Red Ranger 1 Posted August 13, 2015 Report Posted August 13, 2015 So, that was Emmerdale's disaster week.A few missed opportunities and a few misfires.Sadly Kerry's still alive but at least we got rid of Val.I'm slightly sorry to see Ruby go, even if she's had nothing to do in yonks.I'm mostly breathing a sigh of relief at all the theories that turned out to be wrong.People were saying Adam and/or Victoria had to go because they were happy and there'd be the added kick of people thinking Adam would live on in the child that isn't actually is.(Now it seems like they're going to go down the route of Adam bonding with the baby only to have it ripped away from him down the track.)Joanie seemed like she could be a sacrificial lamb so the Dingles and/or Kerry could get Kyle, so that's a relief.And I didn't want Diane to die.Zac and Cain were suggested: I like Zac but he's been there a long time so it might have been interesting, and I'd quite happily see Cain go after his sudden transformation into Doctor Evil. (Leaving Ross suspended over a cliff edge?! What the heck?!?!)And Robert sadly continues to exist.Ironically, Chrissie is coming across as the most moral person on the show and definitely doesn't deserve a braying lynch mob.And, on the face of it...have they really killed off Ross? Really? I've heard suggestions that the actor wanted to leave but it seemed like completely the wrong time to kill him, and if they're trying to make Pete seem interesting then it's even more misguided.I've also heard theories that Ross was only stunned and got up and walked away after Pete's half-hearted attempt to bury him.It's the sort of theory I'd normally point and laugh at but I can see the appeal.(Theories that Val sneaked out the back and that was someone else under the blanket get the "point and laugh" treatment and increase my wish that we'd actually seen her get skewered by falling glass.)On the other hand, as it stands at the moment Pete's going dahn for manslaughter.If Ross comes back, either he'll turn completely vengeful and Pete will be portrayed as the victim, or everyone will forgive Pete within two episodes. If we are stuck with Pete, he can at least bump off a few annoying characters.Finn would be nice.And someone was theorising last year that Belle would be this year's Dingle woman kidnapped/taken hostage, so given that she saw Pete disposing of his clothes...Debbie and Pete married is absurd, she's obviously only with him because she thinks he'll be a good dad to the kids.Goodness knows why he's with her.Pride probably.And yes, what has Bob done to deserve such divine wrath?Finn assaults him without provocation and he's the one that ends up in jail and walks straight into a prison bullying storyline? Jai is still proving marginally more likable than Rachel.And are they actually going to have Belle and Kirin get together before he finally finds out he's going to be a dad by someone about 25 years older than Belle? Quote
Slade Posted September 20, 2015 Report Posted September 20, 2015 Although I haven't liked the way Jai treated Megan at all, I was really displeased at how things ended up with Rachel. She gets to ride off into the sunset with Archie, despite knocking Sam about and somehow turns out to be the victim. I don't mind how Rishi, Priya, Kiran and Rakesh have been towards Jai but why should Rachel get to win like that. In spite of everything it's obvious Jai loves Archie and just wanted to be a dad towards him.I was extremely annoyed that Bob went to prison for trying to defend himself against Finn. I said this before but Finn is an absolutely useless character. The only purpose he serves is some sort of glue for the Barton family. And perhaps the only person Ross listens to. Bob didn't deserve the pasting he got from Jed whilst inside. I did find some of the scenes quite amusing. Not because of what happened to Bob but I just found the actor who played Jed so hard to convince as this super villain (Note I think he's a very good actor but just haven't seen him play any roles like this before). I think it was a bit unrealistic how Bob and Harriet got out of Jed threatening their respective love ones to get Harriet to change her statement but who's arguing.I'm actually glad Chrissie's decided to plead not guilty to causing the deaths resulting from the explosion, purely because I think it would make a better storyline (Does anyone else find it funny the way she cries sometimes?). I was so annoyed with Eric and Kerry, particularly her lynch mob mentality that I was glad Rakesh was defending Chrissie. I'm really not sure what to make of Eric. He's handled everything really badly but who wouldn't in his situation. He's very lucky that Chrissie isn't pressing charges. As always, completely unimpressed with David and don't understand why he would sacrifice his marriage like that. Even Eric couldn't understand it. It was good to still see some continuity i.e. Alicia wanting to go to Portugal to help run the bar because she was still affected by what happened with Lachlan.A small part of me was hoping that Vanessa would lose the baby not because I have