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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Considering the show is done by JJ Abrams, it's going to be a pretty awesome finale. The writers are pretty good at finales.

For DVD's I use Play.com. I have used Amazon in the past and they were good too. I also used Send It when it was known as Blackstar. They were pretty awesome cuz I picked up a rare video on there hehehe!

As for the Jack/Sawyer fic. There is no full on stuff but I think it's too... harsh for a first time J/S reader. If you are ever interested in reading some then I'll rec a few. Even know of some fantastic slash fics with Kate also in them.

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I don't think I've ever watched anything by JJ Abrams before! I don't normally watch American shows because they annoy me, lol. Only Friends! :D The only reason I decided to watch Lost was because of this forum.. so yeah, thanks to whoever started up this post! :rolleyes:

Lol, yeah, perhaps I'm too innocent for that right now! :P

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Start off slowly when it comes to slash pairings. Start with Hurley/Charlie fics becuse they make slash look innocent :lol:

JJ Abrams has overtaken the genius that is Joss Whedon, for me anyway. Alias, a show by Abrams, is one of my favourite shows and with that ending, I'm glad I have Lost to subtitute.

Although Jack doesn't look as good as Sydney Bristow. And sure as hell can't kick ass as perfect as her either :blink:

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Hurley/Charlie? That's a new one on me! :o

I was surprised by how much I liked Lost, actually. Well, not liked, like.. as in, I still do, lol. Alias is the one that had Locke in it, yeah? Not Locke, the guy who plays him. You know, I actually really like Locke. I didn't expect to like him either but he's intriguing.. ok, so everything about Lost is but he has that extra something. Him and Kate and Sawyer. Yeah. :)

As for Jack, could he kick anyone's ass? I just find him so annoying. I want to like him but god, he doesn't make it easy for me!

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Jack isn't good at kicking ass but he looks like he could do some damage in a fight. If he was tattoo-less then I wouldn't be a fan though :lol:

Okay so this is one of my many kinks in life. If a guy/girl kicks ass in an artistic way then I'm pretty much a fan for life. I guess that explains why I'm still a fan of Power Rangers then :unsure:

Charlie/Hurley was a big hit when the show started. Along with Sayid/Sawyer, Jack/Boone and Michael/Jin.

*is going to shut up now*

*blinks* Lost trailer on TV right now yay!!!

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Yeah, I think Jack could take a fair few people but the annoying thing is that he wouldn't want to. If you get me? Lol! I remember seeing his tattoo the other night, what did it say again? Or was it just a design? :huh:

Hey, the Power Rangers rock!! I used to love playing them when I was at school.. I always had to be the yellow one though. :rolleyes:

I totally get that though. It's why I like Kate from Lost. I always like the tough people.. I don't know why, just do. I can't stand the wimpy ones that sit back and let things go by and let other people take control!

I mean, Kate can kick ass. We saw that the other night in Lost when she pinned the Marshal up against the glass - whilst wearing handcuffs!

Michael/Jin, I can understand. It's cute how Michael can understand him now even though he's speaking Korean. Jack/Boone.. I don't know. I always thought they looked alike and that makes it strange!

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I think it's 2 episodes next Wednesday.. but rolled into one, if that makes sense? I think that's what the wee announcer guy said. So I think next week, it goes from 10-12. That could be totally wrong but I'm sure the guy said that.

Oh yeah, and it said in my tv mag that last night's episode was the third last. So, yeah, two next week.  :D


I'm confused by what the announcer said at the end of Wednesday nights ep. Yes, the season finale is a two parter but Wednesday nights was the first part. Are they going to show it again next week to put the 2 together?


I think (I'm not sure though) that Exodus Part 1 and 2 were both meant to be 90 minutes long, rather than 60/65 - whatever the normal episodes are. So, I think what channel 4 has decided to do is take a half hour off both of them and make it into three episodes. I read that somewhere or someone told me or something, lol.

Whatever though - double Lost = good! :D

Thanks for that advice, Mikey! I think I might just do it over the internet then. It sort of seems stupid not to. Hmm.. lol.


Yeah, you're right. That's what they've done. RTE showed it in 2 parts which is where I got all mixed up (and it doesn't take much to confuse me !!!) I think 3 parts is a cool idea. There was so much happening in the double that 3 parts might make it easier to keep track of it all ! Can't wait for Wednesday.

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I think it's 2 episodes next Wednesday.. but rolled into one, if that makes sense? I think that's what the wee announcer guy said. So I think next week, it goes from 10-12. That could be totally wrong but I'm sure the guy said that.

Oh yeah, and it said in my tv mag that last night's episode was the third last. So, yeah, two next week.  :D


I'm confused by what the announcer said at the end of Wednesday nights ep. Yes, the season finale is a two parter but Wednesday nights was the first part. Are they going to show it again next week to put the 2 together?


I think (I'm not sure though) that Exodus Part 1 and 2 were both meant to be 90 minutes long, rather than 60/65 - whatever the normal episodes are. So, I think what channel 4 has decided to do is take a half hour off both of them and make it into three episodes. I read that somewhere or someone told me or something, lol.

Whatever though - double Lost = good! :D

Thanks for that advice, Mikey! I think I might just do it over the internet then. It sort of seems stupid not to. Hmm.. lol.


Yeah, you're right. That's what they've done. RTE showed it in 2 parts which is where I got all mixed up (and it doesn't take much to confuse me !!!) I think 3 parts is a cool idea. There was so much happening in the double that 3 parts might make it easier to keep track of it all ! Can't wait for Wednesday.


The original broadcasts in the US were:

Exodus Part 1 - one hour episode shown one week

Exodus Part 2 - two hour episode shown the following week (season finale)

I certainly hope very little if any editing is done to the episodes when shown in the UK, Australia or anywhere else in the world. They are in my opinion among the best Lost episodes made (although I seem to feel each weeks episode is the best I've ever seen ....so perhaps I am not the best judge).

Part 1 is a very upbeat episode - relationships are mended and hope springs eternal.

Part 2 - All hell breaks loose! It will leave you dumbstrck and wanting more!

Your are in for a great night of TV. Clear the schedule, shut off the phone, hang the do not desturb sign on the door, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!!!

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I will certainly be doing that! :D I can't wait..!

Have previous episodes of Lost been cut in the Uk? :blink:

The Uk are doing the same as America then.. Exodus part 1 = 1hour, Exodus part 2 = 2hours.. it's just that channel 4 are making it out as if part 2 is 2 episodes.. if that makes sense?

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