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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Yeah exactly. There are certain people I'd like to see more of (eg. Claire) and others I'd like to see less of (eg. Jack). If it was equal I wouldn't mind so much, but I guess it will even itself out in the end. I'd like to see more of Sun's life before she met Jin - I think there must be some interesting stuff in there somewhere. And it would be good to get Shannon's take on her and Boone's story. So far we don't know that much about her past.

I'm liking Sayid and Shannon's relationship - whoever thought they'd be the first couple to get together? :lol: I hope she doesn't turn out to be as bad as she seems (ie. through Boone's eyes).

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I had a dream about those damn numbers the other night, i thought it was funny at the end when Charlie was like "fine don't tell me, i bear my SOUL to you ..." lol. I knew what Locke was building as well, i was sitting on my bed yelling it's a crib, it's a crib!! lol I liked the exchanges between Rousso and Hurley.


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I'm not a huge fan of Jack either. I think it may have something to with the fact that he is constantly involved all the time and too much of his backstory is revealed. I mean, we don't even get time to wonder what the rest of his story is before another Jack ep pops up.

I didn't care much for Kate in the first season either, but she has really grown on me in season2, so maybe there's still hope for Jack.. ? :wink:

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I don't particularly like Kate or Jack...maybe I'd like them more if they weren't so obviously supposed to be like the most important characters we're all supposed to love...but I think they're both really boring and I don't care about either!!!

I love Shannon...she's my favourite character and I really like her relationship with Sayid

We do get to see another side of her, through her flashbacks, but that's not till season 2...that ep only just aired in America *sigh* I downloaded it and it was great!

Does anyone know where i can download the last episode of Lost?



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