Danifan Posted August 31, 2006 Report Posted August 31, 2006 Can i just say i love Eastenders but i absolutely hate Stacey Slater. I like Bradley and i hate the way the writers have made him the bad guy in the pregnancy situation just so everyone can feel sorry for 'poor little Stacey'. Not keen on Sean either. I want more scenes with Jake and Ruby before they leave (i'll be gutted as they are my favourites, i know i'm probably alone but i love their little relationship bond thing) I'd also love to see more of Dot and Jane who are both just fab. Today's episode just got on my nerves with Bradley/Stacey and Billy/Honey. I'm not keen on any of them and found it a bit boring and depressing.
claire_louise Posted September 1, 2006 Report Posted September 1, 2006 I love Billy and Honey! Honey is a fantastic character IMO. We're going to see a lot more of them next week so you might want to make other plans! I don't agree with you about Bradley and Stacey. Personally I like Stacey, so maybe I'd biased, but I think Bradley handled the situation quite badly. It was realistic of a guy that age to react that way, but I couldn't help feeling sorry for Stacey. If he'd have been more supportive I'm pretty sure she'd have kept the baby.
AngelKiss Posted September 1, 2006 Report Posted September 1, 2006 I feel so bad for Stacy. You can tell she didn't want to get rid of the baby, and i don't like Bradley for pushing her into it. Awwww Honey is just lovely!!!
Danifan Posted September 1, 2006 Report Posted September 1, 2006 I knew i'd be alone in hating Stacey Slater. I much prefered the old Slater sisters (Lynne, Kat Little Mo and Zoe ). I like Honey but there is just something about her and Billy that annoys me.
claire_louise Posted September 1, 2006 Report Posted September 1, 2006 It did take me a long while to warm to Stacey, I must admit. At the beginning she was a pointless, gobby, Kat Slater clone. But since her friendship with Ruby (who is not wooden, whoever said that!) she's become much more likeable IMO. The stuff with her mum was absolutely brilliant.
The Cure Posted September 1, 2006 Report Posted September 1, 2006 claire_louise said: I Ruby (who is not wooden, whoever said that!) Are you kidding me?! Have you ever seen her facial expresion alter during a scene? She delivers her lines like she is reading from a shopping list. And what is up with that oh-so-rehearsed gesticualting?! She is about as natural as Kate Price's chest. I often wonder if Sylvia Young isn't standing off camera holding up cue cards telling her what to do. I cringe every time she opens her mouth. She knows nothing absolutely zippo about inhabiting a character, acting instinctively etc. And who on Earth do the writers think they are kidding by tring to imply that she is clever? She can't even speak properly. She is almost inarticulate. Okay, I'll stop bashing now. But the sooner she burns at the stake the better IMHO. And she should ignite pretty quickly, given how wooden she is. On a nicer note, Stacey's acting is at times really quite impressive. She is unihibited in acting- everthing the Ruby actress will never be.
Danifan Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 Leave Ruby alone she is brilliant, complete opposite of Stacey's character: shy, emotional and a bit of a doormat. It makes a nice change from the screechy, gooby wild child that soaps generally introduce to soaps. Louisa Lytton and (as much as i hate to say it) Lacey Turner are two of the best young actors in soap at the moment. They both have strong fanbases which was proved by their awards at the British Soap Awards this year. Their are much worse actors in soaps at the moment (think Roxanne 'am i showing enough cleavage to cover for the fact i have a ratty face' Pallett from Emmerdale) and Eastenders have had some rubbish younger actors in their time (Nicky di Marco, the Ferreiras, Kim McFarlene etc) so i'm relishing the fact that they finally have some good young actors. I'm gutted Ruby is leaving (i'm hoping Jake will whisk her away and save her from big bad Sean and Johnny) as i do think she could have been given better storylines that focused more on her as an individual character rather than have storylines where she is just Stacey's quiet little mate or Johnny's emotional wreck of a daughter. Sorry. End of rant. (You may notice i quite like Ruby)
claire_louise Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 I agree. I can't see any explanation for them axing Louisa, particularly after she'd just won them a soap award! I was thrilled when she stayed on after Billy Murray left, but now it seems pointless if she's leaving so soon. The Cure, did you not see the scenes with Ruby and her dad? The ones to do with her mum and sister's murder, in particular, were fantastic. There's no way you can say she can't act!
angel luck Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 AngelKiss said: I feel so bad for Stacy. You can tell she didn't want to get rid of the baby, and i don't like Bradley for pushing her into it. Awwww Honey is just lovely!!! I totally agree if that was my boyfriend ide be very angry and disapointed in him, he wasn't even really there for her, the only thing i can remember him saying after shede had the abortion is 'are you ok' not a hug or anything-how inconsiderate! Danifan said: Leave Ruby alone she is brilliant, complete opposite of Stacey's character: shy, emotional and a bit of a doormat. It makes a nice change from the screechy, gooby wild child that soaps generally introduce to soaps. Louisa Lytton and (as much as i hate to say it) Lacey Turner are two of the best young actors in soap at the moment. They both have strong fanbases which was proved by their awards at the British Soap Awards this year. Their are much worse actors in soaps at the moment (think Roxanne 'am i showing enough cleavage to cover for the fact i have a ratty face' Pallett from Emmerdale) and Eastenders have had some rubbish younger actors in their time (Nicky di Marco, the Ferreiras, Kim McFarlene etc) so i'm relishing the fact that they finally have some good young actors. I'm gutted Ruby is leaving (i'm hoping Jake will whisk her away and save her from big bad Sean and Johnny) as i do think she could have been given better storylines that focused more on her as an individual character rather than have storylines where she is just Stacey's quiet little mate or Johnny's emotional wreck of a daughter. Sorry. End of rant. (You may notice i quite like Ruby) i love ruby too, don't know why there axing her, they should axe Dawn or someone else in my opinion, louisa is a fantastic actress. Eastenders needs to sort itself out. I hardly like any of the characters in the show at the moment.
Danifan Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Why haven't they axed characters like Gus, Keith, Bert and Charlie who are unlikely to win the show any awards and can't honestly have that big a fanbase. Although i don't want her to go , i am really looking foward to Ruby's exit storyline. I just hope the writers focus more on her than on Johnny and Sean as its not their exit storyline. I always feel she isn't really given storylines of her own she is just involved in Stacey/Johnny or Jakes. I hope she gets a good dramatic, memorable exit than getting on a bus and going to live with some relative she has never mentioned and never coming back. On another topic is anyone else really annoyed by Pat's attitude to Jane at the moment. She keeps talking to her like she can't do any better for herself than Ian Beale HIS three children and his cafe and chippy and that she should be grateful. I usually love Pat but even she must see that Jane can do way better than Ian.
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