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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Again, not my business, please tell me to butt out if I get annoying, but I have seen the episode and I think what you said is spoilery..

It's kinda sad if someone has to stop posting here because he/she doesn't have a pre-view channel. What's so hard about spoiler-tags? Just use them any time you are saying somethinga bout the episode, even if it's only a very very minor spoiler..

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Again, not my business, please tell me to butt out if I get annoying, but I have seen the episode and I think what you said is spoilery..

It's kinda sad if someone has to stop posting here because he/she doesn't have a pre-view channel. What's so hard about spoiler-tags? Just use them any time you are saying somethinga bout the episode, even if it's only a very very minor spoiler..


You're not getting annoying, you're being very sensible! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG, we're nowhere near finishing the 1sr season. Im gettin pissed with the storyline. It took so long to get in2 the swing of things. Just wish they could put it on more thaan once a week.  <_<


Stick with it though. We've seen the full season now here in Ireland and it gets sooo much better from where ye're at now onwards.

Can see what you mean about the length though. For the last few weeks here they showed 2 episodes every Monday night which did move it on a bit.

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I don't think Ethan would have told them anything anyway, but I wish Charlie hadn't killed him. It's bound to screw him up now.

I loved the island stuff last night but was a bit disappointed with the Charlie flashbacks. Then again, any Charlie screen-time is always a good thing. :D It was fab to see Claire again too!

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Yeah, Claire being back is a good thing!

I actually think that the fact Charlie shot Ethan will just give him more confidence and things now, rather than screw him up. In his mind, he's done something worthy so he's bound to be feeling a bit better.

I'm not bothered about the length and am nowhere near getting sick of Lost just yet! :D Wouldn't say no to more than one episode a week though!

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I loved tonight's episode!! I would rate it as one of my favourite so far. Probably because it had both Sawyer and Kate in it, my two favourite characters. I loved their little game! Haha, Sawyer in pink! :lol:

I guess I was wrong about Charlie.. shooting Ethan did sort of screw him up, momentarily at least! I'm glad he's back .. sorta .. with Claire again, they're good together. :)

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