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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Do you think that animals might play a part in the mysteries of the island? There was the polar bear, then this boar thing, and also the fact that Walt's dog survived (and hasn't been eaten yet, despite there being wild animals all over the place!). Just a thought anyway, I'm probably way off!

I don't strongly dislike Kate, there are actually elements to her character that I do like, but I find her hard to empathise with and warm to. She seems very hard-faced, and even when she does emotional stuff I find it hard to care about her. I've said it before, but if we knew her whole story I might 'get' her more. That's not likely to happen anytime soon though!

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Nope.. because this is Lost and you just know that none of their back stories will fully be revealed for a long time! :(

I don't know why, I just warmed to Kate straight away. I can't really explain it, lol, because I don't know.. just did!

As for the animals, you could be right. I've heard loads of theories off loads of people and every one (well, most of them!) are plausible.. I bet it's still none of them though! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

And everything's ok, Shahhnun? :P

I loved this ep, was great to see more of Hurley because he'd more or less been a background character up until now! Hurley is cool, I really like him! :)

Charlie was fab in last night's episode too, as was Locke. How sweet of him to build Claire a cradle and get her to help, was very nice! :D

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Yep, you've been through everyone now..

Well, technically not Shannon, since 'Hearts and Minds' were through Boone's eyes.

The flashbacks eps are wherever they fit in with the story. Like, the flashbacks often refers to something happening on the island. But I don't like that the backstories I don't care as much about (*coughJackcough*) gets a million and one episodes while others gets hardly any..

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