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New Beginnings


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Thank you @Red Ranger 1 , @beachside, @pembie for reading and your lovely comments.

Chapter 3

The moment Don opened the door, he spotted his grandson, Seb, sitting on the couch, looking more broken than he had ever seen him. Don sat beside him and gently tapped his shoulder to make his presence known.

Seb looked up at his grandfather. "So, you know?" Don nodded, confirming that he did. "How?" Seb asked, curiosity in his voice.

"I saw Jade. She was looking for you; she's very worried about you," Don explained.

Seb's expression immediately shifted to concern. "How is she? Is she okay? I didn't even ask." He knew he wasn't the only one struggling; Jade was, too.

"She's trying to get her head around things," Don replied. He had a feeling that once Jade had time to process everything, she wouldn't be okay. But he also knew she was trying her best to hold it together right now.

"I wish this didn't hurt like hell, Gramps. It's breaking me," Seb said, his voice thick with emotion. Don wrapped his arms around Seb and held him as he broke down in tears.


After talking to Don, Jade headed home, struggling to believe that her own sister could do this to her. She felt a deep sense of hurt and, right now, an overwhelming hatred toward Kirsty that she couldn't forgive.

Jade was sitting on the couch, her head buried in her knees, crying uncontrollably. The full weight of what had happened hit her hard, and she became consumed with anger and sorrow. When she arrived home and found herself alone, she simply broke down.

About ten minutes later, Dani and Will walked in the front door, chatting, but they both fell silent when they heard Jade's cries. Dani immediately spotted her sister on the couch and rushed to her side, kneeling in front of her, while Will stood behind her.

"Jade, what's wrong?" Dani asked urgently. Jade didn't respond; instead, her sobs grew louder, heightening Dani's concern. "Jade, please talk to me," Dani pleaded. "Tell me what happened?"

After a moment, Jade managed to speak. "Nick, he..." Will quickly moved to the other side of Dani. "What's my brother done?" Jade looked up directly at Will.

"He cheated on me," she said, and both Will and Dani looked shocked. Dani was the first to speak. "Are you sure?" Jade nodded.

"That's not even the worst part," Jade admitted, her voice breaking.

"What is?" Dani asked, both she and Will focusing intently on Jade.

"He cheated on me with Kirsty," Jade revealed, her voice filled with betrayal. Dani could immediately sense the depth of Jade's pain and looked at Will before the two headed into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I need to look after her," Dani said, her voice filled with resolve. Will shook his head and kissed Dani's forehead.

"Don't be sorry. I need to deal with my idiot brother," Will replied before walking out the door, leaving Dani to comfort Jade.


Dani rushed back and sat by Jade's side. Jade leaned on her sister's shoulder, her cries gradually calming down, though she was still deeply upset by the whole situation.

Before Jade could speak to Dani, Kirsty walked in, talking and laughing with Rhys and Shelley. Jade's fury erupted.

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? I HATE YOU!" Jade screamed, standing up from the couch. "I WANT YOU OUT OF MY ROOM BY TONIGHT!" She then ran up the stairs without saying another word.

Rhys and Shelley turned to Kirsty, and Shelley spoke up, "I'll talk to her."

Dani stepped forward, her face set with determination. "No, you won't. You don't know what this is about, so I'll go."

Dani walked toward the steps, then stopped and looked at Kirsty. "I can't believe you could do this to your sister. She's hurting, and that's all on you," Dani said angrily before rushing up the stairs to check on Jade.


The moment Dani left, Rhys turned to Kirsty. "Anything you want to fill us in on?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. Both he and Shelley looked desperate for answers.

Kirsty shrugged nonchalantly. "Nick and I got together, that's all," she said before walking away, giving her parents no chance to respond.

Rhys looked at Shelley once Kirsty had left. "I have a feeling this house will be tense for the next few months," he said. Shelley nodded, hugging her husband. They knew tough times lay ahead.


Meanwhile, as Will walked into Irene's place, he was shocked to see Nick sitting on the couch, watching TV with Irene, Hayley, and Jesse, as if nothing had happened. Will's anger flared, especially after seeing how broken Jade was.

