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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Theres no need to get stressy - the toung poking out meant it was a JOKE!!!!!! - Sheesh.

The fact is most people DO Have E4 as its on freeview and now over 90% of the country has a digi box/tv/sky/cable. The point was that a freeview box these days is so cheap theres no reason not to have one! anyways enough said - we should create a LOST E4 Thread for those 10% of people who dont have it!

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The thing that annoyed me was I was damn careful not to give away any information relating to the episode. I could so easily have put the name of the person in my thread but I didnt I put a line there!

In fact in relation to the episode NO spoilers were given! I know what its like to have something spoilt and so would never give anything major away. And then a certain member gets all S****y with it and starts an argument which so easily could have been avoided.

Well I end it here. So quit moaning and wait till next week to get the episode. - Then go get e4 :P

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Can anyone tell me how to use the Spoiler tag thingy... If its the Button about when writing a new post - it dont work, i've pressed it many a times - Am i missing something???

Also; Take the advice from Ashirr-Leigh - Just calm it down a bit, and EVERYONE just be more considerate with Spoilers & What you say... Not aiming this at anyone in particular just the majority!!!


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Hey, I didn't start an argument, I asked if people would lay off the spoilers that's all. I think that's fair enough because most people I know don't have e4, it was you who started telling me to get it just so you could talk about the eps! :rolleyes: And if there were no spoilers revealed, how come I know stuff about Walt that I never did before? It wasn't just you though rcoleman. Sorry.

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Ok think about this - On Home and away - we all knew there was a stalker, seven/five told us there was a stalker. BUT what they didnt say was the details. Did anyone complain about being told there was a stalker? Think of it like that. And what about thier big promo for 2005? They said there was going to be a Fire/Plane Crash/Robbery/stalker.

And if you read back through you'll find I didnt give any information away. Only commented on what other people said. Anything I did say i didnt give any crutial Information away i blanked it out with lines. Thats why i didnt use the spolier tags.

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Well, only to blank things out with lines isn't enough IMO.. Yeah, sure, I've seen it, but even if I hadn't, I could easily have guessed who you were talking about.

We had the same problem over at the KK forum though, with lost airing different times in each country, we had to write in 'codes' like you guys do.. Problem is that even the 'codes' give out too much info and you can pretty much guess who and what people are talking about.. So we now have 4 different Lost threads over there..

Maybe you could make an E4 thread here? And keep this Ch4 aired eps only? If the people who have E4 would like to discuss it with the Ch4 people they are more than welcome to, but then keep it on a non-ch4-spoiler level. That works just fine for us over at KK.com. It's really all about having respect for the people who doesn't have E4 and don't want to be spoiled.. It shouldn't be too hard..

Only a suggestion though! Not really my business..

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Sounds like a good idea to me but it shouldn't have to come to that! I mean, come on.. there is a spoiler tag on this forum!! Saying anything about next week's episode is a spoiler.. so use the tag. If it's not working, get on to Chris! :P

Claire didn't start an argument, she was perfectly reasonable in what she said. And your comparison to Home and Away? That's not a realistic comparison. We're all on a Home and Away forum here, guys.. we obviously don't mind spoilers about the show that much. It's not the same anyway. I could easily tell who and what you were talking about by what you said.

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I was using HAA as an example. its like when on eastenders they say blah is gong to die or on bad girls that someone is coming back (neither program i watch) your just getting silly. and rather than say i have been giving spoilers away why not WATCH the episode first?

Ugh i give up with this petty mindedness!

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