After the crystal ball breaks, Melanie has a more mature conversation with Nell and finally gets through to her.

Worried that Levi’s colleagues will upset Amy at the Police Ball, Ned urges them both to call off their plans.

Mackenzie is unnerved by Harlow’s seeming lacking of compassion, negativity, and her demanding.


Terese allows herself one dance with Paul at the Police Ball.

Kyle insists that he’s feeling okay to take Roxy to the Ball, but the nausea strikes.

Levi and Ned get into a bidding war over a holiday for Amy, grabbing the attention of Levi’s co-worker Reuben.


After getting kicked out of the Police Ball, Ned and Levi are blaming each other, and Ned feels emboldened to make one last play for Amy to dump Levi.

Feeling closer to Terese after their dance at the ball, Paul asks if she will try marriage counselling.


When discussions turn to Christmas plans, the parenting trio find themselves at odds.

With Roxy working, Kyle decides to plan the wedding himself, much to Sheila’s concern.

Terese accepts Paul’s proposal of marriage counselling, but during their first session, it’s apparent they each have different goals.


Mackenzie tries to make an effort with Harlow, but Harlow only comes across as aloof.

Roxy worries about her as well, after learning she has been visiting her dad in prison.

Tension reigns in the Tanaka house as the standoff over where everyone wants to be for Christmas continues.


The 2021 Season Finale

Christmas in the Tanaka House gets off to a promising start, despite Jane and Nicolette’s stress about spending the day with Paul.

Desperate to escape her pain, Terese lies to everyone about where she plans to spend Christmas in order to get some time alone.

When Harlow tries to force the private investigator report onto Terese, she tries to throw it away, but a stumble leaves her clinging to the roof of Lassiters.