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**Sally And Jesse Fanfic**

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**PART 10**

Tony Richards staggered up from the beachside bench where he’d been slumped in an alcohol-heightened restless and semi-comatose sleep. He lurched uneasily across to where the coast road met the sands – realising as he went that a nagging thought was attempting to gain entry at the back door of his mind. He stopped at the lone tap on a pole where the surfers and joggers took their semi-showers and splashed his face vigorously with water. A few ungainly paces on and with the thought channels a little refreshed by the water, it hit him – the envelope !

That envelope with the vital information he could use – even over and above the legal documents – to ensure he could convert that young waster Eric into a permanent and lucrative meal ticket. He found his hand straying to the sore right cheekbone into which Ric’s fist had crashed not 24 hours previously. He scowled unpleasantly and tried to clear the thick, beer-laden fog draped over his mind. He gazed across at the Surf Club, vaguely recalling that he’s spent time there today, but realising slowly he had no recollection of leaving there, or how he’d arrived at the bench. He shaped as if to head there and check for the envelope, but was stopped in his tacks by the sound of a siren. Rooted temporarily to the spot as he saw it mount the brow of the hill in front of him, a strange chill pushed its way through his defences and began travelling at pace through his bloodstream. Richards turned away from the emergency vehicle behind a tree, then as it disappeared in the direction of the hospital, he looped quickly away from his intended destination of the Surf Club, chose an entirely different direction, and broke into a run….

Jesse was troubled on two counts as he headed out of the Caravan Park complete with fresh t-shirt and jeans, and feeling altogether less grubby after a shower. Uppermost in his mind was of course the condition of Don Fisher – after all it had been HIS elbow that had sent Flathead flying – he hadn’t MEANT it of course….had he ? … no – rubbish to think so he told himself – but as if uneasy to accept his own protestations of innocence, he slipped across to the other matter at hand as he signalled left out of the Park gates. As for that PHONECALL – well, that was another matter altogether. He’d have to run it past Sal of course, but it sounded as if there may be possibilities to it. Obviously though, given the circumstances it would have to be handled very carefully……â€JEEZ !….†Jesse let out the involuntary exclamation as an unsteady figure with sunken bloodshot eyes suddenly spilled out from the kerb to his left and across the path of the car. “Why don’t you look where you’re GOING !†he screamed after the retreating form. It was a vain wish, because if Jesse had but known it, Tony Richards in all probability had precious little idea where he WAS going….

“I can’t believe he even ASKED me that, can you ?†Hayley asked indignantly of Scott as she brought the plate of sandwiches across to the table

“Hmm?†replied Scott, his clear appearance of being deep in though wither not picked up on or conveniently overlooked by the outraged architect of the ham and tomato –garnished with a little humus. “Scott I’ve TOLD you once – Dan Baker was here. It seems his ex-wife Amanda – little Ryan’s mother- is urgently needing a kidney transplant. They’ve drawn a complete blank on tissue matches, but VERY conveniently Dan now remembers seeing Leah’s medical sheet when she was in for all that appendix stuff. HE reckons the two of them are a perfect match and HE wanted to ask ME as Leah’s friend what she might say if he asked her to be a donor !!â€

Even that news failed to inject any real zing into Scott’s response as he replied absently “Doesn’t take much guessing, I’d say ?â€

“Ah you’d THINK that yes, but you KNOW what Leah’s like – trying SO hard to make it all work with Dan, and once the question was asked – anyway with her medical history it would have to be dangerous, wouldn’t it…?â€

Scott could hear Hayley’s words fading gently into the far distance. In truth, while he wished neither Leah or indeed Amanda any harm, he had a developing worry concerning the Blackslund that was causing him more than sufficient worry to be going on with .Back when he’d first become concerned he’d pushed the initial worries to one side, but like most ignored problems it had come back with re-inforcements and could now have some very worrying personal safety issues attached. While he could see Hayley was still talking, her voice seemed to have retreated almost beyond audibility . Making a snap decision he rose, made his apologies and left, leaving Hayley gaping…

Sally and Jesse were pleased in equal part to see each other when he arrived at the door of her hospital bedroom. His troubled and jittery frame of mind had been dented further by the near-miss with Tony Richards on his way to the hospital, while the visit of Barry Hyde had undoubtedly turned into something of an ordeal for her. While part of her was still deeply perturbed at Jesse for what had happened to Don Fisher, it had NOT been Barry’s place to go bad-mouthing her partner in that way. Having said that, some very uncomfortable grains of realism in what both men had said were failing to shake themselves free from her mind. However, the precise details and personalities he’d given her of the “exam scandal†allegations had been jaw-droppingly troubling, there was no getting away from it. She was badly in need of a diversion, so when she heard Jesse discussing the “mystery†phone calls to the caravan park, she tuned her ears back in. He’d already begun his story, saying “….at a school in Victoria ! So, they want you to see if you can access the national files to check – AND they want to know if they can come back and lie low at our place so if it all checked out, they’d be ready to rumble at a moment’s notice. Of course, we’d have to be careful, but I didn’t see why we shouldn’t go for it, considering what they’d been through….?†Jesse moved away from the window, where he’d been looking out across the car park where an ambulance was braking sharply to a halt, over at two small adjoining fields – and was at once struck by how pale Sally had become – “Sal – what the heck’s the matter ? you want me to get the nurse ??â€

