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I was just completely... speechless. That was one of the best subtexty scenes that I have ever seen. Blew all the Smallville Season 1 Clark/Lex scenes out of the water. And Clex even locked lips in the Pilot episode!! :o

Okay it was actually a kiss of life but it was the start of something twisted and beautiful :lol:

There was a spoiler posted on a message board a few days ago and even though I'm 95% certain that it is bull, I'm clinging on to hope. And there is another spoiler that is true and can lead to all possibilities when it comes to Jack.

The spoiler that is bull:

Jack has an encounter with another man. Could it happen? If it ever did then it will probably be in a flashback. Would explain the non marriage to the woman buwah!

I'll shut up now :unsure:

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Hmm.. I guess anything could happen on Lost! I don't know if they'd do that with Jack though, what with him being like their 'main' character.

Can someone answer this for me, please? If you know, that is! Do we see Sawyer (and the rest of them that went on the raft) in the last episode?

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I think we do.

And there is a lot of speculation that Jack is gay but I'm thinking he could be bi. I remember when I first got into Lost last January. I downloaded the first few episodes and got hooked. I began looking round and found this fab tidbit. One of the writers joked that they were going to write Jack as bi but they changed there minds.

Could happen. I would be happy if it was just a small flashback :lol:

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That would make it a true triangle. Also a wild triangle :blink:

I like it. I like it alot :P

Which brings me to my other love of this episode. Ain't Ana the cutest thing ever? Played wonderfully by the talented Michelle Rodriguez. I have been a fan of hers since watching Fast & The Furious. Girl crush alert :wub:

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Was Ana in the last ep? As in the last one we saw, not the last of the series. I must have missed that bit if she was. I loved Michelle Rodriguez in Fast and the Furious, so I was excited when I heard she was going to be in Lost. She and another new actress on the show (can't remember her name, sorry folks) recently got charged with drunk driving though, so not the best of starts! :blink:

I think Jack being bi would make a whole lot of sense actually. It wouldn't seem totally out of character like it would for some of them (Michael, for example, or Locke!), and it would definitely explain the non-wifey. I always thought Boone should have been gay...I actually miss Boone. :(

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