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Happiness Turns To Tragedy


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Story Title: Happiness Turns To Tragedy
Type of story: Short/Medium Fic 
Main Characters: Leah,Justin,Peter,Amanda,Sally, Brad, Ricky, Brax, VJ, Raffy ,Brody, Irene, Alf, Marilyn,Tori and Christian + my own characters Emma Baker and Sami Armstrong
BTTB rating: T
Genre: Romance, Drama
Does story include spoilers:  No
Any warnings: N/A
Summary : Past residents return to the bay in the lead up to and to help Justin and Leah celebrate their big day but what if after the wedding a tragic accident happens and former residents decide to stick around in the bay and old relationships and friendships are reformed.


"Hey Alf." Leah says as Alf enters The Diner.


"G'day love. Actually I'm glad you're here I have a surprise for you." 


"A surprise what is it?"


"Mr Stewart would be referring to me." Sally says as she comes in to The Diner. 


"Oh my god Sal." Leah says running over and hugs her best friend. 


"It's so good to see you."


"You too. I've missed you. Thank you so much for coming."


"Aww of course as if I would miss this." Sally tells her friend. 


"Yeah and she said she didn't want me to go alone so she's my plus one." Alf comments. 


"Fair enough look Sal I'm due for a break let's go for a walk." Leah replies and Sally nods her head and follows her out.



"I cannot wait to have you a part of my big day." Leah tells Sally as they walk along the beach. 


"And I can't wait to be part of it. Now I've spoken to Lance he and Colleen send their love to you and so do Cassie and Miles." 


"Well next time you talk to them tell them I say thank you especially Miles it can't be easy for him knowing I am marrying someone else."


"It's not but he's happy for you." Sally tells Leah as a fifteen year old girl runs along the beach and approaches the pair.


"Hiya Sally." The girl says greeting Sally and Leah is confused about who it is.


"Sami oh my god." Sally says and hugs the girl.


"You know her?" 


"She's my." Sally says than pauses.


"Long lost ex step daughter." Sami says and her and Sally laugh and Leah's confused as a man approaches. 


"Ex step daughter? What do you mean?"


"Sal was engaged to my Dad."


"Yeah she was. Hey Sal. I'm glad you could get a flight." The man says. 


"Yeah me too. Cassie and Miles are looking after Pippa for me so I'm covered whilst I am here." 


"That's good. Hey Leah." 


"Oh my god Brad." Leah says realising who the man is her childhood best friends brother and a dear friend of hers that also happened to date her other best friend.


"Yeah it's so good to see you." Brad replies and they hug. 


"I'm glad you can be here I am sorry Rach can't be." 


"She is too but she sends all her love to you. By the way Leah this is Sami my foster daughter."


"Oh wow. Sami it's nice to meet you."


"You too Leah. I've heard a lot about you from my Dad, Aunty Rachel and Sal." 


"So you guys keep in touch than?" 


"Yeah we do Sally's the reason I got Sami she helped me with the department." Brad tells her.


"And we talked a lot after I left the bay the first time and before Pippa and I headed to America last time we went to Tasmania and I told Brad everything about Pippa we reconnected as friends and that's when I helped him get Sami." Sally adds.


"Oh right clearly I've missed a lot. Lets go for a coffee." Leah tells them and they all head to The Diner.

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