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Guest Di

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Ah so hopefully they will follow the Alias DVD's. The gag reel gets longer and longer on each set.

Were there some good Josh giggling moments? Oh and Terry O'Quinn(Locke) is quite hilarious when he messes up his lines. He was adorably funny on the season 2 Alias gag reel :wub:

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I cant think of any Josh moments on the gag reel.. <_<

But there is a whole feature about him working with boars! :P He's funny on that, lol.

Terry O'Quinn.. I'm sure he's on it. It shows you on another feature that the very last scene of the Pilot that was filmed was one between him and Hurley (which ended up being cut) and they're all so happy at the end, it's so cute!

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I didn't realise there was going to be so much stuff on them! Maybe it was just me being stupid because I'd never bought a box set before.. but I only ever thought I'd get the episodes, and that's it.. lol!

Me and my sister have worked our way through the first 5 episodes already - I had totally forgotten heaps of stuff from the earlier ones!

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I didnt get to see the first two or three so to finally get to see them is great! The only difference between the norweigan box set and the UK one (apart from being 15 quid cheaper) is the back of the box has some of the info (running times, audio options ect) in norweigan. Everything else is the same.

Thanks to mercury for that :D its great!

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I didn't get to see the second episode, the second part of the pilot I mean, so whenever someone mentioned a polar bear.. I was like, what? :blink: I so get it now, lol.

It's good to watch the earlier ones again though. Things from the later ones make more sense and it also shows me how people's relationships have developed and things, it's cool.

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I've not seen any of the second series and i dont want spoilers. But rewatching the first part of the series again i now have a theory,

All the ones still living have a story to tell or a goal to achieve, Theres locke with the walkabout thing, Jack finding his father ect.

So I think that they all actually died in the plane crash. However the ones we see on the island stayed there because they havent met a goal/achievement from their life yet. Maybe Locke will be the first to go in series 2 (i dont know i havent seen it yet) when he tries to go down the hatch (maybe his goal was to get into the hatch). Remember after all he couldnt walk before he got to the island. Kate, big story needs to correct her wrong doings. I think the people wont be able to leave the Island until they forfil what they need to.

Also as an exaggeration to the theory - the monster could be a negative force trying to stop them achieving the goal.

I still cant get around the numbers part though - ah well best keep watching the series again - maybe a new theory will come to mind lol

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I have the site to download Series 2... I'd put it on here but I dont think many people would thank me for it!!!

I know alot of things which happen in Series 2 and I was so surprised about what I heard...

You'll not believe whats down the shaft.

Someone else dies as well.

Its all going on, Roll on Spring when you can all see it, but I'm gonna see it sooner than that!!! Whooo!!!

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