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Friends Reunited

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Thanks, Zig.


Ryder and Bella had found themselves in the captain’s office.It was a place Ryder had never been before and he’d hoped that when it did finally happen he’d be feeling less nervous than he did now.

  Captain Smith looked them over.“So, let me see if I understand correctly.You have broken into staff members’ cabins in order to search them for money, which you followed by setting off a fire alarm without proper cause and putting staff in danger.”

  Ryder winced.“Well, when you put it like that…”

  “That was all my idea!”Bella attempted,“Ryder didn’t know anything about it!”

  “No, that’s not right,”Ryder replied,“I went along with all of it and the fire alarm thing was my idea.”

  “Well, your loyalty is commendable,”Captain Smith noted,“I suppose we might not have got as far as we did if not for the two of you being good friends.”

  Ryder and Bella exchanged looks, not quite sure if they’d been complimented or not.“Thanks, I think?” Ryder offered.

  “In the circumstances, I’ve told Mr.Beck that your existing punishment should suffice,”the captain concluded.It took Ryder a moment to remember that was Archibald.“I suppose in the circumstances we should be thanking you…whilst warning you not to do it again.”

  “Oh, we won’t,”Ryder assured him.

  “You know, unless there’s a thousands of dollars theft again,”Bella felt the need to add.

  “I think we’ll leave it at that for now,”the captain decided.

  Ryder paused.“Um, what’s going to happen to Chase?”

  “The police boat will be arriving tomorrow, they’ll take him back to face charges.Until then, he’s confined to his cabin.Which you two aren’t, so get going.”


Ryder and Bella headed to the bar with a distinct feeling of relief.“I felt sure he was going to make us walk the plank,”Ryder noted.

  “Do they do that?”Bella wondered.

  “Not sure.I’d have to check the disciplinary procedures.But whatever they do, I thought they were going to do it to us.”

  Bella linked arms with him.“Don’t worry.You heard what the captain said:We’re heroes!”

  “I’m not sure that’s exactly what he said…”

  “Ryder!Bella!My heroes!”Denzel came bounding over and threw his arms round both of them.“Don’t worry, I’m a happy drunk this time.And you know why I’m happy?Because thanks to you I have my job and my liberty!I don’t know where I’d be without you!Come on, have a drink on me.”

  He led them to the bar where Wendy was serving.She nodded towards Denzel.“He’s been like this for the last hour.I should remind him he’s back at work tomorrow but I don’t have the heart.”

  “I didn’t know you worked in here,”Bella noted.

  “Usually I don’t but they’re suddenly a staffmember short.”

  Ryder winced slightly.“Oh yeah.Chase.Guess our good deed wasn’t good for everyone.”

  “Well, more shifts isn’t exactly a bad thing.It’s not like I can go for a walk in the country.And not all of us are lucky enough to have a best friend to hang out with.”

  Bella gripped Ryder’s arm tightly.“She’s right.We are lucky.”


It was getting late.Ryder had made his way out onto deck and was staring out at the darkness, listening to the sound of waves.Bella came up to join him.“You sick of the attention?”

  “Something like that,”Ryder admitted,“Guess I just wanted a moment to myself.”He realised how that sounded.“Not you!I still want you here.”

  “Thanks for the clarification.”Bella smiled.“Just for the record, I would be totally lost out here without you.And you are not to repeat that to anyone!”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone know what a softie you really are.”He hugged her, letting her bury her head in his shoulder for a moment…and then suddenly they were kissing again, softly but intensely.Ryder hadn’t been expecting it but somehow he didn’t want to stop.“Isn’t this the thing we weren’t meant to be doing again?”he offered at last.

  “Mm-hmm, this is the one,”Bella agreed,“I think the phrase is your place or mine?”

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And here it is!


Some morning sunlight was shining through the cabin porthole as Ryder and Bella lay in bed, holding each other close and kissing.“Is this us ruining our friendship then?”Ryder asked between kisses.

  “Oh yeah, totally.”

  “Because we feel really out of the friend zone at the moment.”
  “Mmm, somehow I don’t mind.”
  “Me neither.”

  “I feel like I could do this all day.”
  The kiss deepened and they disappeared further into the bed…then Ryder pulled back.“I’m due on shift in twenty minutes.”
  Bella sighed.“Right, yeah.”
  “You, um, fancy coming along?Keeping me company?”
  “Unfortunately, I guess I’d better do some work.Take photos around the rest of the ship and all that.”

  “Okay.”Ryder clambered out of the bed and started getting dressed.“Maybe we could meet up later though?”

  “Yeah, maybe meet up after your shift?Have dinner or something?”
  “Great, it’s a date.”Ryder paused, slightly confused. “It actually is, isn’t it?We’re…dating?”

  “Well, yeah, I guess we are.When you put it like that it sounds weird but…also kind of nice?”
  “It’s a date then.”

A waiter came over to Ryder and Bella’s table and served them their dishes.Bella’s eyes lit up.“Steak!I’ve been looking forward to this.”

  Ryder looked slightly crestfallen.“That’s the big attraction for the evening then?”

  Bella gave him an indulgent look.“That and the company, of course.”

  “I don’t know, I guess I thought we’d have something a bit more romantic for our first date.”

  “As I recall, our definitions of romance aren’t the same.”

  Ryder thought for a moment.“Oh, that date I arranged for you and Nik, with the boat and the picnic?”

  “That’s the one.”

  Ryder looked around.“We are on a boat.”

  “Yes, but one we can actually get up and walk around on.”Bella smiled slightly.“Don’t worry, it didn’t make me want to stop friends with you.”

  “Friends, yeah.”Ryder hesitated.“Feels like we’re more than friends now, right?”

  “Right, yeah.”Bella searched for the words.“Feels like we’re attempting a relationship?”

  “But whatever happens, we’ll always be friends, right?”

  Bella took his hand.“I will always be friends with you.”

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17 hours ago, Zig said:

My heart with this, completely in love with them, wish they were endgame in the show to.

I'm always in two minds about this. I really like that they had a close friendship that meant a lot to them both and I wouldn't have liked for it to be ruined, but if they had been endgame, I'd have been fine with that.And given that I get to write it...

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I always thought Ryder and Bella would be a better couple than Bella and Nikau. 

   I think Colby would have thought so too. In addition Bella and Nikau as couple felt just like added drama with Colby and Bella as Colby did not get along with Paratas and where’s Colby liked Ryder. 

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21 hours ago, j.laur5 said:

I always thought Ryder and Bella would be a better couple than Bella and Nikau. 

   I think Colby would have thought so too. In addition Bella and Nikau as couple felt just like added drama with Colby and Bella as Colby did not get along with Paratas and where’s Colby liked Ryder. 

Well...Colby did threaten to kill Ryder that one time! But on the whole, yes, it would probably have caused him less stress.

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5 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Well...Colby did threaten to kill Ryder that one time! But on the whole, yes, it would probably have caused him less stress.

But wasn’t actually going to do it as Ryder much more different to Nixon   once he found out he was mistaken he bought his  pizza at Salt to say sorry . 

Edited by j.laur5
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