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shyongirl last won the day on July 12 2014

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  • Favourite Soap Opera
    home and away

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    Says what feel even if I am wrong.

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  1. Sasha was sad. She found it difficult in one episode where she cried with Jett.
  2. He had all the River Boys that was nice as he grew up around them as Brax was the leader.
  3. They showed Maddy crying just before the funeral and it showed her crying and Roo hugging her She was crying because of Josh as he blanked her.
  4. The writers are ruining the fact Maddy misses Casey. I just want her to mention him once. After all they went through together might as well not happened.
  5. Ruby is my favourite and Denny is my second. Him and Sasha were brilliant together through the court case.
  6. Casey had some brilliant stories. The desert was brilliant, before that the breakdown after he killed his father was true genius. The way he reacted was believable. The way he reacted to Tam and Kyle. Him being almost paralysed. The after effects is when he was at his best. His dyslexia was poor. They didn't give him any enough time to come round to it. The way he jumped into managing the gym. He didn't have any help. Yes he had tutors but him and Henrie were the main factor and not him needing extra help.
  7. She and Casey were going to sleep together, they tried to block out Spencer and Tamara together. She saved him when he drank too much. He saved her from the car explosion after they got ran off the road, and she was a mess when she found him and got him help.
  8. It seems Maddy was trying to be a friend to Josh but he made the move on her. I just hate the fact she wants him back and slept with him that makes it harder for her to let go. Why is it all about Josh and not Casey. She was mates with him and he gave her a job.
  9. He seems to be holding it in to keep busy but did say he would bury him then put Jake in the ground so I hope that means before the revenge it will all be about Casey.
  10. Brax brought all the bad into Casey life and will have to live with results of revenge.Jake was his mistake, but Ricky and Kyle were gambles. He is too soft at times and trusting. He wants control and to be looked up to and that is a killer
  11. Same here. I watch one scene or two scenes as extras but some scenes are off limits. No way can I watch it all except when Its on channel five in a few month in the Uk. We will see.
  12. He is holding in his feelings and being strong and keeping busy and quiet and cut off. Its what he does and its fitting but I hope he properly breaks down as we only saw that once and that was when Casey died and he was dragged away.
  13. fave character which is why i am finding it hard him being gone. His last episode he sat there but the look on his face and the fact he needed Brax there and knew he was dying and left him. knew it would hurt Brax, giving up like that which is why he said sorry. What a horrible last moment him knowing it was over and knowing the pain it would cause. What he was leaving behind. All that in his last scene. Ouch my heart
  14. Sobbing screaming and needing to be with Casey, Brax being dragged away was unbelivable. It broke me so much. He is amazing.
  15. Gorgeous scenes between Denny and Casey are heart renching.?
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