"HOW CAN YOU SIT HERE AND PRETEND NOTHING HAPPENED?" Will shouted, glaring at Nick and waiting for a response.

"Because nothing did," Nick said nonchalantly as he stood up to face Will.


Irene and Hayley both looked surprised. Hayley, clearly hurt by her brother's actions, spoke up, "You did what?" She raised her eyebrows, incredulous.

"It's not like Jade and I were together long," Nick replied dismissively.

Irene interjected, "That's no excuse, Nick. If you wanted to be with Kirsty, you should have been honest about it."

"It's not easy, besides, you need to get used to it," Nick retorted, frustration evident in his voice, before storming off to his room.

Hayley, who was standing next to Jesse, turned to Will. "How's Jade?" she asked, her concern for Jade's well-being overshadowing her anger at Nick.

"She's shattered, angry, and upset. Dani's with her," Will replied, filling them in on Jade's condition.

"Our brother's an idiot," Hayley said, shaking her head in disappointment.

Will nodded in agreement. It was clear both he and Hayley were deeply unhappy with what Nick had done.


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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Well, I guess everyone's reactions are understandable in the circumstances, we'll see how it works going forward.

They sure are, stay tuned for more, coming very soon

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Chapter 4

Sally and Flynn walked along the beach in silence. Eventually, Sally broke the stillness.

"So, Mitch?" she asked, her concern evident. She worried about how being back would affect him, given all he'd been through last time.

"He told me he felt okay about being back," Flynn replied seriously. "But I made him promise to come see me if he ever felt otherwise."

Sally raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And did he agree to that? I find it hard to believe Mitch would just go along with your request."

Flynn nodded. "He said he would, and I believe him." Before he could continue, he noticed someone running toward them. Sally's face lit up.

As the man reached them, Sally hugged him enthusiastically. Flynn looked away, feeling an unexpected need to give them privacy. "I'll leave you to it," he said, his voice tinged with disappointment. He couldn't help but feel a pang of regret that their conversation had been interrupted by this man—who, judging by Sally's reaction, was likely her boyfriend.


The moment Sally pulled away from the hug, she looked at Jesse, smiling ear to ear. She was thrilled to see her old friend and former flatmate again.

"So, when did you get back into town?" Sally asked curiously, avoiding any mention of his prison sentence.

"Yesterday. It's good to be back." Jesse paused, then added, "Believe it or not, I didn't miss the drama, although I walked straight into some."

The mention of drama made Sally raise an eyebrow. "Drama? What kind of drama?" Although she wasn't a fan of it, she wanted to ensure Jesse wasn't involved with the wrong crowd.

"Hayley's brother Nick cheated on his girlfriend with her sister," Jesse explained. Sally's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't expected Nick and Kirsty to get back together, especially after their messy breakup.

"Well, at least it doesn't involve you," Sally said, relieved. "Where are you staying?" She wanted to make sure he had a safe place to stay.

"I was at Irene's, but it's so tense there now." Jesse frowned, remembering how much he hated tension—it was the worst part of prison.

"I'm living alone at the moment. How about you come stay with me? Just like old times," Sally offered, hoping he would agree. She was tired of living alone and craved adult company.

Jesse felt a weight lift off his shoulders. "That sounds perfect to me." 

Sally smiled as she linked arms with Jesse, and they continued to walk along the beach.


Meanwhile, Jade was sitting on Dani's bed, refusing to go to her own room until Kirsty and all her things were gone. The two were talking when suddenly the door opened.

"Dani, guess what." Brodie paused when she saw Jade sitting with Dani, tears streaming down her face.

"What's going on? What happened?" Brodie looked from Dani to Jade, concerned. Clearly, something serious had occurred.

"Tell us what you were going to say. I could use some good news right now," Jade admitted, noticing how happy Brodie seemed. She desperately needed a distraction from her own broken heart.

