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Lost UK thread

Guest Di

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I didn't see Sawyer get shot, but then again I couldn't see very much at all! Can't wait for the dvds on Monday so I can watch it again on a proper tv!

I think it was in Heat magazine that I read about the new series starting in June, although how reliable that is I'm not sure! I think it will be aorund May/June time, which is the end of spring. After all, DH will have about 24 episodes, which is 5-6 months (although they'll probably show at least one double ep), so it works out about right.

ETA: It was Cynthia Watros and Michelle Rodriguez who got charged with drunk driving, just in case anyone is interested!

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Very interesting that the Season 1 Finale in the UK happend the same night that Season 2 in the US started to braodcast again.

Glad to hear you all enjoyed the finale!!! I still think its one of the best episodes ever. Season 2 is a must watch if you enjoyed Season 1. You will find out whats down the hatch in the first episode but you wont understand it until about the 3rd episode (and even then it won't be too clear.

Then there is the fate of the guys on the raft (and YES - Sawyer was shot). Hang on to your hats for that one!

By about the 4th or 5th episode, the show take a turn in a completely different direction when we learn that the survivors of the plane crash that we have come to know and love are not the only survivors of the crash that inhabit the island (make room for AnaLucia).

Also a main character will be killed off in the first half of season 2. And as is the case with Lost....never assume the obvious.

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I was just on televisionwithoutpity and in the thread for speculating about spoilers when I came across this spoiler and someones scary theory...


Apparently in episode 15 a 16 year old girl will be found. Spoilers are saying that Sawyer is the one to find her and it's a Sawyer episode.


The girl turns out to be.... Sawyer's daughter...

How whacked out would that be? :blink:


I think the girl may be, that French woman's daughter *Alex*. The dates fix because the "others" took her baby sixteen years ago.

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I thought Alex was a boy? That's why Rousseau took Claire's baby and presumably why those guys took Walt, because the 'others' wanted a boy.

I got my Series 1 Part 2 dvds today!! :D


Yes I do believe that Alex was a boy. With the benefit of having seen the first half of Season 2, I can say that it has yet to be offically clarified as to why "The Others" wanted Walt (whether its because he is a boy or not).

I will however give you the speculation of most fans of the show (or I should say those fans that who try to analyze the show):

"The Others" are interested in children because they are innocents. Again, realize that it appears all the crash survivors have something immoral or illegal (or something they just feel guilty about) in their past. People who are speculating this are those who think the island is some sort of purgatory.

Something tells me that even when the show evetually goes off the air we will not have all the answers.

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I'm almost 100% positive that Alex is a girl. I'm sure Danielle said that. But Nim.. yeah, you could be onto something there.. how weird would that be? :o

I was starting to doubt whether or not I'd seen Sawyer get shot.. but thanks Mikey, you cleared that up! :)

I've got my season 1 box set ordered so should get it all soon.. I think I'll just rewatch it all, I did miss a couple of episodes anyway. I can't wait! :D

I also can't wait for season 2.. whenver it comes on. Thanks for the info on it, Mikey. I like how you can give us info without spoiling everything! :D

What Kate Did does sound interesting.. but for me, it's because of Kate, lol. What might it be for you, Jess..? :P

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