His hand was on the buzzer. But ignoring the question sher said slowly but decisively “ So it was KIRSTY making those calls ? They think they know where Gus is working, - they want me to get info from the Department and then secretly put them up at the Caravan Park ?â€

“That’s about it..†Jesse replied, still with a note of concern.

The concern was justified, but not for the reasons he’d thought. “Jesse – the answer is NO – on ALL counts - and don’t mention to ANYONE what you’ve just told me – RIGHT ..?â€

Jesse nodded slowly – both confused – and bemused..

Flynn made his way slowly and thoughtfully down the corridor towards Sally’s room – he needed to speak to Jesse in connection with Donald, and it WASN’T going to be easy – not for the first time he wondered why the job of doctor so frequently crossed the boundaries into other professions such as diplomat, counsellor – even actor—his train of thought was suddenly shattered as the swing doors ahead of him burst open and 2 paramedics forged into view thrusting a stretcher with a prone form upon it, AND – keeping pace at either side, the familiar forms of Kit and Matilda, forming a chaos of noise as they and the medical duo attempted to fill Flynn in..

“Flynn, you HAVE to do something…â€

“Major side of the head contusions..â€

“It was Matty who saw him…â€

“I just don’t KNOW what can have happened….â€

“BP low and dropping…â€

“Just SO lucky we saw him…â€

“OK Ladies, OK – just give me some room here – guys sort out 2 mil adrenaline , hook up some liquid oxygen and I’ll be right along†As he showed Kit and Matilda into the waiting area, Flynn knew immediately the business with Jesse would just have to wait. From the little he’d just seen of Ric it didn’t look good – it didn’t look good at all…..

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Never done this b4 but I had 2 join just 2 say I havnt done anywork 4 the last hour as I have been enthrawled in this story! Please post nxt chapter soon! Its great! x


**Hi ! Thanks so much for all the nice posts :) - do hope you still enjoy it ! :o **

**PART 11**

Barry Hyde appeared a little bemused as he faced Robbie and Tasha across the densely-covered but predictably orderly desk in his office. “So you’ve today remembered who dropped off that last work of fiction about the school exams to the newspaper office – even though it happened three days ago ?â€

“Precisely sir. Am I not right in saying Doctor Benjamin Spock maintains that the finest and most well developed brains most frequently display a significant time lapse before distilling and assimilating data of the most significant kind ?†Mr Hyde looked something less than impressed. After the day he’d had he certainly wasn’t in any mood to probe the theories of the esteemed child psychologist, much less distil and assimilate the mysterious workings of Robbie Hunter’s mind. “Be that as it may Mr Hunter, I’d be fascinated to know the logic whereby you arrived at this conclusion ?â€

“Allow me to explain Sir†said Robbie, inserting his thumbs in his lapels and beginning to stride round Mr Hyde’s study in a manner of which Morag Bellingham would have been proud. He was about to launch into his delivery when Tash – still a little disgruntled at being deprived of her cinema date with Johnny Depp interrupted with a pointedly meaningful cough “Hem HEM!…†Seconds away from unstoppable flow Robbie halted “What – oh – um – right..†Tash was pointing at the document he’d tumped out on the computer that afternoon giving his own take on the “Exam Scandal†drama, so he fished it out of his pocket and handed it across the table. Mr Hyde – no doubt relieved at being spared an Academy Award winning performance from Robbie gratefully took the A4 sheet, ran his eyes over it for a few minutes before commenting slowly “Well, I give you credit Mr hunter – a lot of credit – this certainly seems to make a LOT of sense…†His brow set in a grimly determined frown, he reached for the phone..

Scott paused a moment and listened. He was carrying boxes of supplies down to the Blackslund but was anything but looking forward to that afternoon. Let alone the fact that for yet another day he was having to work solo – today’s booking was in the name of Peters- the one about which he’d been having increasing worries and doubts over the last 6 to 8 weeks or so. It hadn’t yet got to the stage where he could take any formal or decisive action on it – and even if it HAD – he honestly wasn’t sure how wise that would be. But hearing this voice – clearly talking into a cellphone – at least temporarily helped banish the concerns from his mind. Firstly it was rare to find anybody around this narrow secluded short-cut path he was taking down to where the boat was moored. Secondly the voice was a familiar one, and the low, urgent tones it was using aroused his curiosity. While he’d often teased Hayley about girls being the worst eavesdroppers and most fond of gossip, in spite of himself he found himself slowly lowering the boxes he was carrying, and edging closer to the stout tree with sweeping green foliage from behind which the voice was coming. Having got a little nearer, he quickly identified the voice with some little surprise as that of Dan Baker. Managing to quite easily swat away the odd scruple of conscience, he became increasingly engrossed in what he was hearing – and his mouth opened steadily wider. This most CERTAINLY threw a different angle on what Hayley had told him earlier….

