in.   So wise words from Mac, she has been there and she didn't have Perri's unstable background.

Fair enough re Perri and Theo, but I don't think they've really talked before have they? 

 I didn't see Harper's "Are we a couple now?" comment as implying they  should be, to me it was her wondering what they are.

True  though Justin is a fine one to talk about the garage but just because he's the boss doesn't excuse him for hardly being there.   It wasn't just this woman's car Theo had overlooked/neglected, it was Tane's too which Perri had brought in, but had to come back for the next day.   Theo had only recently become a qualified mechanic so shouldn't be slacking.  He was making up for it but he did seem to be rushing it to please Justin and prove he could do his job.  It does appear as been said it's backfired somewhat. 

I liked that talk Gary had with Alf, Leah and Maz it must have some kid of relief for him to talk to someone about Cash and Flick and how hard it was for him when he and his late wife took them in.  But he did a good job, eventually.  As Alf said there is no manual on how to bring kids up.  If he is staying Alf will be a good mate. 

Edited by H&Alover
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I was a little surprised/disappointed at Leah having to spell out to Justin that the customer might be wrong about the cause of the accident while he was preparing to throw Theo to the lions - even Justin's not normally that impetuous. And even now the inspection of the car has reinforced the case against Theo, I'm sort of suspecting that the customer is a villain and that they've swapped out the nice working components for dodgy/damaged ones in order to get a payout. But I suppose we'll see when Theo's next rostered on in an episode and can give his side of the story.

Ooh, since when did Kirby work at the board shop? (Rhetorical question - I know the answer is "while I wasn't paying attention"!) Is Mali/Kirby the latest stop on the romance merry-go-round? Worse things happen at sea, I suppose.

Not fully engaged with Levi and Abigail yet, but I guess if he can display a few heroics over this then it might begin to redeem him for the dreadful way he was introduced into the show.

2 hours ago, H&Alover said:

You were suggesting she'd be moving onto someone, anyone now Cash has dumped her.

Ah, I see what you mean now. Well, yes, I do think she will be moving on with someone! But it wasn't intended as a comment on Eden's character or her relationship history - it was more a comment on "these are the rules of soap". She may not have had many relationships before Cash, and since being in the show she's been romantically preoccupied with him for most of the time, so has hardly had a chance to dally with anyone else. But now she's single, convention dictates that just when Cash is ready to come crawling back, she'll be hooking up with someone new. We saw this with Remi and Bree not so long ago and I'll be surprised if we aren't treated to the same 'twist' here.

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I must admit I didn't think of the comparison between Abigail and Valerie until someone said it. Given she's signed up full-time, I suspect Abigail will be treated with a lot more compassion and understanding than Valerie was. (Playing devil's advocate, I guess it could be argued that the key difference is that Abigail hasn't involved anyone else in drugs, as far as we know.) Mackenzie gave Levi some much needed home truths about how enabling Abby hasn't really helped the situation. Anyway, she may finally have got herself in enough trouble to have a wake-up call. (The promo gave away far too much about next episode, but at least it didn't resolve the cliffhanger completely!)

Justin was beating himself up a bit too much over not supervising Theo but it's in character for him. His idea to make a deal with the mysterious Claudia has merit.

So Mali's through to the final of the competition. You must have been tuning out a lot of Kirby's scenes, atrus, given she seems to spend 90% of her time at the board shop these last few months! (Heck, Roo got her the job, that's how long it's been!)

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13 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

You must have been tuning out a lot of Kirby's scenes, atrus, given she seems to spend 90% of her time at the board shop these last few months! (Heck, Roo got her the job, that's how long it's been!)

Oh heck, I have been bad. :lol: Thanks, this is useful information: I've had every episode on, genuinely, but it really has been a background activity for me for quite some time now, so I could give you broad plot beats of the last few months but little more. That's partly why I'm here again, to force myself into making more of an effort in the hope that I can rekindle some interest, because it's either that or giving up watching.

Edited by atrus
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