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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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Well guys by now I trust you have seen the finale. So what did you think? I hope it lived up to the hype!

I'm all excited tonite because we here in the US get a new episode. The show has been on such a long break that they are putting on a 1 hour summary of what has taken place so far this season before the new episode airs.

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The episode certainly did live up to expectation, and more. It was amazing. I want to see it again - thank god for video recorders! :P

Oh my god.. the raft!! They took Walt! I nearly cried! :( I also nearly cried when I saw Boone in the flashbacks from the airport and the plane - I miss him too, Claire. But yeah, I think it made sense for him to be gay.

And I just have to say - how hot was Sawyer in this episode? Sawyer, wet, with no top on. :wub:

You know what the best bit is though? The announcer guy said Lost is back in Spring! :D Spring!! Woo!! I thought it would be at least Summer until it was back again. I thought we'd have to wait till Desperate Housewives had finished it's second season.. but I doubt that'll be done by Spring.

Overall though, fab episdoe. And although I love the idea of Kate/Sawyer more than Kate/Jack, they were just so cute together in this episode. :rolleyes:

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1. I'm guessing Lost will be back after Desperate Housewives season 2 is over.

2. I haven't watched the episodes yet but I know what happens. And yes, I flicked over for a few seconds to find Sawyer topless and in the water :wub:

3. Which episode aired in the states? Use spoiler tags if you have to :wink:

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Won't Desperate Housewives be on for a while though? I can't remember how long it was on for last season.. but the announcer guy came up after Lost had finished and said that Lost season 2 will be shown in the Spring. This seemed a little early for DH to be finished.. but you know what? I don't care! Spring is so much early than I expected so I'm very happy!!

I'm glad you know what happens or else I would have just spoiled some for you in my last post! But yeah, it's great, Jess! :D And Sawyer? Wow. It's all I can say. And he had his hair up cute. Just.. aww.. I could watch it all again just for those Sawyer scenes.

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I was just on televisionwithoutpity and in the thread for speculating about spoilers when I came across this spoiler and someones scary theory...


Apparently in episode 15 a 16 year old girl will be found. Spoilers are saying that Sawyer is the one to find her and it's a Sawyer episode.


The girl turns out to be.... Sawyer's daughter...

How whacked out would that be? :blink:

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They are saying there is a shock coming and it's also been said that something about Sawyer is revealed. Not sure about that though.

I was kind of hoping that his flashback would include him doing a con but this time conning a man heh heh :wink:

You realize that when season 2 rolls around I will be writing a fic involving a Jack & Sawyer reunion. Stuff the reunion of Sawyer & Kate, I'm just in it for the real love story of Lost :P

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