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  CHARL3N3x said:
im in shock and will also be back with more after ive calmed down!

  princess_in_pink said:
I need to gather my thoughts before I post fully, but one things for sure. I cried. Sobbed. :P That was....wow!

*still in shock*

Seems like it's left most of us speechless. :P

  JackWilkins said:
You wouldn't have a link to her twitter page,would you,please? I'd love to read it! :)

Yes I do, it is http://twitter.com/Sharontweet :)

If you look in the section of her followers, several other entertainment people also have Twitter that you may be interested in. I have just been have a nosey look at Carol McGiffin (Loose Women) Twitter updates. Interesting.

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I dont usually post in here as Eastenders is only something I watch every now and then, but I walked in the room and only saw about the last minute, and I have to say, it was shocking. So sad. I will be watching the repeat tomorrow! :(


:o I can only mirror the sentiments echoed by the previous posters. After building the storyline up for months the writers decide to end it dramatically in such a fashion.

Even though I knew Danielle was going to die I still felt really sorry for her and Roxy. That was definitely one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a very long time and in typical soap fashion they made us wait almost three quarters of an hour. Imagine believing your daughter is dead for the past 16/17 years, letting that eat you up inside, being green with envy at your sister because she had what you couldn’t (and at first didn’t seem to appreciate it). Then you find out your daughter’s alive, without realising treat her with contempt, realise that you helped her abort your grand child, try to make things up, only to have her taken away from you.

Even though I can’t stand Janine she did seem to show remorse and it was an accident. But you could see she was clearly in shock as too was Stacey. The looks on their faces even Roxie’s when they were standing over her lifeless body... :(

Archie is just pure evil. And I am starting to wonder if he truly does love Ronnie. One thing’s for sure it’s definitely about control as far as he's concerned.

Although the episode was undeniably gripping, I’d rather have not seen Danielle die as I would have liked a continuation their relationship, to see it develop over time and watch them together as mother and daughter.


Okay time to add my two cents worth. :P

First, its one the best episodes of Eastenders I have seen in a very long time. Up there with all the classics.

I cried so much for Ronnie. First to have all those feelings for a child she believed was dead for 18 years being dragged up by someone she was convinced was mentally unstable, then to find out everything she's been told all her life by her own father was a lie, and then to realise that she had unintentionally put her own through hell... I can't begin to imagine what was going through her mind when everything fell into place. & to top that off to have her die in your arms. :( Both Lauren and Samantha were fantastic. Ronnie’s scream at the end was bone chilling. I hope she wins an award for best actress or something.

The look on Archie's face when Peggy turned up at the church was priceless. He really is a cruel person. Those looks can kill. I’m glad Peggy stood up for herself. Barbra Windsor was amazing in the scene with Archie. The screaming the shouting. The sheer disbelieve that she’d actually married him. Brilliant! I’m also glad that Danielle spilled the news about Archie//Suzie. I’m really looking forward to how Phil handles the situation. & I think Roxy has figured out that it was Suzie who planted the DNA results in the cracker. I’m definitely looking forward to some Roxy//Archie showdown tomorrow.

I'd like to see how this affects Janine as well. She isn’t totally heartless but I can see this having a repercussion on her to. The look on her face at the end, you could see she was remorseful.

I understand that the writers were going for the shock factor, but imo they didn’t need to kill Danielle off to get that. They could’ve done so much more with Danielle still alive. Integrate her with the Mitchell’s, build a relationship with Roxy & Amy, plus we’d still have the Archie downfall. It’s a tragic end to a great storyline, & although I enjoyed it immensely I believe it still had a lot more potential.

A brilliantly written, directed & acted episode. Looking forward to tomorrow. :)


^^ You and Slade both said that Ronnie has thought her daughter was dead for years. I thought Archie only told her when he first arrived in Eastenders that she had died.


  JackWilkins said:
How fabulous are you? Thankyou Izzy! :D

Well I do try to be :P You are welcome :)


The Reveal Episode

Okay, now I have had time to digest what happened ....

I have to agree with what princess_in_pink has just said about to get a shock factor they didn't have to kill Danielle off. There was much more potential for the storyline to move onto a mother/daughter chapter, where both of them could developed a good relationship. There were other relationships they could of explored such as a cousin relationship with Amy, a relationship with her Auntie Roxy, as well as all her other relatives, Phil, Ben, Billy, Peggy .. the list goes on. They could of built on her friendship with Stacey, now it seems like Stacey has no friends in Walford and kind of makes Stacey boring in that sense. They could of even brought in Joel, Danielle's so called biological father, that could of made for an interesting storyline.

Erm... I felt the relationship between Archie and Ronnie before the big reveal was a little strange tonight. It could just be me, but everytime Archie went to kiss Ronnie, there was a weirdness to it. It didn't even feel like guilt, it was much more than that. It was just strange.

The fact that the reason why Janine drove of in the car was because of Jack's own revelation about the business, I wonder whether we will see that get mentioned and whether we will see Jack blame himself for what happened.

I liked the bit where Ronnie put the locket in Roxy's hand and then closed her hand. I just thought it had a nice touch to it considering they have not been getting on lately and you could see how much the whole thing hurt Roxy also. There is no way Archie can redeem himself from this, which makes me ask why was he not the one killed off instead of Danielle. Does not make sense to me in that respect.

After Stacey had gone into the Vic and told them there had been an accident with Danielle, I would of thought it would be more effective if we had more of them come to the scene and not just Roxy, for one, I would of liked to see Jack there also. Not only would he know of First Aid from his time in the Police Force and having to deal with similar incidents, it would of been nice for him to have rushed there for the sake of Ronnie and her daughter.

When Ronnie finally found the locket and was confronting Archie, she really sounded like Danielle, she said 'he told me she was dead' and if I didn't know it was Ronnie speaking I would of thought it was Danielle. Strange. I liked the bit when Ronnie finally caught up with Danielle and she said 'my baby' and Danielle had a big smile on her face. Very sad what happened next :(

Even thought I mentioned a few things I would of liked to see happen, I still think it was brilliant, dramatic episode regardless of what I would of preferred the ending to be instead.


  princess_in_pink said:
I'd like to see how this affects Janine as well. She isn’t totally heartless but I can see this having a repercussion on her to. The look on her face at the end, you could see she was remorseful.

The thing is one of the reasons why I dislike her so much was because I still haven’t forgotten what she did to Barry. She practically murdered him in cold blood out of pure greed just so she could get her hands on his money and I although I missed the episodes following her return, I personally thought she was released way too early from jail and for me she didn't show a snippet of remorse for that whole thing. But it will be interesting to see how this affects her and if there will be a permanent change (unlikely) or she will simply be ok for a little while and revert back to how she was before (more plausible).

  princess_in_pink said:
I understand that the writers were going for the shock factor, but imo they didn’t need to kill Danielle off to get that. They could’ve done so much more with Danielle still alive. Integrate her with the Mitchell’s, build a relationship with Roxy & Amy, plus we’d still have the Archie downfall. It’s a tragic end to a great storyline, & although I enjoyed it immensely I believe it still had a lot more potential.

I couldn’t agree more. They could have ALMOST achieved the same effect by making her seriously ill and basically putting her out of commission for a little while and left the audience wonder will she/won’t she make it. And we could have seen various people visit her at the hospital and talk to her whilst she was in a coma or something.

Something else I forgot to mention was that I loved Phil’s facial expressions (especially at Archie) during this episode. From the look on his face you could tell he knew that Danielle was telling the truth.

I watched the last 15 minutes of it again on the BBC iPlayer and found it extremely difficult.


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