anything against her but I quite like the idea of Kiran and Belle and am sure that the truth will come out about his paternity so could potentially ruin any relationship. In spite of that I actually think Adam's stepped up quite well so far. I'm a little surprised Priya has been prepared to keep quiet for so long though, especially after everything that's happened.Well I'm glad Ross is alive if only it means Pete not going to jail for murder. Despite planning everything to a tee, I actually don't think Ross would have gone through with it. Although I can't help thinking that by the time Ross is finished with Pete, he may wish he had killed him. To repeat what I said before I still think Ross has actually done Pete a favour. Getting his marriage annulled with Debbie is blessing. I wouldn't want anything to do with that family. I'm not sure it's wise pretending that Ross getting with Debbie is not affecting him as Ross will simply find another way to try and torture him.Oh and did I mention that I really enjoyed Emma tampering with the medical files at the GPs, making it look like there was a relapse with Sarah and thereby making Debbie suffer? It's the least she deserves as far as I'm concerned. That's what I like about Emma, she's one of the few people that's prepared to call Debbie out on the type of person she is. Not that it matters because when I look at what's happened to some of the Dingles i.e. Cain getting his head smashed in by Zac, the brain tumour and Charity behind bars. What would be the end for some people just appears to be a minor inconvenience for them. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted September 25, 2015 Report Posted September 25, 2015 I was also extremely dissatisfied with the resolution of the Jai/Rachel storyline.It felt like the show was so desperate to give Jai his comeuppance that they forgot that Rachel needed to be punished as well.Personally I'd have preferred Jai to get custody of Archie: He may have been ruthless but at least he didn't go around beating up those he loves when things don't go his way.While I'm glad that Ross survived, it's pretty much gone the way I predicted.Everyone forgave Pete straightaway (except Debbie), partly because of his five minute depression.And Ross is being treated like the villain of the piece and coming up with over the top revenge plans.I'd actually quite like him and Debbie together though.While I've appreciated some of Emma's put downs, I have very mixed feelings about her messing about with the test results.I guess making it look like Sarah's ill when she wasn't isn't as bad as hiding them if she was ill, but the problem is it didn't just punish Debbie: Sarah got put through the discomfort of unnecessary tests and Andy was left worrying that his daughter was ill.Rakesh has crossed a moral line and just carried on going, and for all her "You should tell him" platitudes Priya just seems to be following him.The storyline seems dragged out in the extreme: Just how long is Adam going to be allowed to bond with a child that isn't his while Kirin remains oblivious, solely because Rakesh is a controlling sociopath?Kirin and Belle is clearly doomed: The situation is beyond messy and Kirin's obviously still in love with Vanessa and just using Belle as a distraction.Bob getting put in jail for being assaulted by Finn while out on bail was ridiculous, and was made even more ridiculous by having Carly assault Ross while out on bail without any comeback.(Worse, it seemed to be treated as a moment of cod-feminist triumph: Did we not get over the idea of female abuse of males being okay in the 90s?)Still, I'm glad Carly did the decent thing and got Bob out of trouble, and seems to be keeping her nose more or less clean since.Her stuff with April is kind of cute even if she isn't the most reliable of babysitters.So, Andy knows that Robert killed Katie...but, as with Tracy in Corrie and indeed as with everyone finding out about Robert's affair, it doesn't actually seem to have changed anything and he's still swaggering around town.Oh, and he got shot but so what? He'll probably survive, and the person that did it probably won't be punished, so it's just completely pointless to the extent that I just can't be bothered to give any answer to the question "Who shot Robert?" other than "Does it matter?" Robert is a murderer and needs to either die or go to jail.Hopefully the news that Kate Oates is being shunted over to Corrie means this storyline will finally be ended.(Meanwhile, Corrie will probably have Todd battering Sarah to death. And no, that's not a recommendation.)Contrast with the braying lynch mob following Chrissie about, especially when they're led by someone as unlikable as Kerry.Eric really isn't coming across well either and David would have been better off following Alicia to Portugal.(The problems of actors' contracts not coinciding:Someone really should have tried to convince Matthew Wolfenden to go with her, much as I like David.)By the dictionary definition of the words, "reckless arson" does seem apt, but apparently the legal definition is something different, and as Chrissie didn't mean to hurt anyone "not guilty" seems fair enough. Quote