Peter Baker tapped busily at the keyboard of the computer on his desk at the police station, and gave a slight tut at the information that flashed up on his screen. His research into who the “sleeping partner†at Noah’s Bar might be had become increasingly intricate. An issue which – on the face of it – didn’t appear to be something that should interest him – was now looking increasingly like it did. He’d been alerted by one of his contacts at the bank in Yabbie Creek who’d pointed out to him that significantly large sums of cash were being deposited in the bar’s account – far higher than would be the case for normal business, particularly over the recent autumn months. And – while he was still attempting to find the elusive “smoking gun†beneath it all – everything seemed to keep coming back to none other than Ian Osbourne. On the face of it, all seemed to fit – his association – albeit a chequered one—with Josie Russell – the unhealthy interest he’d displayed in Summer Bay in the past with the whole spy camera issue at the Beach House, plus of course he was one of a very few people locally able to deal in that kind of money. And yet – Peter’s policeman’s mind had never been one for easy solutions, and something scratched at the back of his mind that this might NOT be quite as straightforward as it seemed. AND – the fact that his brother’s name kept drifting into the equation too ---he pushed up his sleeves and returned to the keyboard…

“Well you’d think they’d have called back by NOW !†said Kirsty , moving fretfully around the small room, biting her nails in a return to a habit sje thought she’d conquered in her early teens.

“Just take it EASY Kirst†implored Kane. Looking up from the newspaper he was reading while occupying a shabby-looking armchair in the corner “ Its only about four HOURS since you made that call – and Jess did say something about Sal not being too well, didn’t he ?†Kirsty wasn’t pacified “Yes, yes, but for all we know , that could be something minor, and this is REALLY important ! If we don’t get her to check with the Department on those employment records, Gus could disappear into thin air again, and THEN where would we be ??â€

Kane looked a little thoughtful “So he didn’t say EXACTLY what was wrong with her then ?†Kirsty impatiently brushed aside the enquiry as she leant on the window ledge, looking out on a small adjoining field “No, no she didn’t – to be honest I didn’t see why Jesse didn’t just OK it himself …†She tailed off, not seeing the deepening expression of unease on her husband’s face behind her.

The secret life they’d had to lead since running out on the jail sentence he’d been given courtesy of his father’s amoral approach to life had been bad enough. Therefore he hadn’t wanted to burden Kirsty further with his increasing concern about his own health situation, which was beginning to sound some rather familiar alarm bells…

Matty and Kit had both leapt to their feet when Flynn had signalled to them from the door of the hospital waiting area.

“Now I know you’re not immediate or secondary family, but as the ones who found Ric and organized bringing him here, I think you’re entitled to hear this – let’s head along to Sally’s room..â€

He raised the palm of his hand to parry away the predictable inferno of questions which came his way-

“What’s happening….â€

“…tell us why it’s been so LONG ..â€

“He IS going to be alright, isn’t he….??â€

Flynn strode quickly down the corridor with the girls in tow, Sally and Jesse both looked up in some surprise and with a small undercurrent of guilt as the tense-looking party of three arrived at the door. She’d been starting to outline to him the reasons for her firm opposition to the request from Kirsty and Kane, but the words died unspoken on her tongue.

“Sal, Jess, I know this may sound brutal, but Ric’s had a very bad accident and….â€

“WHAT – how is he…?â€

“Why the hell weren’t we told…?â€

“It all happened extremely quickly – Kit and Matty here found him. We still don’t know what happened, but the top and bottom is we need the operate – and NOW. His spine has been pushed forward , it’s up against some vital organs, and the flow of blood to his brain has been restricted. There’s a certain type of remedial surgery which stands a chance of relieving it – if it works, it’s usually a fine and quick recovery, but I do HAVE to say to you there’s a higher than 50 per cent degree of risk – and that’s where you come in. We need a consent form signed first, and…†, predicting their response he continued “ I KNOW Alf is the next of Kin, but he’s away on a week-long fishing trip – nobody seems to know precisely where, and he’s not answering his phone. Now you two….â€! Sally shot an agonised glance across at Jesse …†…as guardians, would be entitled to give us the go-ahead in Alf’s place …although I can’t hide the risk factor…â€

“Sally you just HAVE to sign it.!!!!†– the agonized cry had burst from Matty’s lips – the sob that knotted her throat sounding ten times its actual volume in the stony silence that had gripped the room…..


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