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14 hours ago, beachside said:

Woah Noah don't take it out on poor Gyps she was just trying to be there for you


Shelley is not been very nice at all


Glad Dani is there for Jade


Loved that Jade and Seb made a pact to be there for one another

Noah's got more reasons them you know stay tuned 

12 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I can understand Shelley wanting to acknowledge Kirsty's her daughter too. Not sure why Gypsy seems to be everyone's punchbag!

There a reason re Gypsy, stay tuned to find out

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 6

Gypsy walked into the diner and spotted Irene almost immediately. She headed straight over to her.

"What's going on with Noah?" she asked curiously. "He just yelled at me and made me his personal punching bag."

Irene raised an eyebrow. "Can you blame him, after all the pain you've caused recently? Like kissing Will when he was with Dani and causing them to split up, or giving Nick drinks," Irene pointed out.

"I'm trying to fix myself," Gypsy admitted.

"I know, and I can see that. But maybe Summer Bay isn't the best place to do it. Some people won't forgive you," Irene replied simply.

"I need to mend bridges before I even think about leaving, and that's what I was trying to do by helping Noah."

Irene nodded in understanding. "Well, Hayley dumped him."

Gypsy's expression softened. "That must hurt. I know what it's like to lose the one you love the most." She paused. "Once he cools down, I'll try to talk to him again. Thanks, Irene." Gypsy then walked out of the diner, knowing she had bridges to mend, and Noah was just the start.


Brodie ran down the pier and immediately smiled when she saw the picnic set up. She was late, and seeing such a romantic gesture made her feel a pang of guilt.

As soon as she reached Mitch, she kissed him, then pulled away, smiling. "I'm sorry I'm late." She looked around, taking in the scene. "This is perfect. You're perfect." She kissed him again, unable to stop smiling.

"You're pretty perfect yourself, Brodie," Mitch replied, grabbing her hand and guiding her carefully until they both sat down. Brodie snuggled comfortably into Mitch's arms.

"I'm so glad you came back for me." Brodie's voice was full of sincerity. She had said it before, but she truly meant it. She had expected him to leave and never look back at his life in Summer Bay.

"I was always going to come back for you. I love you, Brodie Hanson." Mitch's smile was warm and genuine as he spoke. To him, Brodie was everything—his whole world.

"I'm glad," Brodie said softly, her eyes searching his. "I'm so lucky to have a guy I know will never cheat on me." Even in this moment with Mitch, she couldn't forget what was happening at home, or what Jade was going through.

"Of course I wouldn't," Mitch reassured her. "Is everything okay at home?" He could sense something was wrong from the way she mentioned cheating and her lateness.

Brodie hesitated. "Kirsty slept with Nick," she admitted quietly. She paused for a moment, then shook her head, as if to push the thought away. "But I don't want to talk about them. I want to focus on the fact that I have an amazing boyfriend who planned such a special surprise for me. I love you."

She kissed Mitch again, this time with a passion and need that surprised even her. Right now, she didn't just want him—she needed him.


Don was at home, catching up with Alf, but his mind was elsewhere. He was worried about his grandson, Seb, and how he was really coping with everything. Don couldn't help but wonder how Seb would handle the situation moving forward.

"Don, are you listening to me?" Alf's words snapped Don out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry, Alf," Don replied, just as the door opened and Seb walked in. Don immediately stood up and walked over to his grandson.

"Are you okay?" he asked simply, his voice filled with concern and worry.

"No, but you were right," Seb admitted. "Talking to Jade, knowing she's struggling just as much as I am, and helping each other through this... it’s all going to help." Seb wanted his grandfather to know that his advice had been valuable.

"Do you want to have some dinner with us?" Don offered gently.

Seb shook his head. "No, I need some time. I'll be in my room." He made a quick exit, and Alf turned to Don.

"Things seemed tense. What's all that about?" Alf asked. He could see that Don was clearly worried about Seb, and he knew there had to be a reason.

"It's a long story," Don replied quietly, taking another sip of his beer.


Kirsty smiled as she approached Nick at the beach, carrying her bags beside her. When she reached him, she kissed him, and he kissed her back.

"Are you sure about this, Nick?" Kirsty asked, needing to know he was certain about them leaving.

Nick wrapped his arms around her. "I am. Until everyone cools down and stops hating on us, we need to leave." Kirsty nodded, then kissed him again. The two of them hitched a ride out of town.

As they drove away from Summer Bay, they spoke softly. "We'll be back soon, Summer Bay." They knew they would return because this was their home, and eventually, everyone would have to accept them.

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14 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Irene was a bit harsh on Gypsy. Hopefully Nick and Kirsty are right that going away is the best thing: I must admit, even though I preferred Nick/Jade, I've always had a soft spot for them.

Irene was harsh but it might just be what Gypsy needed. Thank you for your ongoing support of this story.

14 hours ago, beachside said:

Hopefully Gypsy's next talk with Noah goes well.


Will Gypsy go to Queensland to be with Joel and Nat I wonder?


Nice to see Don and Alf catching up


Hopefully Kirsty and Nick are right about them leaving been the right thing

Thanks for reading and for appreciating the Alf and Don scene

14 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Irene was a bit harsh on Gypsy. Hopefully Nick and Kirsty are right that going away is the best thing: I must admit, even though I preferred Nick/Jade, I've always had a soft spot for them.

Irene was harsh but it might just be what Gypsy needed. Thank you for your ongoing support of this story.

14 hours ago, beachside said:

Hopefully Gypsy's next talk with Noah goes well.


Will Gypsy go to Queensland to be with Joel and Nat I wonder?


Nice to see Don and Alf catching up


Hopefully Kirsty and Nick are right about them leaving been the right thing

Thanks for reading and for appreciating the Alf and Don scene

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