Slade Posted October 24, 2015 Report Posted October 24, 2015 Although Jai is acting like a total tool, I've quite enjoyed this rebellious side of him. I liked after he got drugged up on coke he was able to win the order for the factory. I also quite liked the scenes with him and Kirin. One thing that did annoy me was when Vanessa saw Kirin and she had a go at him. She didn't know about the drugs so as far as I'm concerned she was having a go at him just because he was ambitious, driven and wanted to better himself. Or was she out of shape because she thought Kirin was moving on?I actually thought something was going to happen with Chrissie and Rakesh. Seems like the writers were setting it up but backed out at the last minute even though the characters obviously fancied each other.Bernice is clearly a gold digger. She told Andy in no uncertain terms that she was still in love with him and when he rejected her she then decided she wanted to marry Lawrence. Although he probably knows she's just after the lifestyle. Chrissie and Lachlan don't seem to mind though.I can't stand Diane. She is a self righteous old cow. She was one of the characters I wanted dead from the helicopter crash. Her attitude towards Chas re Robert I found extremely annoying. And I was glad Chas refused to budge initially when Diane told her she wanted her out of the Woolpack. I was disappointed Chas moved out. Obviously not because of Diane but because of Emma's jealousy - I'm assuming James still feels something towards Chas.Whilst I liked the way Cain stood up for Chas and tried to help Aaron, didn't like his plan about killing Robert while he was still in a coma. I also didn't like the way he involved Adam. Luckily Adam had the sense to tell Zac who talked Cain out of doing it. I'm still not entirely sure whether Cain would have gone through with it. I did find it interesting that he admitted to Adam that he's never killed anyone.I have mixed feelings about Aaron. I do feel a bit sorry for him that he's having a hard time in prison and is in there for a crime he didn't commit simply because he wanted to protect his mother. But I can help thinking there's an argument he should be in jail anyway after what he did to Paddy and James more recently. I can understand Cain and Chas's concerns given that he tried to top himself before. But even if the police find out he is innocent what about the possession of the firearm offense. Surely he has to do some jail time for that.I've been very disappointed with Paddy after watching Thursday and Friday's episodes. First that he cheated on Rhona and then he tried to cover it up by deleting the woman's friend from Marlon's phone thereby ruining Marlon's happiness. I found it hard to understand why he cheated in the first place. It's not as if he and Rhona had problems. The main issue he had at the moment was Aaron and to a lesser extent Robert. Does he actually care more about Aaron than Rhona? These things have a way of coming back to bite you so I wouldn't be surprised if he does bump into that woman again at some point.With regards to the big reveal on Thursday's second showing, it never occurred to me that it could be Ross who shot Robert. I'm very disappointed that Andy is involved because I quite like him. I agree with Andy that to a certain extent Ross manipulated him but regardless he's now implicated. Ross obviously really wants Pete dead. I do find it interesting that given that Andy wanted Robert dead, Ross's idea was to swap victims. Ross's argument was that it will be easier to cover it up as nobody would suspect the other but I'm just thinking back to when Ross couldn't actually kill Pete before. So I wonder if that has something to do with it. Either way Ross is a psychopath who needs to be stopped. He really didn't seem that bothered when he thought he'd actually killed Robert. I do think it's a shame this has actually happened because I quite liked the scenes with Andy and Pete and the way they were apparently bonding over trying to kill their respective siblings. I think Andy made the right choice telling Pete. But the question is what do you do now? Going to the police is the safest option but it means both of them could spend several years behind bars. Pete running away is another option but that leaves Andy to deal with Ross on his own. I guess there is a third option, Pete makes sure that he finishes the job this time although judging by the end of Friday's episode presumably Ross is looking to get in there first. