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The live episode was soooooooo amazing! I was truly hooked to it all the way through. And it was STACEY?!! I expected it to be someone unexpected like Becca or Tracy. Does this mean that Stacey's going to have to leave now? I really hope not as Stacey is one of my favourite characters. I was also gutted when Bradley died. I was watching it with my friends and we were all almost crying. It was horrible but at the same time so amazing! Happy 25th birthday Eastenders! :)

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Omg, I just watched last night's epi again and I still can't really believe Bradley's dead! :(

It's just not registering with me!!

Fantastic acting from Lacey Turner! And when she was sick and everything!

Shows real dedication!

All the acting was fantastic, esp Lacey, Charlie, Jake Wood and Scott Maslen!

Really brilliant!

Shocked that Stacey was the killer but even more shocked over Bradley's exit!

Still can't believe he's gone! Going to miss him SO much! :( he was a really great character!

Unbelievably pissed off with Becca! :angry:

Bracey forever!!


Even though Becca is clearly bonkers and is partly responsible for Bradley's death, I don't hate the character. I'm excited to see where she goes in the future. Eastenders has so many mentally unstable or ill people in it. Ronnie is obviously very disturbed, but hasn't been diagnosed with anything, as was Sean Slater. Jean and Stacey are both bi-polar. Becca is just mental, she seems really paranoid. Lucas is a psychopath. There's been plenty of others in the past too.


you know the way, at the beginning of the episode, when bradley was frantically packing and stacey was holding up that sheet with red handprints on it...., well i thought nothing of it at the time - i just thought stacey was reminiscing - but were they actually her bloody handprints from xmas day??


  LauraPhilly!! said:
you know the way, at the beginning of the episode, when bradley was frantically packing and stacey was holding up that sheet with red handprints on it...., well i thought nothing of it at the time - i just thought stacey was reminiscing - but were they actually her bloody handprints from xmas day??

No I don't think thats what the red handprints on the paper were ! It looks like something that a child would make it in school.

Although I don't think it was insignificant either, it was telling us that she had 'blood on her hands' , they done the same thing with Ronnie in thursday nights episode when she had the red paint on her hands also meaning the blood was on her hands but I think it was just to throw us off the scent.

Watching the live episode again it was so obvious that Stacey was the killer.


I will really miss Bradley :( him and Stacey were just amazing together.

I totally agree with everyone about Lacey, she is such a phenomenal actress and she certainly did herself justice in the live ep :)


I am going to miss Bradley too. I loved him and Stacey and wanted them to be together for longer. I thought that Bradley and Stacey would have maybe run off together druing the live episode, but I just wish he hadn't of died. :( DigitalSpy has said that Stacey will be there for the "forseeable future" which is great because I cannot wait to see what they have in store for Lacey's character now that we know she is Archie's killer.

To be honest, I don't think Scott Maslen who plays Jack acted very well... it could be me but I just feel that a lot of the things he said and done looked rather fake, should I say. Usually, I really like him as an actor, so perhaps it was just the pressure of being in a live episode which is understandable. He did mess up at the start which could have made him nervous for a start, but when Bradley had died and he was "trying" to fight of a police officer it just seemed quite unrealistic. I'm sure there was something else also that he said.. but I can't think of the top of my head right now. I'm sure in the normal episodes he will be as good as he is usually though.


  LauraPhilly!! said:
you know the way, at the beginning of the episode, when bradley was frantically packing and stacey was holding up that sheet with red handprints on it...., well i thought nothing of it at the time - i just thought stacey was reminiscing - but were they actually her bloody handprints from xmas day??

Actually , I have just been watching old episodes and the one before she was sectioned back in October she was also looking at the red handprints , she was saying how she remembers making it when she was little and I think Jean's handprints are on it as well. I guess she was getting emotional on friday about having to leave her family and go on the run and was packing it as well because it meant so much to her.


^ :(

Bradleeeeeeeeeeeey!! No! I'm really going to miss him and now there's no way he can return. Although I have to say that the Live episode was truly excellent. Even though there were a few mishaps, Scott Maslen fluffing his lines, Barbara callling Janine 'June' and messing up some other lines, Rita repeating some lines and ofcourse Max sticking his fingers down his throat & some parts of the climax that were shaky, but overall they all did amazingly well. I was on the edge of my seat throughout. Even when they made small mistakes they recovered exceptionally well and they really should be proud.

I had a feeling that Stacey would be the murderer, it would have been too obvious for it to be Ronnie or Phil, Peggy & Bradley were both leaving so them being the murderer would be the easy route, and Ian & Janine had both been arrested prior so were red herrings, and that left Jack, Roxy or Stacey. And tbh Stacey had a huge motive to do it and they really played her under the radar up till now, so it'd be very likely to be her. Still loved it all the same. But poor Bradley. :(

The moment he was being chased by the cops and he started to climb up the building, I knew there was only one way for him to come back down in true soap opera cliche style. Especially after that earlier rumour about him commiting suicide surfaced (which the EE spokeperson completely denied would happen <_<). Even then I was still completely shocked when it did happen and he actually fell. Although I had to laugh at the fact that he fell backwards but landed on his front. Lol! Oh and the shaking hand. :P

Still it was brilliant stuff, should be interesting to see where they go with the Max/Stacey stuff now. All the actors should be proud especially Lacey, Charlie, Jake, Scott & Samantha who had a whole lot of dramatic scenes.

:o And what about the reveal about Archie raping Ronnie. So sick but It all makes even more sense now. Early on in their relationship when he first arrived it was all really creepy (esp. on Archie's side) and there was lots of subtle innuendo implying this. For it to come out now makes total sense, especially considering his over controlling & lies in the Danielle situation (I know he's generaly like that but it was more OTT in this situation). Who he is most likely to be the father of. OMG!

And I had a feeling they'd somehow come to the conclusion that Archie isn't the father of Stacey's child. It's easier this way and there is now opportunity for a future SL with Stacey & Ryan and all the baby stuff when they want to go there. So that figures.


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