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Drugs rife at Logies

Guest Di

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I've actually got a quite a funny story about drugs.

One day at school, it was beginning to snow and despite being 17 most of the class went delirious.

Unfortunately one teacher heard me say a sniff of the white stuff on it's way and they all go off their heads. They thought I had info on drugs in the school, that's not to say I didn't.

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Sorry Chris,I think it's best if i remove the article.I think I should be more carefull what I put up in future Sorry .


Article removed by Di .Hope it's the end of it?.


I don't see what the Problem was with the article . <_<


Ryan your a Contributor of this site, member's look up to you.I think you should act like an adult for once in your life. :(


But I'm still a child at heart and at 18 you could argue I'm still a child at age.


why? at 18 you could argue I'm still a child at age.

What's your shoe size Ryan?have you heard the saying act your age not your shoe size :wink:


Well if people that are 10 can understand some of my double entendres they should be on Mastermind.

I come on this board for fun, and if becoming a Contributor means I can't tell risque jokes or rip the **** out of people, or have to criticise people for doing stuff that I in some cases have dabbled with, well, what's that post.


Yeah but there's having fun and there's having fun Ryan,Your saying it's okay to take drug's.


Oh dear - Ryan vs Di!

Round two tomorrow at 11am :)

Personally, I'm keeping out of the drugs debate. I can see both sides.


Well, I've now read the article - and there was absolutely nothing in it to link the substances found to any H&A cast or crew.


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