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted October 31, 2015 Report Posted October 31, 2015 It's been pointed out that Ross seems to be the answer to every whodunit lately, regardless of plausibility.The reveal of his pact with Andy is presumably meant to make us go "Ooh, that's clever" but I can't do anything but shrug, and again I'm not sure it actually means anything, since it's doubtful either Ross or Andy will go to jail.Or Robert, for that matter.I have to wonder what the heck Kate Oates is on at times: She seems to expect us to empathise with Robert and hate Ross but I'm the other way round.I wouldn't have minded if Cain had finished Robert off, and he'd probably have messed up framing Chrissie as well.I did love Ross' Bond Villain moment dangling Pete over a viaduct, and it helps that I've never liked Pete.Him turning himself in to the police intrigued me for a few minutes but I suspect it'll be another meaningless development and nothing will really happen to him, especially with Ross denying it.Not sure why he did that: Is he really trying to help Pete, was he trying to impress Debbie or is he worried about what Pete could say?Still, another lovely little moment between him and April.("What stopped you?"/"A 6-year-old.")Diane has infuriated me with the way she's treated Robert like an innocent little lamb and rejected Andy's claims, but I'm cheering her on with regards Chas.Given that Chas covered up the fact Robert killed Katie and effectively tried to frame Chrissie for shooting him, all to protect Aaron, she deserves it.I'm guessing someone felt Jai needed a truckload of punishment and that having the hateful Rachel take Archie off him wasn't enough.He is on a huge downward spiral at the moment.Nikhil turning up is unexpected and Molly looks really familiar: Is the actress related to someone?It'll be hard on Priya if Rakesh takes the factory off her straight after giving it to her.Maybe they could run it together?Well, Kirin and Belle self-destructed even faster than I expected, as soon as the L word got mentioned, and he doesn't even know he's a father.Watching Adam bond with baby Jonny, part of me wishes that he never finds out he isn't his.Hopefully Rakesh is in for a whole world of pain and not just Priya mouthing disapproving platitudes.I'm a bit puzzled about Bernice and Lawrence.I don't think she's just in it for the money, although that certainly helps, she just seems to be bowled over by the idea of someone loving her.Having Gabby in the mix is actually quite amusing.Are we meant to think Lawrence won't sleep with Bernice because he's gay?Maybe I'm being overly simplistic, but the fact he managed to conceive two daughters seem to suggest he's not entirely incapable in that regard. Quote
Slade Posted February 21, 2016 Report Posted February 21, 2016 I've said this before but Emmerdale is an odd one for me. It's probably the soap which has the most characters which I don't like. In fact I would say I actually dislike the vast majority of them so by rights I shouldn't even be watching it. But I still feel compelled to watch it because I find some of the storylines quite entertaining. I know they represent a significant proportion but it really feels for me at times the show revolves around the Dingles. I didn't actually mind the Chas stalker storyline. I did think it was Emma at first but it never occurred to me that it was some form of PTSD after witnessing Robert getting shot. Initially I was actually quite pleased when Chas stabbed Diane as I saw that as an opportunity of getting rid of her once and for all. But ultimately to my dismay ironically she actually ended up doing Diane a favour and saved her from the big C. Admittedly though Diane hasn't been as bad as of late. I go through ups and downs with Aaron. There are periods where I quite like him and like the relationship he has with Paddy but there are times where I really dislike him. Since he and Ross did the robbery just before Christmas and Aaron beat that guy senseless I'm not liking him at the moment. I'm not feeling the abuse storyline at all and don't have any sympathy for Aaron. In fact for me all this storyline has done is given some of the characters an excuse to be unpleasant. Would Cain really have gone through with forcing Gordon to take all those pills thereby killing himself? And now we have Chas wanting to join forces with Robert and frame Gordon. Don't get me wrong I hope he does go down but in their own way some of the other Dingles are just as bad. I was over the moon when Debbie left. I really hope she never comes back although given how rushed her exit was I suspect it's only a temporary thing. That delight quickly turned to dejection upon seeing Charity again. The very prospect of not only knowing she is returning but suspecting that it is probably imminent feels me with dread. I suspect she's going to be just as bad if not worse especially given that she has Emma under her thumb. I kinda liked the idea of Zac and Joanie at first because at times I find Lisa quite annoying but I dunno I don't like the way she appears quite smug sometimes (although it's hard to know whether that's just the actress). However I think their treatment has been quite disgusting - Belle spitting in Joanie's face, Lisa dumping Zac's pigs outside of Dan and Keri's and the whole of the Dingle clan collectively disowning Zac, not even letting him support Aaron through this whole abuse thing. I was surprised the writers decided to do the whole Pete fall for Moira thing but in a way I'm glad as meant him indirectly going to jail which has hopefully brought and end to the whole Pete/Ross feud. I