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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Yeah, Jack's a bit of a wet fish isn't he. Kate is as well, unless she's with Saywer. Locke's weird, Hurley's cool. Charlie is fast becoming my absolute favourite character. I'm really enjoying the Shannon-Sayid relationship. Boone's a prat, Claire's great, Michael's quite annoying as is Walt. Jin and Sun are just plain odd.

Sawyer: Aw great i'm getting the news from a six year old

Walt: I'm 10!

Sawyer: Well then it must be true!!


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I don't like how there's so many Jack episodes, he's so boring! He's meant to be like the lead character in Lost but he's not interesting enough!


I think some of the trouble with Jack's episodes is when they happen. His flashbacks always seem to interrupt some real action on the island, like when they were searching for Claire & Charlie. Everytime a flashback started I was fit to scream. And his next one is just as badly timed! (And the fact that the flashbacks aren't all that interesting is, of course, another problem !!!!)

BTW, love that Sawyer/Walt conversation !

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