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Friends Reunited

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4 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Don't think he stretched to pizza.

May not be quite the very next episode or may be a fair while later but I do remember Colby shouted him pizza some time later when they both were at Salt. 

So might more because Ryder was helping Bella with her study . 

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Thank you for the comments, Zig and j.laur5! Sorry, I meant to post this yesterday but things ran away from me.Here's the last chapter!


Ryder stood at the side of the boat, staring out to sea.At least, that’s what he’d like to be staring at.But instead of the wide expanse of ocean with nothing else in sight, he was looking at a port.A port that they would be arriving at in a few hours.

  It had been preying on his mind these last few weeks.What had been happening between him and Bella was great but he was well aware that she was only on board for this voyage.What then, he wondered.Like as not, she’d head back to her great life in New York.Which meant he was basically having a holiday romance with his best friend.

  Bella came up behind him and gave him a hug.“Land ahoy, huh?”

  “Yeah.Guess you’ll be getting off there, huh?”

  “Why, what are you doing?Do you have to stay on the boat?”

  The question surprised Ryder.“No, I’ve got a two week break before we set off again.I’ve got a short-term rental set up.”

  “Sounds like we’re getting off together then.”

  Bella had moved in front of Ryder during the conversation and was stood facing him.The expression on her face looked like she was trying to tell him something but he wasn’t sure what.“And you’ll be catching a flight back to New York then, I guess?”

  Bella gave a smile that he would have to describe as enigmatic.“Something like that.”


Ryder had gone back to his cabin to pack and then met up with Bella on deck.Naturally, the passengers had been allowed off first so there was something of a wait to get off.Denzel came up to them.“I just wanted to say thanks again.If it wasn’t for you two, there’d be a police car waiting for me when I get off. Or at least someone giving me the sack.”

  “No problem,”Ryder noted.

  “Any time,”Bella agreed.She waited until Denzel was out of earshot before turning to Ryder.“I guess we did something to be proud of there.”

  “Guess so,”Ryder confirmed.

  He noticed the crowd in front of them was starting to move.One of the other casino staff waved at him. “See you in a couple of weeks, Ryder!”

  “See you, Frank!”Ryder called back.

  Bella slipped her hand into his as they headed towards the ramp.He was still getting used to her doing that but it felt good.He was really going to miss it.

  Captain Smith was waiting on the ramp, having a few words for everyone that came off.“Bye, Ryder, thanks for all your help.Bye, Bella, glad you’ll be joining us full-time next trip.”

  Ryder felt his stomach lurch at those words and wasn’t quite sure how he managed to keep moving. “Wait, what?”

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you that?”Bella asked innocently.

  “I’m pretty sure you know you didn’t.”

  “Well, when I submitted my photos to the tour company, I suggested it might pay to have a regular photographer on the cruises.You know, document everything, take pictures to sell to passengers…So, it turns out I am now a proper member of staff!”

  Ryder came screeching to a halt on the quay and looked at her.“But…what about that great life in New York?”

  “It was great, yeah.But you know what else is great?Getting to sail the high seas in luxury, with my best friend-slash-boyfriend, indulging in photography and getting paid for it!”

  Ryder smiled.“You’re right, that does sound great.”

  Bella took his hand again and dragged him down the quay.“And solving mysteries together.”

  Ryder looked bewildered.“That was just a one-off, right?”

  “Guess we’ll have to wait and see!”

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Sorry I haven’t been feeling that well so fell behind 

Does those last few lines mean there are more mysteries that await Ryder and Bella? As it says I guess I will have to wait and see maybe they will find themselves a dog to help them with these mysterys too

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On 13/08/2024 at 07:15, Zig said:

Another great chapter, glad Bella and Ryder will be sailing the world together, love this story.

Thanks. I thought it was a fitting fate for them.


On 13/08/2024 at 13:53, pembie said:

Does those last few lines mean there are more mysteries that await Ryder and Bella? As it says I guess I will have to wait and see maybe they will find themselves a dog to help them with these mysterys too

Well, I didn't want to overegg it and make out that there'd somehow be a crime on every voyage they go on, but I'm sure they'd make themselves available if there was!

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11 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Thanks. I thought it was a fitting fate for them.


Well, I didn't want to overegg it and make out that there'd somehow be a crime on every voyage they go on, but I'm sure they'd make themselves available if there was!

You’re not committing to writing another one or are you? 

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