was actually really enjoying some of Emma's manipulation with Noah until Charity got the better of her. I knew that Ashley and Laurel would get back together eventually but I didn't like the fact that Harriet was the one to lose out by giving Ashley Alzheimer's so he basically dumped her because he didn't think she would want to be with him (I do actually think he was probably right). Are Ashley and Laurel really meant to be together? Can't help thinking back to how Laurel treated Ashley after the Sandy abuse storyline. Doug seems quite happy for them now they are engaged but given his resistance previously can't wait to see his reaction when he realises that Laurel hasn't lost the baby and she and Ashley are keeping it I don't like this new version of Gabi. The old one was much more the devil child. I really wasn't happy about Nikhil returning. He's a character that I never really liked and I never found him particularly interesting or felt he had a lot of depth. So I was glad when Jai started to mess his plans to revive the business. I was however absolutely disgusted with Jai for what he did to Tania and how it affected her relationship with Nikhil. Is Jai genuinely sorry? Given how he lost Archie I'm going to say yes purely because of the fact he wants to be a dad to the baby Megan's carrying. I though Nikhil and Leyla were ridiculous even more so when they got engaged. I'm actually glad Nikhil's gone again so hopefully that's the last we've seen of him. Regarding this storyline with Tess, I didn't think it was possible but I've actually ended up really disliking Paddy (despite the fact that I hated Aaron's lake of loyalty once Paddy told him). He's come across as completely selfish and it felt like he was just using Tess for sex, then when she fell for him he just cut her off and discarded her. And now he feels guilty because she died. I also feel it was selfish of him to tell Rhona. He should have just kept quiet and tried to pretend everything was ok. What good could possibly come from telling her? Conversely I think it was good of Rhona not to tell Tess's husband the truth unlike Paddy but I don't agree with her at all pretending everything's ok for the sake of adopting more kids. She must decide whether to forgive Paddy and give their marriage another go or whether it's best to go their separate ways. Can't way to see Marlon's reaction if he finds out. Given how good a father he was being, I actually really felt sorry for Adam when the truth came out about Kirin being Johnny's real father. And I didn't like the way Vanessa was using him for baby sitting duties afterwards. Rakesh did have a lot to answer for but the way Kirin has conducted himself proves he's not mature to be a father anyway. The thing that bothers me about this storyline is obviously Kirin will be caught and will have to pay for what he's done but then you have characters like Ross who brutally assaulted two characters and tried to murder a third, Robert who was responsible for Katie's death but no repercussions for either of them. Even though there's an argument the guy was a womaniser I really didn't like the way Tracey and Carly were blackmailing him for the wine so I was glad him set them up even though it meant repercussions for Eric. Quote
Gazza Posted February 26, 2016 Report Posted February 26, 2016 Got to say I don't watch Emmerdale a great deal but Danny Miller is playing the scenes fantastic at the minute, had the pleasure of meeting him last year and he went above and beyond signing the autographs for fans and having pictures he was there a good 45mins when he was supposed to be going to dinner it's such a pleasure to meet someone like him who takes the time for fans, he's amazing in emmerdale at the minute always like his stuff. Quote
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 26, 2016 Report Posted February 26, 2016 I am genuinely on the verge of giving up on Emmerdale.It's at the point EastEnders was about ten years ago, when I slowly realise that if I knew these people in real life I'd avoid them like the plague, so why am I wasting my time watching them on television?It's reached the point where the characters are so awful I'm cheering on a paedophile.I mean, what's the alternative, cheer for murderer Robert, thug Aaron, psycho Cain and nutcase Chas?The Robert/Aaron relationship is a sign of everything that's wrong with today's television: A few people on social media rave about how adorable they are and give them a cute pet name, so the show plays up to it in what comes across as bad fan fiction written for adolescents and expects us to forget that Robert chained Aaron to a radiator and threatened him with a gun.The fact that Ian MacLeod is raving about them in interviews indicates he's not going to change a thing. Meanwhile, the Dingles' abuse of Zak and Joanie is appalling, with Belle, who once appeared to be a spark of decency, proving herself as big a disgrace as the rest.Given how Zak's supported them all over the years, I'm kind of hoping he'll say "Stuff the lot of you." And hey, I was wrong about Pete, he went to prison! Was really not