"Mitch is back, and he asked me to give him another chance," Brodie said, smiling from ear to ear. Her happiness was contagious, and both Jade and Dani found themselves smiling too.

"I'm guessing you said yes?" Dani asked, even though it was pretty obvious.

"Of course I did," Brodie confirmed with a bright smile.

"I'm glad. I haven't seen you as happy as you were with Mitch," Jade said, relieved that at least her foster sister's relationship was working out, even if hers wasn't.

"That goes double for me," Dani added, as Brodie walked over and sat on her bed across from Dani's.

"Enough about me. What's going on?" Brodie asked, looking at Jade with concern. Jade glanced at Dani for support, knowing she would break down if she had to say it again.

"Nick cheated on Jade with Kirsty," Dani revealed. Brodie's face turned to shock, and she immediately rushed to Jade's other side, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. You deserve better," Brodie said sincerely. Out of Kirsty and Jade, Jade had always treated her nicely, and she didn't deserve this betrayal.

Dani looked at Jade and said, "Brodie's right. You do deserve better. One day you'll find a guy who will love you unconditionally, no matter what."

Jade was thoughtful for a moment. "Like Brodie and Mitch?"

"Yes, like me and Mitch. The right person will treat you like a princess," Brodie assured her. Mitch had always treated her well, and she wanted the same for Jade.

"I hope so, but right now, I doubt it," Jade said, feeling deeply insecure. Brodie and Dani picked up on her distress and immediately hugged her from either side, offering their comfort and support.


Meanwhile, Hayley was sitting at the pier when she heard loud footsteps approaching. When she saw it was Noah, she immediately turned around, her body tensing up, her expression turning annoyed.

"I told you I needed space," Hayley spoke bitterly. She wasn't happy to see him. Noah's clinginess was why she ended things between them in the first place.

"Tell me one thing, and then I'll give you that space," Noah replied bluntly but sternly. Hayley immediately placed her hands on her hips.

"What do you want to know?" Hayley hoped that the sooner she answered Noah's question, the sooner he would leave her alone and give her the space she needed.

"Did you break up with me for that guy?" Noah asked, needing to know if someone else had caused their breakup. He had seen them together a few times and couldn't shake the suspicion.

Hayley raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Which guy?" she asked, crossing her arms as she waited for a response.

"The one I saw you with on the beach, then in the diner," Noah clarified. Hayley immediately realized he was referring to Jesse.

"Jesse? No, we are just friends. But the fact that you even have to ask shows that we aren't working. This is exactly why we need a break from each other," Hayley said with a mix of hurt and seriousness in her voice. She couldn't believe Noah thought she would do something like that.

Before Noah could speak again, Hayley continued, "Even if we were, you and I are over, so it doesn't matter." She stood up and walked away from the pier before Noah could say anything else, leaving him standing there. As she walked away, Noah looked out to the ocean, tears streaming down his face.

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6 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I can understand everyone supporting Jade.Jesse living with Sally could be interesting.

Let's just say it's going to make things interesting in more then one way

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Chapter 5

Noah stood frozen, unable to move since Hayley walked away. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion. How could he believe her when she ended things without a word of explanation, only for him to see her later with a man he didn’t even know? A man she had never mentioned before.

“Noah?” A voice called out behind him, but he didn’t turn around. He didn’t even acknowledge it.

“Noah, what’s wrong?” The woman’s voice spoke again, this time laced with concern.

“Gypsy, I’m fine. Please, just leave me alone.” His voice was tight, barely masking the turmoil inside him. The last thing he needed was Gypsy pestering him right now.

“That’s not going to happen. Talk to me.” Gypsy’s determination was clear, but Noah had no patience for it.

“I SAID LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!” he snapped, his voice cracking as he bolted away from the pier. He needed to be alone, to think, to sort through the mess in his head. The emotions were too overwhelming, and he couldn’t bear to face anyone, not even Gypsy, until he could make sense of it all.


Meanwhile, at the Sutherlands', Shelley was in the kitchen when Dani came down the stairs and immediately approached her.

