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Guest Di

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The complete box set is being released in a week or so, yeah. I didn't realise till I searched for 'Lost box set' or something like that on google and there were two different ones - the first half and then the complete set. Oh yeah, and the second half, lol. But yeah, that doesn't make much sense to me. Why not just do the complete thing rather than splitting it?

Jess, knowing how much you like the Jack/Sawyer love.. you have to watch this scene between them! It's so cute.. honestly, it was lovely! They should have expanded the scene, yeah. Aww, it was so nice!

Sawyer.. :wub:

That episode totally showed the Sawyer/Kate love too! They were both looking for each other before they set out but didn't get to say goodbye!  :(


1. Play.com has the complete boxset release date as the 16th and it is £44.99... and that's free P&P. If you are worried about ordering from there then don't be. I have ordered a lot of stuff from there and it's excellent service.

2. mmm Jack/Sawyer :wub::P

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Is it totally irrational in this day and age to not want to order something over the internet? Actually, let me rephrase that.. I do because it would save me money but then there's a few things stopping me - 1. I don't know how! :blink: Do you use a credit card? (Please don't laugh at me all you experienced people!) 2. I don't think my parents would like it! :unsure:

You know what, Jess? You're slowly bringing me round to the idea of Jack/Sawyer. And that's not my kind of thing, lol.. but whatever you're doing, it's working! :P

Oh and Claire, yeah, I guess you're right! It's all about money! Does the split version have the same extras on it?

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Is it totally irrational in this day and age to not want to order something over the internet? Actually, let me rephrase that.. I do because it would save me money but then there's a few things stopping me - 1. I don't know how!  :blink:  Do you use a credit card? (Please don't laugh at me all you experienced people!) 2. I don't think my parents would like it!  :unsure:


I have made my fair share of internet purchases and for the most part have been very pleased. It is pretty amazing how painless it all is. Acutally it is a bit frightening how painless/easy it all is (easy to get addicted). All you really need is a credit card. To give yourself piece of mind, stick with sites that have good reputations (name brand sites or ones that have been recommended).

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I think it's 2 episodes next Wednesday.. but rolled into one, if that makes sense? I think that's what the wee announcer guy said. So I think next week, it goes from 10-12. That could be totally wrong but I'm sure the guy said that.

Oh yeah, and it said in my tv mag that last night's episode was the third last. So, yeah, two next week.  :D


I'm confused by what the announcer said at the end of Wednesday nights ep. Yes, the season finale is a two parter but Wednesday nights was the first part. Are they going to show it again next week to put the 2 together?

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I think it's 2 episodes next Wednesday.. but rolled into one, if that makes sense? I think that's what the wee announcer guy said. So I think next week, it goes from 10-12. That could be totally wrong but I'm sure the guy said that.

Oh yeah, and it said in my tv mag that last night's episode was the third last. So, yeah, two next week.  :D


I'm confused by what the announcer said at the end of Wednesday nights ep. Yes, the season finale is a two parter but Wednesday nights was the first part. Are they going to show it again next week to put the 2 together?


That's what I thought! It's Exodus part 1, and Exodus part 2, right? So...the one on Wednesday was part one, or was it different?? I know they were supposed to show flashbacks of different characters in part 1, so that must of been it, but then there's only one episode left....so how can they show 2?


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I think it's 2 episodes next Wednesday.. but rolled into one, if that makes sense? I think that's what the wee announcer guy said. So I think next week, it goes from 10-12. That could be totally wrong but I'm sure the guy said that.

Oh yeah, and it said in my tv mag that last night's episode was the third last. So, yeah, two next week.  :D


I'm confused by what the announcer said at the end of Wednesday nights ep. Yes, the season finale is a two parter but Wednesday nights was the first part. Are they going to show it again next week to put the 2 together?


I think (I'm not sure though) that Exodus Part 1 and 2 were both meant to be 90 minutes long, rather than 60/65 - whatever the normal episodes are. So, I think what channel 4 has decided to do is take a half hour off both of them and make it into three episodes. I read that somewhere or someone told me or something, lol.

Whatever though - double Lost = good! :D

Thanks for that advice, Mikey! I think I might just do it over the internet then. It sort of seems stupid not to. Hmm.. lol.

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Ash, don't worry about ordering stuff, I do it all the time and it's really easy. Just borrow your dad's credit card (I still do this as I'm scared of getting my own!) and pay him back in cash. Oh and like someone else said, stick to big-name sites and check they have a secure connection (it will usually say somewhere on the site).

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Thanks, Claire, I think I will.. I mean, if all you guys have done it and it's been fine, then not doing is just kind of paranoid!

Jess, I'm intrigued, lol. I'm thinking that I want to read it and then I'm thinking.. nah. :blink: I don't know, lol!

I so can't wait for the season finale on Wednesday. I've heard from other people that it's really, really good! :D

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