expecting that. Not happy about Harriet being screwed over for an Ashley/Laurel reunion but I've kind of given up objecting.Couldn't handle Laurel acting the victim because Ashley thought she was drinking though.I would love to know the story behind the Gabby recast.It doesn't seem to be the standard "choosing an older actor for more adult storylines" reason, because the new actress is the same age as the old one.Did she just decide she didn't want to do it anymore?It's a shame either way, and having her suddenly like Jacob straightaway just feels weird. I haven't really liked Paddy since he's been with Rhona, much as I haven't really liked Marlon since he went with Laurel: A shame, because they used to be my favourites.So I wasn't really bothered either way by the Paddy/Tess affair, but her death was a massive shock and good on them for keeping that secret.Of course, now we have Rhona pretending everything's hunky-dory because she's suddenly obsessed about adopting, even though that only came up in the first place because Paddy was looking for an excuse not to have a kid with her.I really don't know what they're doing with Kirin, it feels like he's gone and is possibly going to stay on the run indefinitely.I was frustrated that Vanessa stopped him pressing charges against Rakesh for arbitrary reasons, although at least he seems to be getting some overdue karma. Quote
Slade Posted April 17, 2016 Report Posted April 17, 2016 I'm actually pretty fed up of this storyline with Ashley and his Alzheimers even though it is a very serious and real issue. I do think it is being done quite well by all the parties involved. I have to say I'm loving the relationship with Andy and Chrissie, if only how it winds certain people up. Robert's anger and frustration was absolutely wonderful but even better is Bernice's jealousy. Especially given that Andy has moved onto younger and hotter and she's not getting any action from her own man. As someone that likes Laurence I was disappointed he got those guys to beat Andy up (OK so I accept that he only wanted them to warn him off Bernice because he thought they were having an affair but there was always a possibility Andy would fight back and end up in hospital). I guess the fact that Andy isn't pressing charges shows what sort of a person he is. Lachlan continues to display he has no redeeming qualities - Completely unrepentant about trashing Eric's house and stealing from him and wanting Gabi to use Ashley's condition to go to a concert should was forbidden to initially. He really should be in Juvie because he hasn't displayed any signs of changing. I actually don't mind Holly coming back. Whilst she was annoying initially compared to some of the characters she's a godsend. And I quite liked seeing her smack Cain and giving him a bloody lip. Will be interesting to see what happens with her trying to seduce him (I'm assuming that's what she's going to do). I find that I'm now fed up of Zak and Joanie. The problem is I find Joanie so smug and insensitive, even though I don't particularly like Lisa I find myself on her side. Given the situation I don't think Joanie should have been allowed to work at the factory and I don't like the way Zac took the family pot and sold it to Eric to buy her engagement ring (especially given that he's leaching off Dan and hasn't divorced Lisa yet) so I don't have any sympathy for Joanie now that she's lost it. It also doesn't help that the vile Kerry constantly sticks her oar in rooting for them and accusing Lisa of taking the ring. What I find interesting is the affect all of this has had on Belle and she is now knowingly engaging in a relationship with a married man, having now completely rejected the notion of marriage and fidelity. This whole abuse storyline with Aaron has been an absolute lose-lose for me. Whilst I'm glad Gordon has been found guilty it feels bitter-sweet because it's like we're meant to feel sorry for Aaron but let's not forget that he beat someone to a pulp just before Christmas not to mention all the other stuff he's done. I wasn't sure what to make of Liv. She mugs Aaron and Robert at first then tries to help Gordon and changes her mind about Aaron and decides to help him right at the end of the trial. Whilst I briefly liked some of the stuff with Aaron given how she caused trouble at David's shop I can't help thinking perhaps it's a blessing we don't see her again. Really not sure what to make of the Paddy/Rhona stuff. I can't help thinking that the attempts to sabotage their business by Tess's husband and him trying to poison Rhona's mind against Paddy are going to thwart their attempts to move the Germany much like when they tried to emigrate to New Zealand. I wouldn't be surprised if Rhona decides to go at this alone given that Paddy doesn't want to move. Well Charity's back. The only positive thing I can say about her is that she's no worse than since before she left. Should I be surprised that she's teamed up with Ross? Nope. Am I surprised that Rhona has effectively gone into league with her? A little. Quote
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