"How is she?" Shelley asked, her concern for Jade evident, though her tone carried a hint of something more complicated.

"She’s not doing well," Dani replied, her voice filled with frustration. "She’s furious, upset, hurt, angry." Dani paused, then added, "And you know what? She has every right to be after what Kirsty and Nick did to her. She deserves better than to be treated like that."

"I don’t blame her," Shelley began, "but Kirsty must have her reasons too." She was trying to defend her other daughter, but it only fueled Dani’s frustration.

"HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY DEFEND HER AFTER EVERYTHING SHE’S DONE? ALL THE PAIN SHE’S CAUSED JADE AND SEB?" Dani’s voice was loud with anger and protectiveness, particularly for Jade. Shelley was about to respond, but they both heard footsteps approaching the doorway and then a knock on the door. Shelley quickly bit her tongue and looked at Dani.

"Not a word to anyone. No one can know about this," Shelley said sternly. Before Dani could respond, her mother was already heading toward the front door, leaving Dani fuming with unspoken words.


When Shelley opened the door, she was surprised to find Seb standing there—the last person she expected to see.

"I'm surprised you're here. You know Kirsty lives here, right?" Shelley said, her tone carrying an edge of attitude.

"I know," Seb replied firmly. "And believe me, she's the last person I want to see." The mere thought of encountering Kirsty made his stomach churn.

"Then why are you here?" Shelley asked, her voice still stern.

"To see Jade," Seb stated simply. He knew that Jade was the only person who could truly understand what he was going through, and he desperately wanted to talk to her.

"Why do you want to see her?" Shelley asked, confusion clouding her expression. It didn’t make sense to her.

"Is she here?" Seb ignored Shelley’s question, not wanting to rehash what was already clear. It was obvious that Shelley knew why he was there.

At that moment, Dani stepped forward. "She’s upstairs in my room." Seb gave a small, grateful smile before excusing himself and heading up the stairs. He needed to see Jade, to find some comfort in her understanding.


Once Seb was out of earshot, Shelley turned to Dani.

"Why on earth would Seb want to see Jade?" Shelley asked, disbelief lacing her voice. Sometimes, Dani couldn't believe how oblivious her mother could be; it really pissed her off.

"Maybe because she's the only one who understands what he's going through," Dani replied sharply. She paused before adding, "I actually think seeing Seb and talking to him will be good for Jade too." Dani meant it—perhaps the two of them could help each other through this mess. 

Without waiting for a response, Dani walked away before she said something she would regret, especially given how her own issues were going completely unnoticed by her mother.


As Seb reached Dani's room, he saw Jade lying on the bed, staring into space. The pain in her eyes mirrored the pain in his own.

He leaned against the doorframe. "Hey." Jade immediately shifted over to make room for him.

"I’ve been worried about you," Jade said softly as Seb walked into the room and sat beside her on the bed.

"I’ve been worried about you too," Seb replied, his voice full of concern. "I still am, actually." He meant it—if he was in a world of pain now, he could only imagine how much worse it was for Jade.

"Yeah, well, the sooner Kirsty moves out of my room, the better," Jade said bitterly, her voice hardening at the mention of her sister. "I want nothing to do with her or Nick."

"Same here," Seb agreed, looking at Jade. "I hate that they did this to us."

Jade nodded, her expression troubled. "Me too. What did we do to deserve this?" She had been asking herself that question ever since she saw them together.

"Nothing. We did nothing wrong," Seb said firmly. He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "You know, when I was talking to Gramps, he pointed out that he doesn’t know what I’m going through, that only one person does." He paused, looking directly at Jade. "You. So, how about we make a pact?"

Jade sat up, raising an eyebrow, curious. "What kind of pact?"

Seb looked at her earnestly. "That we talk to each other about how we feel. That we vent when we need to. That we be there for each other, always."

For the first time since everything had unfolded, Jade smiled. "Yeah, that sounds good." Then she pulled Seb into a hug, holding onto him tightly, as if her life depended on it. At first, he was surprised, but then he held onto Jade just as tightly.


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