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I like all of the male characters except for Charlie. Not too keen on him and to be honest, I find him the weak link out of all of them. At first I thought Boone was the one who wasn't really needed but I think that Charlie should have been killed off.

Don't hurt me Charlie/Claire shippers!

I can't help feeling like the writers missed out on a cute Sawyer/Claire friendship :unsure:

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Sayid rocks. But I would prefer him with Danielle... or Sawyer.

Oh the love Sayid/Sawyer love is so strong. It's never going to get tired :lol:

Not all of the actors are strong. I think that out of all of them, Dom isn't as strong as the others. He seems a little out of his league with such an experienced cast. It's a shame because I know that Lost was known over here, at first, all because Dom was going to be in it. I know I felt disappointment when I found the character Charlie annoying in the Pilot.

Sorry if that made no sense :unsure:

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I love Sawyer too. That's why I wish he and Kate would get together. But then again, I'm not too against the idea of Kate and Jack. Hmm. It's a toughy!

Same here, i'd like her to get with Sawyer but i also love Jack.

I like Kate,i think she's made some mistake in the past but once you know her secret i think you'll feel sympethetic toward her.

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Sorry Jess, have to disagree. I think Dominic is a great actor. His character is fairly weak (as in he is a weak person) but his acting isn't. Ok, so there are some actors on the show with much more experience, eg Matthew Fox, but Dominic isn't the least experienced by far.

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But that is the character. He is mysterious and he is the only one who really sits on the fence.

There is a line. Jack is on the good side of the line and so is every other person. We were led to believe that Sawyer was on the fence at the beginning of the season but now we are near the end of season 1 we know that he does care. He is now on the good side.

But on the other hand Locke, who truly believes he is being talked to by the island, can still turn out evil or good.

This is what makes him so fascinating. But would this character be like that if he was a different actor? Hell no! Terry O'Quinn has taken this character and brought him to life. He is one of the only ones on Lost who has managed to do that from the get go.


Pointing out that characters are on the "good" side or the "bad" side of the line brings to mind sort of the ongoing debate that I have seen about the whole show. There has been some speculation among the fans that this whole island is a purgatory of sorts. While for the most part all of the main characters are likable and seem "good" on the surface, we have learned from their respective back stories that they all have something in their past that is not to be proud of(either illegal or morally questionable).

We are led to believe that the crash survivors are "good" and that "the others" are bad. But its been suggested that maybe its really the other way around.

Sorry if I am getting too deep into the show here. There is so much going on in this show and so many people speculating and theorizing what everythign. For the most part I enjoy the show for the entertainment value but I have to say that I do get caught up in all the theories and specutlation at times.

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I don't think Kate's on the good side. Not yet anyway. She's out for herself right now but.. strangely, I still like her. I know what you mean though, Claire. It's hard to like someone when you know they've done something wrong.. just for some reason, I do. I can't help but think that I'm going to look like an idiot for liking her when her crime is revealed but hey, I can't help it.

I love Sawyer too. That's why I wish he and Kate would get together. But then again, I'm not too against the idea of Kate and Jack. Hmm. It's a toughy!


Kate is on the good side in general. Through all the flashbacks we have seen, she hasn't done anything wrong. Yes, she shot people but they were the bad guys and she was trying to protect the innocent one.

I'm just not that keen on her. There are only a few shows where I actually like the lead characters (Alias, Charmed, Spooks etc...) and sadly this isn't one of them. I like Jack because I think the character is pretty strong and for once, the lead isn't like an angel.

At the moment I'm really liking Sun more. The actress is amazing and she is excellent in most of her scenes. One of the stronger actors on the show.

To be honest I wouldn't mind Kate becoming a secondary character and Danielle(the French lady) to come back full time. You could just see Sawyer meeting his match :lol:


I still don't think I would place Kate on the 'good' side. Sure, she shot the bad guys but let's remember that she was involved in a bank robbery with the bad guys.

I think she's got a very manipulative side to her and I like that because it means she's not black and white. I can't wait to find out more about her, she's my favourite character by far.

I love Sawyer too. That's why I wish he and Kate would get together. But then again, I'm not too against the idea of Kate and Jack. Hmm. It's a toughy!

Same here, i'd like her to get with Sawyer but i also love Jack.

I like Kate,i think she's made some mistake in the past but once you know her secret i think you'll feel sympethetic toward her.


Yeah, I'm confused about this! Sawyer and Kate seem to suit each other because they're both the same kind of person (troubled backgrounds etc.. the 'I never' game) .. but then, if opposites attract, Kate should be with Jack.

What I think should happen is that Kate/Sawyer should be explored in great depth to give us insight into their backstories.. because they both trust each other. Then, in the end, Kate/Jack should happen. Maybe.

Mikey, half the time I forget they've been in a plane crash! I get so caught up in the characters and their lives, then I see a bit of plane or something and it's like.. oh yeah! Some of the theories are great though.. but I'm trying to not get myself involved in them because I don't think the whole plot of the show is going to be revealed for a long time yet .. and the not knowing would kill me!

I'm planning on buying season one on dvd when it comes out in a couple of weeks. It looks really good because it's got millions of extras on it. It's £44.99 from HMV. Can anyone tell me if this is dear? I've never bought a box set before so I don't know!

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I'm planning on buying season one on dvd when it comes out in a couple of weeks. It looks really good because it's got millions of extras on it. It's £44.99 from HMV. Can anyone tell me if this is dear? I've never bought a box set before so I don't know!

That's about the cheapest you'll find it,and it is not a bad price for box sets.I have quite a few of them.I'm getting the Lost one for the same price of Amazon.In other placxes they are selling it for £54.99

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I was reading a fic the other night and it was about Jack & Sawyer. It actually made a lot of sense.

Jack was going after Kate because she is dangerous. Sawyer was going after Kate because she is misunderstood and good at heart.

The end of the fic finished with them cutting out the middle man, or woman, in this case.

Gotta love the Jack/Sawyer hints :lol: .

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