5* Scraps Early Years…. again!

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Only a few weeks since we announced the news that 5★ were commencing a repeat run of Home and Away episodes from the 2000 season, we’sre disappointed to report that Channel 5 have already decided to discontinue the airings.

Despite the channel informing us that the repeats would air “for the foreseeable future“, the last episodes (2898 & 2899) will air on Friday, a month to the day since they started on 27th August. The gap in the schedule will instead be filled by repeats of the reality series Cowboy Builders.

On approaching Channel 5 for clarification, we were informed that it was a “scheduling decision“, which was likely to be down to viewing figures. Some of our forum members have pointed out that a lack of on-screen advertising may well have been a major contributing factor.

Whilst it’ss come as a shock to viewers that the episodes been scrapped after only four weeks, it hasn’st come as a complete surprise. A repeat run of the same episodes also began in May 2007 on the channel, then named ‘sFive Life‘s, only to be dropped after seven months when they took a break for Christmas.

Discussion of the episodes proved popular on our forum, with other viewers worldwide also joining in the chat with their own memories of the season. Some members had also started listing the storylines that they were looking forward to hopefully seeing over the coming months.

5★ viewers would have soon seen the introductions of Jude & Noah Lawson

The Stewart House is destroyed in the mudslide, one of many storylines anticipated on our forum

As a comparison, Australian channel 7TWO‘ss own repeat run, which started in November 2009, is still going strong as it approaches an impressive four years worth of airings. Starting from the Pilot episode which first aired in January 1988, the repeats have now reached the 1992 season with the 1000th episode due to air in mid-November.

Some of our Twitter followers have been reacting to the news: